Chapter 3 - Voice

Planet Yamer:

It was a beautiful world with very tall buildings and advanced technology.

People weren't powerful, so they made up for that weakness with knowledge.

These people who looked like humans were frail but they were not scared of anything in the cosmos. They were part of a bigger empire.

An empire ruled by a man who can annihilate worlds with just a thought.

They felt safe.

They felt happy.


Today was different.

All of a sudden, in the east of this planet, they all heard a loud landing sound.

It shook the whole world but the east side felt it more.

Buildings started to shake.


A child asked his mother who was walking beside him on a footpath. There were not many people around.

It was evening but it didn't matter since at the east of the planet at this time, the night is only 3 hours long. So, the sun is always up.


She nodded as she confirmed that.

She felt safe. She didn't have to worry.

Why would they? A god is personally watching them from a castle.

But then something happened. Something that shook this mother's heart.

The mother saw a horde of people running towards them.

She looked around in confusion.

She couldn't see much because of the tall buildings but…


She heard one of them shouting.

So, she took her child's hand and turned around.

They went in the opposite direction.

A fallen building was a rare case. Even before Nazar was ruling over them, it was a peaceful nation and had been for thousands of years. So, something like this felt out of place.

So, she took her child with her and slowly started to run away.

She didn't want to take her chances with it.

As they were slowly running away, the mother looked back slightly.

But she made a mistake. She wanted to check if it was true.

As she looked back, she saw a building start to fall over.

Her mind went blank due to fear and horror.

Then she saw another building fall.


She prayed but did a god hear it?


She heard a sonic boom.

She looked up and saw a figure landing near the destroyed building.

So, yes. Of course, he did. A god heard her. But it wasn't the god she prayed too. It was a human who rules above her with kindness and love. He is a god too. But different to the one she prayed to.

She was slowly running away but she was not scared at all.

Because Nazar was here.

He flew towards the flying buildings and held his palm towards it.


He waved his hand and the destroyed buildings were fixed again.

Those destroyed buildings started to rebuild itself.

As it was being rebuilt, Nazar saw people falling down.


So, he placed a barrier around all of them.

He moved around the buildings that were being rebuilt and managed to save them all by placing barriers around them or using his speed.

He caught the ones falling and placed them on the ground.

Once he was done with that, he received a communication transmission from Baros.

He immediately answered it.

"We will help with saving the civil--"

Baros trailed off because Nazar shouted in surprise.

"Oh shit!"

He shouted because he saw something.

Hundreds of energy beams shot towards the buildings.

A deafening sound rang out.

Nazar raised his hands on reflex and immediately created telekinetic shields. A shield appeared around every single building for a few miles.

The energy beams hit the shield but the shield wasn't powerful enough. So, it started to crack a little.

So, he created a force field that was much stronger than his telekinetic shield.

However, for some reasons, it was still not enough for the hundreds of energy beams.

"Woah. It doesn't feel like pure demonic magic. There is something else mixed into it."

So, Nazar did something else.

He redirected all those energy beams towards the empty space. Nazar used the shields as a way to calculate the exact offensive output of the beams. And then redirect it.

(I fucking love vector Manipulation!)

He exhaled slowly once the beams were deflected and these buildings were safe.

If these buildings were destroyed, people would have been killed and Nazar doesn't want that.

Nazar also used that opportunity to figure outs its speed.

Once he had the right calculations, he used his vector manipulation to redirect those beams towards the empty space.

Nazar let out a sigh of relief once he found out those buildings and people inside it were safe.

"Phew. That offensive power… Damn."

Nazar then tapped his right chest twice and a small holographic screen appeared before it.

"- Your majesty? -" A voice from the screen said.

"Keep the civilian safe," Nazar said.

"- Okay. Reinforcements will be there in 30 seconds. -"


The screen then soon vanished.

Nazar was floating above the edge of the city and a dust storm was coming towards them.

(I could make it disappear with my erasure power… but there is a big risk of getting rid of something else in the way. That power is too unpredictable.) Nazar thought. (But who is doing this? The magic feels off. It's demonic but also a mix of angelic magic? And also normal magic from the third dimensional plane of existence? And what the hell? Why can't I sense them? They should be right here, right?)

Demonic magic is magic that is used and created by the demons. Angelic magic is a loose term that refers to magic used and created by demons.

And 'normal' magic refers to magic created in the 3rd dimensional plane of existence - in other words, this universe.

The price of the magic is one of the biggest differences between these three forms of magic. Furthermore, another difference is power. Angelic magic is a little weaker compared angelic magic because it's closer to the 3rd dimensional plane of existence. And because demonic magic doesn't have limits. Someone could die from using this magic but angelic magic would stop working for the user once they reach a limit. It won't kill the user no matter what.

"Tch," Nazar clicked his tongue again in annoyance.

He looked back and saw a few supersonic jets coming towards him. They were thousands of miles away but Nazar could see them.

"- Your majesty? -"

A static like voice came out of his chest.


"- There is someone among those buildings but we cannot detect them properly. -"

"Yeah, I kind of noticed it too."

Even though they were speaking in their language, he could hear it in English because it was automatically being translated.

"- Then shall we go in? -"


In a matter of a few seconds, the jets were very close.

He could hear the sound barrier being broken.

They didn't get the chance to see this person for themselves.

It is because all of a sudden, someone appeared before Nazar.

"A demon…? No, it a mix of something else…"

Nazar tried to analyse its DNA.

He couldn't exactly see their face or their shape.

He could just feel their energies.

Others could see this being but Nazar couldn't.

He sucked in a breath.

"A human?"

"Hoho. Did you figure it out?"

He heard a voice. A voice of a woman but it was filled with hate, anger and pride.

It felt like it was coming from so many different directions.

But Nazar noticed something odd about it. It sounded rather similar.

"What…? Ho--"

Before he could finish, something happened.

This person before him punched him in the stomach and was thrown through a building.

He flew through a tall building and if he continues to do so, it will collapse and everyone will die.

So, he tried to recover and save those people.


That person appeared and punched him through another building. Then appeared behind him and kicked him through another one.

This person flew down and caught Nazar by his neck.

Before he could even get a good look at this person, they threw Nazar towards space.

("Focus on saving those people.")

He sent a telepathic message while being thrown towards space at an unimaginable speed.

In less than a second, he found himself millions of miles away from the city.


Down on planet Yamer:

Baros and Lian both heard Nazar's message.

They nodded.

Baros closed his eyes and two wings made of white energy appeared behind him.

As soon as it did, he flew down from the very tall building.

Lian walked closer to the edge of the roof.

"Hm… Where should I start?"

Lian tapped her left chest twice and her clothes changed.

It changed from casual clothes to a black skin-tight armour.

The armour resembled leather but it was much more durable than that.

From the top of the roof, she jumped down.

It was one of the tallest buildings but she jumped out of it as if it was nothing.

She doesn't have any special powers like Nazar.

However, she has skills. She could save the fall from this height easily but she was going to use another method.

She was free falling from a building that was a few hundred meters tall.

While she was falling down, she tapped her right chest twice and a small screen appeared.


She was talking to the pilots of the supersonic jets.

"< - B-but… - >"

She received a reply from one of them.

They seemed confused.


"< - O-okay… - >"




She let out an exasperated sigh after that.

She was still falling very fast.


She wasn't worried about her falling this fast but she was more worried about how to save those people.

She narrowed her eyes and started to chant a spell.

As she did that, a green magical circle appeared below her.

And so, she fell right through it.

She disappeared and then reappeared on the ground in an instant.

As she did, she saw a building falling.

That building was not far from here. But even if she went there, she will be pretty useless.

So, she did something else.

She was going to help the people here.

She stood on the footpath and then closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, arrows started to appear all around the falling building for a mile or so.

Next to those arrows, writing appeared too.

Those arrows were illusions created by Lian to let the people know where it is safe and which route to take.

There was also a massive arrow that was pointing up. It looks like something out of a game.

The arrow was made of green energy it was around 100 meters tall and 10 meters wide, so it was not easily missed.

And all the other arrows eventually pointed to this spot.

Once Lian was sure that arrows had appeared in their places, she opened her eyes and relaxed a little.

(Now then… Let's see if I can go and help some people.)

Lian then teleported herself next to the building.

She could have come here and at first and did it from here but she wanted to examine that other area to see if it was close by and if it was easily accessible.

Once she arrived nearly the falling building, she found out that it was still not fallen. It was bent and looked like it was about to collapse any second.

She knew the reason for it.


She saw Baros who looked like he was struggling.

His sword was stabbed into the ground and it was emitting a form of bright white energy.

That energy was travelling into the ground and also into the buildings close by.

(Oh, so he slowed down the fall of the buildings?)

She went closer to Baros and found him struggling.





Lian started to look worried.

"" She shouted in surprise.


Baros was not sure where she got the spell part from.




Baros forced a smile.


Lian's eyes widened.


Baros, who was still holding down his sword with both of his hands and emitting strong energy into the ground using the sword, forced his head to nod.


Lian looked up as she went closer to Baros and placed her hand on the sword.

As she did, she started emanating magical energy into the sword too.

Baros slowly looked up too.

They saw a figure above them who appeared very small.

But they knew who it was.

This figure looked like she was floating in the air.

"" Lian muttered to herself.

But that was not all.

She had already teleported every single person out to a safe distance.

But that was not all.

She was right now rebuilding the buildings.

If these buildings were to fall down, the nearby buildings would get damaged. And then the chaos would spread and people will die.

So, she was rebuilding the buildings.

She was following Baros and Lian's energy and was using it as a guide.

She used that energy to find the faults in the buildings and fix them all.

She saw the buildings that looked like they were going to collapse any second, was now starting to go back to its original form.

It was not going to collapse and it was no longer bent.

Both of them relaxed a little once the building was safe.

This world had been in peace, so even a loss of a few hundred could be considered a significant loss.

Baros and Lian exchanged glances.

"I wonder what that thing was," Baros said slowly.


Nazar was floating in space for a few seconds before he recovered.

Once he did, he immediately raised his hands to his eyes and covered it because the sun was shining very brightly.

"I thought you were stronger than this."

Nazar's heart skipped a beat when he heard this voice behind him.

He had a little time to think about it.

He was sure now.

Nazar knew this voice well.

"That voice..."

He finally noticed something.

"You still haven't figured out?"

Whoever she was, she punched him in the stomach again. Her hand went right through his stomach.

She pulled her hand out and punched him in the chest.

Her hand went right through it.

He coughed blood.

But he wasn't worried about his wound.

He was worried about this person before him.

"It… can't be…"