
"What is your desire?" asked a mighty queen in an arrogant tone.

"Death," the man before her replied immediately.

She was not surprised, in fact, she smiled evilly.

"And is that why you pulled me out from the eternal darkness?"

He nodded.

"I don't buy it," she narrowed her beautiful purple eyes. "Why me?"

"Because you want ultimate power and I can give you that," he spoke as if it was the casual thing in the universe.

But she was confused.

Everyone wants ultimate power.

"Why not take it for yourself?"

A simple yet an important question.

Why would he not take that power for himself?

It did not make sense to her.

"That, my queen," his red eyes flared in this absolute darkness which had no concept of light, "is a secret."

"Hm," she was not amused.

However, the other being in front of her did not care.

Unlike her, he was amused.

"「Absolute Wish」, 「The World」, 「Narrative」, 「The Dragon」, 「Null」, 「Arosus」, and 「Nazar」… What do you know about them?"

She bit her lip as she thought about those words.

Only two of them sounded similar.

"The most prominent aspects of creation."

Deep down, she felt pain like no other.

She was not part of the list and that angered her.

"Let the battle for 「Omnipotence」 begin."

And a cold crackle of laughter rang out throughout the dark place.

"May the winner take it all."


"SO, THE ENDGAME NEARS," spoke a being who was bigger than everything and smaller than an atom.