The Modern [Machivellian] Prince: Open Letter to Joe Biden.


"There is nothing more expensive than that which is cheap."

-Charles Boone, First Black US City Police Chief, Gary, IN.


So I have some "free" advice for #BBBB2020 in this email and MUCH MORE TO GIVE, if you would meerly grant me a fair amount of the ~$10 trillionth derivative of the United Staes of America's POWER that is the the Almighty Denim DOLLAR in your pocket. $gephillips91 cashtag. "

Tl;Dr: Trump and Biden aren't in the same business. You are in the democracy business. He is in the POWER business. And if you don't realize that soon Joe, then you and I are both going to die painfully a day at a time in prison for the rest of our lives. Or relatively quickly like khashoggi.

I say this as an expert ob the topic, having been partly Khashoggi-ed and Manning-eg for good measure for threatening to Snowden.

Required Reading: Martha Stout's "The Sociopat Next Door." Read it in one sitting. It has saved my life 12 separate times. And I will see to it that it is added to the National Required Reading list for Middle school students if it kills me.

I am a Mentalist 'Path Hunter. Short for SocioPATH. And PsychoPATH. I Am and EmPATH.

Author of the 'Path Series. Children's short stories based on true events and people. Published 'Ben Evol' on this year. Written in 2016.


"Some men just want to watch the world burn."

-Cristopher Nolan, 'The Dark Knight'

All of our lives depend on what I have to say being understood. So I said it the only way a loquacious circumlocuting flibbertigibbet could. AT LENGTH. Fair Warning. And this will be publicly reposted in ever more inventive ways until I get a response through the #denimcurtain that I live behind.

******** BEGIN The Modern [Machiavellian] Prince, by GE Phillips


I am natural born citizen of the United States of America. And technically a citizen of Barbados due to my paternal grandmother (Elon Evelyn's?) birth there. I go by GE [Phillips] when I want to be noticed because it is good SEO. My Legal name is better for being a spook than John Smith because of how unknowingly common it is.

I am a team builder and born organizer with dozens of orgs like #SOLparty #DSA/#SRA/#BLM/#ANTIFA #NAMI #MIA #GATFL #FFW and even #BBBB2020

Also a creative innovation consultant at large and co-op creative director and unicorn tech founder/ceo. And an Internet historian/technology antropologist that dabbles in just about everything.

[Tl;Dr: I keep busy.]

They say that if you are good at something you should never do it for free... but I don't take advice from sociopaths. Anymore. Unless they are independently proven right by one of my sources of unbiased info and advice.

Sapiens don't value "free" very well. Psychologically. It's not in their nature. Everybody wants free, but they don't want it as bad as they want inexpensive. Not cheap. Because there is nothing as expensive as that which is cheap. But if you pay for something, then you respect that a beneficial deal has been struck. I would like to strike a mutually beneficial deal for a dollar. But I will do what I want to do and say what I want to say regardless. But for all our sakes and the sake of world peace, I hope that we can make an economic interaction about this. A deal. Based on trust. And our word. And our conscience.

I believe Joe Biden has a conscience. I believe it's his greatest quality. I believe he is an empath that can often see how others feel. That is also your greatest weakness. And mine as well. We have that In common Joe. And that is why we are doomed to suffer. Like you with Beau, and me with Miranda and Cathy and Sarah. We are made to suffer the pain of love and loss. That hurts us. Pain that tears at us. And makes us weak. Makes us human.

Donald Trump is not human in the way you and I are human. He isn't. He is not weak in the way that you and I are weak. He is a inhuman monster. Made accidentally by God or intentionally by the devil, or unwillingly by Cthylu. It doesn't matter. He in the Biblical sense is the Dragon of Revelation. And I am his Antithesis. I am THE #ANTITRUMP. That is why we need to talk, Joe an I.


But first you'll have to get past the denim curtain that imprisons me.

In my nightmares I am a lamb in wolf's clothing forced by the luck of fate to play the undercover wolf for god's sake to help the Shepard survive a raid by the wolf pack. Revealing myself to be a lamb by helping the shepard, I am torn apart by the wolves. And I don't mind. What I mind is the other lambs that I couldn't save from the other wolves on my mission for the Shepard and his God.

I think you might be the Revalatory Shepard Joe Biden. And you need my help. And my flock of black sheep. Badly. You will need us direly before the end of that old book. And we are in Revelation.

To continue the analogy despite the fact I am not devoutly christian: I have met the antichrist. I have looked deep in her eyes and seen a desert moonscape wasteland of an Earth incapable of ever again sustaining life. We were in bed but never intimate. And I tickled her. She didn't flinch. She just stared. And I saw what I saw. And I shuddered. And I said goodbye. And I ran. That she then made her life goal for 3 years to make me kill myself. She systematically removed all my supports. All my friends. All my aquaintences. She took my life goal to be a doctor. My ivy league college career. My health. My "wife" Sarah. All could be taken. All were leaves and wood to her purging fire of a social assasination fatwah of an inquisition. She took Cathy the love of my life from me. And she did it because it was as close to "fun" as she was capable of experiencing.

You see, angels, demons, demi-gods, demi-demons: they sort of exist and they sort of don't. They're just ways of explaining things. If you were to hear my life story -you would have to be insane to believe it. Literally. You would have to be two standard deviations off the psychological mean to believe it. Or me. I am 2 standard deviations off the neurotypical neurological cognitive scientific DSM mean myself. That's why I hang out with people that are insane, not crazy. Because I am truly insane, not crazy.

ANYONE that has ever or will ever BELIEVE that they can change the world IS INSANE. By the DSM-V and US Judicial court definition. They are grandiose delusional. "Insane". Anybody that believes that they ALONE ARE ACTUALLY changing THE WHOLE WORLD is crazy. Diagnosably. Crazy. It's a crazy thought that the brain can't handle well.

Dare to be insane. Not crazy.

"The definition of insane is believing that you CAN change the world. The definition of crazy is that you alone ARE changing the world. Dare to be insane, not crazy."

-GE Phillips, #GEquotes circa 2015

This country was built by people that were insane for what they did. Piss off the biggest baddest empire the world knew. And take what it didn't want to give. And "free" it. But they had help. And they had each other. We need help. We need each other.

Life, liberty and the free pursuit of happiness for one and for all is a viral PSYOPS idea well crafted and sown and grown till it spread from sea to shining sea.

I have some free advice for #BBBB2020 in this email.

I am a modern Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson of a nation builder. Literally. I am the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) King of Anonymous. Because in the land of the unknown, the known man is king. Or at least I was.

I am the ex CIA applicant and NSA attempted contracter and DHS High Tech Security Needs of 2013 fulfilling inventor of hundreds of things, many of them C4ISR tech and tanks and drones and bombs and guns... some of which can and should and will be used to defend a nervous nascent nation to be founded perhaps with your help. Or without. The choice is yours. I'd love to save this nation from World War III, Civil War 2.0, and my company from the first great Corporate War. But It is too late. That time has passed. I missed my chance. Due to involuntary retirement due to brian washing that took me out of the great game just in time for Hillary to biff it with a decent straight, when Trump cheated to get a Straight Flush. I had a King and Four Ace Horseman of a kind. But the people that knew folded me secretly when I was all in. And i couldn't make the next small blind.

I begged for a patron. Wound up at soup kitchen. Wound up homeless. It turns out a trillion dollar off the books conglomerate corporation doesn't have a sense of humor. Or courtesy. Or heart.

As a patriot disavowed permanently disabled intelligence veteran WORLD CITIZEN sapien. I sold my soul for free. I tried to eat a sin and choked on it. Nearly choked to death. I was wronged. I broke under solitary and torture twice and and trusted the wrong person instead of my gut. And i am still paying for it with a permanent disabilty and the shrapnel the backalley ghetto negligent surgeon never removed. Terrorists are monsters and and monsters are not born. They are made. By systems, my crises, by those that abandon humanity and become something else. Something hungry for friends.



-GE Phillips, #GEquotes circa 2012.

A bit about my history:

I am a Mandalorian Anonymous PSYOPS savant. Self trained. A wordsmith with a legally registered in Indiana 501c3.

I served. Secretly. VERY secretly. Keeping my thumb on the scale. Hacking brains in my spare time.

Fox News. Karl Rove. Paul Rian. Rand Paul. Bernie Sanders. Elizebeth Warren. Just reading my words was enough. Just an idea. A viral idea. The most invasive parasite.

I was raised in hell on earth by a family of autistic borderlines without empathy and sociopaths with no scruples or souls.

I admit all that and what is to come. So that you will know that I have nothing to hide but the bittersweet mote of a soul impossibly STILL capable of unconditional love. My greatest secret. My greatest weakness. My weak point. And I wear it on my sleeve here now in this public place so that can understand what I am struggling to say... In words... And text... due to PTSD? Probably.

Tl;dr: I was chemically lobotomized and almost castrated by court order. For 7 years, starting during 153 days in solitary confinement without sunlight or exercise. One hundred and fifty three mornings and noons and nights ~WITHOUT SUNLIGHT. Tartarus. For daring to give man fire.

Like Alan Turing, I took the deal. Thought it was the path of least resistence. But My mind was taken from me. Sort of. I built the extranet in solitary. A 3D/VR internet browser that runs on every device granting 40 digital ACRES and a digital (dumb customizable diagrammatically programmable AI) MULE to my fellow huddled masses of slaves.

But when I got "released" from Tartarus, I was sent back To Queen Irene's suburban bunker to be kept as a literal familial slave veal to an abusive non sexual Epstein that groomed and controlled everything I did and starved me to teach me lessons in her sick sociopathic way. The FOP were used to keep me a prisoner without rights. As Roshanda from Gary, IN Northlake Methodist Asylum shouted me down while asking to talk to my out of state lawyer: "YOU DONT HAVE ANY RIGHTS!!".

My imprisonment in Tartarus was based on fraud most foul. It was about the money.

My "inheiritance," was about $2100 in ~20 year ~ $20 US Bonds.

My social security underpayments were stolen. My payee was my jailer, Mean Queen Irene. And so I was daedalus forced to build and work and slave in a place he was not allowed to leave. My inheiritance bonds. They were the dove feathers that I like daedalus wove together with my god given wit. And the cast off wax of used candles daedalus saved from the garbage were in my case odds and ends everywhere in my class 4.5 hoarder slave master's suburban house bunker that I helped find, outfit, and maintain for 15 years of an 18 year servitude in Hades. In years 12, 13, and 14 of my 18+ some years of slavery to Queen Irene "Minos" my priceless "Apollolonian chariot" (a priceless forest green saturn SL2 that I bought with sweatshop wages) "arrowhead from Hephaestus" (a 6MM crossman walther cp99) " hermes' lyre from zeus" (a 3/4 repaired unique cello) and "gold sundial from hera" (a gold windup pocketwatch heirloom). All were taken by the the FOP or sold By Queen Irene. All were all taken from me under grave duress and never returned. Along with the sword I made a pommel for with precious Icarus's (Miranda Xavier, my pet toad's) dearly departed grave marker clay. -my favorite "chisel" was not given back to me after an escape attempt and and an accident and police extrodinary renditions. My priceless apollonian chariot was signed over under great duress to zeus (my father) who's "temple" I had nearly died on Xmas renovating in 2010. My priceless lyre (a damaged, repaired 3/4 cello), a gift from zeus was sold for gas money. I was an insolent disobedient slave. And I starved for it.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For 29 years of being abandoned and neglected and doing hard labor and being smothered and starved. I learned the lessons that i am praying I can pass on to you Joe Biden.

I am sociopath hunter. I can sort of smell them. I read their pupil dialation when I talk to them. I can hear their heart beat or feel it with a touch. I can Turing test them or Voit Kanf Test them. I see them and they see me. I see right throught them because I have my mothers eyes. They hate me because I have my father's voice. A voice that names their sins in public. I have run afoul of serial killers and angels of death nurses and dirty cops and sick spies.

I am a mentalist path hunter. And I am on a mission to save the galaxy from people like Donald J Trump

He is man that would rape the world and burn it to ash if only to stand atop the pile as king of the cinder.

You need to prepare yourself for the (EMP?) apocalypse Joe Biden. Because its not so much about preventing Armageddon, as it is about surviving it.

Me and my black sheep? My SOL SQUADS? My CyberWarfare Corps? My Socialist Rifle Association? My @pollos Apostles? My Democratic Socialists of America? My Social Occupation Libertarian party? My 64 Social[ist] States of America? My United Hacker Nation? My InfinidrOne Industries?

We are already locked in a civil war for our lives and livelihoods with the cyberpunk corpocracy that is Trump's United States of Freedom.

We just haven't started shooting back... yet. At least not on your or my street.

They're gassing us on broadway. They're torturing us is back rooms. There's a knee on our neck. And it belongs to master mastercard and mistress visa and the terrorist organization known as the Fraternal Order of Police. FOP.

I am the grandson of the First Black Police Chief, Charles Boone. He's 90. He marched and protected Dr. King when he came to Gary. And even he says Fuck the Police, no justice no peace.

It's time for a redress of grievences as the constitution calls for. A Third Continental Congress.

Because I think we need an American Divorce. Separate the Blue from the Red States. Trade. Stay economically involved. Split the purple states by congressional districts

My indecent proposal:


Because in my opinion this union is doomed. Trump knows that. He doomed it. And whether it's Joe and Kamala leading these (not so) United States of America to limp forward with an fractured indoctrinated military and Forever President Trump ruling from his ivory tower or his Resort...

Grieviences need to be redressed. Or things that can never unhappen will happen.

AOC and the squad and I can take our ball and go home. If its not on fire from hellfire missles and stryker tanks. Having a hot war with defense distributed gun mills and Dagny Daggers with the United States of Freedom is not what I want. But me and mine will defend ourselves as only free (wo)men can.

"Armed Minorities Are Harder to opress."


"And you should be happy that what we want is equality and not revenge."

-a mad black woman whose name escapes me

Go with God Joe. Go with God.

-Greg GE Phillips, author of the 2012 "Declaration of Independents" and Founder of the Social Occupation Libertarian party. Inceptor of the 64 Social States of America. Architect of the Deep State's SOL Contingency. Possible Future Policy Maker. Mandalore of the United Hacker Nation. Mutually Assured Destruction King of Anonymous.

Hopefully Secretary of the Internet (new cabinet position). Or chief of staff for AOC's Presidency of the 64 Social States of America after you Obama/Hillary 2016 this up.

In sum, if you want to win the POWER game, you have to PLAY the power game. And you Joe Biden will declare yourself president after the "election" regardless of the "results". Or Donald Trump will be the #lastamericanpresident. Period. I guarantee it.

Do it for Beau. I did this for Miranda.

********END The 'Modern [Machiavellian] Prince' by GE Phillips****