>>>>>>>>HUNTING // UNTILL I FOUND HER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


It took mark some moment to process the question and couldn't provide answers, Dieko was so surprise to marks reactions, even still she couldn't figure out what has made mark felt so bad in the question she asked. There was an uncontrollably tears rolled out of marks eye.

Mark could not control his emotions in front of is old friend, mark felt so disappointed in himself. Dieko told mark that's not the end of the world, that girl does not deserve you. why because she doesn't have the Idea of how much you worth more, because you are too perfect to be captured under her, she does not deserve you.

Mark looked up to dieko and smiled saying "that's true", All the girls in this world are girls, but only few can be faithful and trustworthy to own a guys heart, others are just girls and girls,

Just because a girl broke your heart doesn't means another girl can not Amend it up again,

"Mark" You just gat to be stronger, everyday we meet with different people, but most people don't deserve us, you need to learn from your mistakes and make sure you don't fall back into it again, be stronger, be wiser, be intelligent, and never give up. Life is a risk and we need to take some risk , so never give up even when we fall short, yo o

Mark felt so encouraged and stronger with his friends advice, Mark and his friend had some drinks and mark suggested to collect dieko contacts, they both exchanged contracts and address. Then dieko promised to visit mark in his house during weekend.

Michael, Samuel and Clement sighted mark and noticed he was busy gistting with a girl, two hours later. Michael, Samuel and Clement went to meet mark and his old friend, they both introduced themselves, Michael could recall dieko's face and she remembered his face too.

Dieko's face

Mark was so excited to meet dieko and her friends to, it was around 2:40am when mark and his brother with his friends returned back home,

Mr Andrew and Mrs Florian sat at the doorstep waiting for their children to return back home,

Mark step out of the car and saw his mother, he smiled and went to greeted her " welcome back home my children, how was the party" ? Mr Andrew asked Amazingly. Everyone smiled and gisted about their experiences. Mark couldn't sleep over night he couldn't believe who he met at the party,

He was unable to believe he could ever set his eye on dieko again,

It was on Saturday morning, when dieko visited marks house and his family. Mark was so excited, surprised and amazed. He could not control his emotion gratitude, he was so happy and gave his friend a very tight hug, even in the present of his mom and dad.

Mark introduced his old friend to his family and brother. They offered her a drink.

Mark and dieko started a gist, from the point they left each other while they were young, till they are well grown up,

But during the conversation, mark noticed his friend had a boyfriend, and that made mark felt bad again. Dieko spent hours with mark gistting, but when it was in the evening when dieko decided to leave, mark followed her till she found a bus going to her location. Then he returned back home.







"You haven't found that girl mark, not dieko there is a girl somewhere waiting for you"

A friend is a friend

A family is a family

A girlfriend is a girlfriend

And A boyfriend is a boyfriend.

So stop making that mistake by mixing them together.