CHAPTER 26: All Is Out

  All is out

   All is in the open

   All I've ever wanted to keep

   Inside the Red Keep

   Now it's been in the open.

   I was told that

   We were born naked

   And the rest is pride.

   Why am I not proud

   Now that

   All is out.

Is it possible to turn to stone? Or can I transform into a statue? That way I won't have to answer him, actually I won't be obliged to talk to anyone anymore.

I am hoping that the longer we stay silent and just staring at each other, I won't have to talk to him. We're just going to stand there until the night is over and the horror will be gone with it too.

I really want to believe that Andrew will let it go if I don't move, he will forget about it if we don't move. I should just close my eyes and give myself to the night's darkness.