CHAPTER 40: Winds Of Winter

Shame can be so may things, in so many shapes and under so many faces. This time it's a situation.

Although, I am feeling ashamed of what things have came to. It could've been better, our lives could've been way more beautiful if I was a little bit braver.

I am standing here, in this new room to me and picturing a better turn of events in our tragic lives. If just I've been more defiant to this fucked up reality.

"Don't do this, please" I plead for him to just open the door and let me go on my way.

Yet, he's just eyeing me too closely. From my head to toe and my heart is racing crazy.

"I'm not actually doing anything, do I?" Adrian crosses his hands over his chest, stressing me even more.

He already hid the keys into his pants pocket, so now I have no way to get out of his room without his consent.