"It feels like I've been away for a long time." Dawn said as he looked at the far distance.
Although it seems like it has indeed been a long time since he was in the village, it was definitely not.
After all, he was only gone for about a day. All those battles that happened only transpired within the time span of a day.
What's more, the battles that made Dawn become a Count were also just a few days ago.
It was crazy if you think about how slow time passes.
However, to Dawn, it felt like it has already been a few months ever since he battled with the Warmen.
After all, his sense of time was warped when he was having that dream.
What's more, all those battles that he fought felt extremely long.
It was reasonable to think that it has been a long time for him, even though it hasn't.
"By the way, Karkas. You said that the wolf that Razta and the others fought escaped?"