Returning home (14)

As soon as Razta made up his decision, all the other goblins made up their minds.

They didn't really hesitate when they heard that they would start the fight against the unknown monsters.

The only reason why they took so much time in deciding was that they didn't have any authority at all.

In other words, they were just waiting for Razta to make his decision and declare his intentions to the other goblins.

That was how goblins respected the hierarchy they had in a goblin village.

No...this was how Dawn's goblins respected each other.

After all, these goblins didn't really know anything about each other.

And the only reason why they were allies was because of Dawn, who was their king.

If Dawn were to be taken out of the picture, there's no doubt that these goblins would go on their own way.

It was then.