Chapter 16 - Result

Chapter 16 - Miscalculation - Part 6

Manchester, UK:

Inside a retail store, a beautiful and busty woman with red hair and green eyes was unloading the delivery at the back of the store.

As she was doing that, a small box started to fall.


She immediately held her palm towards it and the box stopped falling.


She exhaled in relief once she saw the box was floating in the air. She then used her power to place the box slowly on the ground.

"Telekinesis, I presume?"

She heard a voice from behind her.

She looked back and saw a figure made of pure white light.

"Wh-who are you?"

"I am the guy that gave you your power."

"O-oh. Well, thanks. I am Katie Campbell. Who are you?"

"You're welcome. And I am a god."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and let out a small laugh.

What she didn't notice was that the box had fallen to the ground now.


Nazar was not sure what was funny.

"I really thought that the whole thing was a joke."

Nazar looked closely at her emotions and she seemed happy.

"Where do you stand in the spectrum of evil and good?"


She was not sure what Nazar was asking.

She blinked her eyes a few times in confusion.

"I guess nowhere? Maybe in the middle."

"Oh okay. I see--"

"If you gave me these powers, can you help me use it better?"

Nazar had been asked a similar question earlier today as well.

"Ion will help you."

Unlike Haru, she didn't seem very excited about it.

"How will he help?"

"He also has psychic powers."

Her eyes widened in surprise as she loosened her arms.

"Wait, seriously? I thought he had similar powers to Superman?"

"Haha no. He has psychic powers. Telepathy and telekinesis."

She nodded her head in awe.

"So, he will help you out. Soon. He will also help the other superhumans soon."

"Ooooooh that's so cool," she said out loud in excitement.

She wanted to ask another question but Nazar had already left.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

In the morning, Jose Santos was sitting in her classroom.

There was no teacher in the class, so everyone was talking to themselves.

However, she was sitting in a corner alone.

Nazar appeared before her but no one else seemed to have noticed him.


The girl looked at him in surprise once she heard that artificial voice coming from the light.

She looked at Nazar in horror.


Jose's breathing became heavier and heavier.

She struggled to breathe.

Her eyes twitched furiously as she tried to understand this creature before her.

Not trying to terrify her even more, Nazar vanished into thin air.

The girl looked around and couldn't see the pure white figure anymore.

She was still breathing heavily but it was starting to get better.


Pretoria, South Africa:

Leaving Rio de Janeiro, Nazar appeared in Pretoria.

He appeared in front of a young man and a skinny man who was sitting on the riverbank of a small river in the middle of the city.

Once Nazar appeared before the young man, he jumped back a little because of surprise.


The young man known as Arno places a hand on his chest as he breathed heavily.



Still breathing heavily, Arno asked, ""


Not understanding what Nazar said, Arno didn't think too hard about it and moved on.




It looked like Arno had regained his posture.

He then looked around.


As he was looking around, he saw a small stick.


He got up and went closer to it.

Nazar followed him.

Once Arno was close, he held his palm towards the stick.


Not knowing how to answer immediately, Nazar started to think.

(Hmm… Our powers work differently. Mine is based around calculations so I am not sure if the same applies to him.)


Nazar himself was not sure what he was trying to say but Arno could not tell since Nazar's voice didn't show any emotions.


Arno looked at the stick closely.

He seemed very excited.

Despite his excitement, he looked at it very carefully.

He was staring at it for a half a minute.


As he said that, the stick vanished.


He was not sure so himself.


The surprised yet excited Arno's face became serious.


Arno gulped.


Arno shook his head slowly.




Hesitant Arno lowered his gaze.



"" Arno said as he smiled widely.




Arno was taken back a little by the question, so he thought about it.



Arno had no idea what Nazar was saying.

Before Arno could ask Nazar, he had already vanished into thin air.


Hong Kong, China:

A petite woman with long black hair and brown eyes, Zhi Yan, was sitting with her wet clothes on in her tub, when all of a sudden, Nazar in his white form appeared before her.

As soon as she saw him, her shoulders jumped.






"" She said as she tilted her head a little.


Hearing that question, she smiled.



She nodded.


Not knowing what he was saying, she tilted her head in confusion.

"Interesting. I was hoping for 50/50 between good and evil," Nazar muttered to himself. "I didn't expect neutral and failure. So, in the final result, I found out that I miscalculated the human race. Why couldn't it be just good and evil?"


"" he said as he vanished into thin air.



Appearing above the skies of Plymouth, England, Nazar took his normal form.

(I could mind wipe them and don't have to explain shit...)

He shook his head.

(If I tell them now, it would make things easier in the future… I think.)

He took a deep breath.

"I guess it's time..."

He was looking down at a massive state below him. It was located at the edge of the city, near the beach.

Looking at it from above, Nazar could tell that this state's radius was at least 2 KM. This was his parent's state. The state had a big house in it. It was a 2 storey house that spans hundreds of meters. Next to the house was a big pool. Near the house was another facility. That was a 6 storey building. It was an advance scientific lab created by his parents and currently run by his brother, Aeron.

This was the place Nazar and his siblings were raised in.

He slowly landed on top of the 2 storey house and smiled.

"I don't know why…"

He noticed that his heart was beating very fast.

"But this is getting a little exciting... or maybe scary?"

He phased through the roof and found himself in the living room.

Once he appeared in the living room, he found it empty.

It was a large room with multiple sofas in it and a massive TV.

"Oh shit, Emma is in Chias."

Nazar waved his hand and five confused people appeared in the room.

One of the five people were Emma.

"What the…?" Emma said in surprise.

They looked around and saw Nazar.

Another was a short red haired girl with blue eyes. She was Aria Lorre, Nazar's cousin.

Next to her was a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black suit and a lab coat. He was Aeron Hall, his brother. Aeron seemed very tired as he had bags under his eyes.

Besides Aeron was a woman in her early 50s with blonde hair and green eyes. She had wrinkles on her face. That was Nazar's mother, Aya Hall.

Near her was an old man in his early 50s with black hair and grey eyes. There was some white hair mixed in his black hair. He also had wrinkles on his face. He was James Hall, Nazar's father.

Not knowing what's going on, the found confused people looked at one another in confusion. Emma knew what was up now. She knew that Nazar had teleported her here so she was excited on the inside but didn't show it on her face.

"Please take a seat," Nazar said.

They did as Nazar said and sat down on the sofa. They had no idea what was going on. They were suddenly teleported to their living room and saw Nazar who looked different than usual.

In his human form, he is not as muscular as he is now. In this form, he also looks very energetic compared to his human form.

"Soooo… are you going to explain yourself?" Emma said as she saw the confused people around her.

Nazar took another deep breath and sat on the floor.

"Do you want to know why I have the name 'Nazar'? Or why I have white hair and red eyes? Or why my skin tone is different than the rest of you?"

"What is the fuck is going on?" Aeron said.

"Just wait a minute," Nazar sounded angry. "That's what I am trying to do here."

Nazar and Aeron didn't get along for most of their lives. Aeron hated the fact that Nazar was always secretive and kept his distance away from them.

Seeing that, Emma rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Nazar, we are listening."

"To explain my story and what just happened right now..."

Nazar's eyes narrowed.

"I need to go to the beginning of everything."

Their eyes widened in surprise and gulped.

"Before the creation of everything."