CHAPTER 51: A Mind Player (Part 2)

"I am listening to you, Jess. But for me, it sounds irrelevant that you had a thing with your betrothed's brother as long as you really LOVE you betrothed. Don't you think so?" Gabe insists on his senseless point of view. With a look full of confidence and knowledge.

"You won't be having that same confident posture if you were in my place, trust me. That's why you won't understand what I'm feeling, neither the contradictory thoughts in my mind that it's all I have for now" I say to him, with a disappointed look.

"So tell me, Jess. What is it like to have them both at the same place as you? What does feel like to look at them into their eyes, knowing that one of them is your first love and the other is the one you're suppose to be in love with? More importantly, How do you feel when you're three all together and suddenly it crosses your mind that their actual brothers?" He asks in a rush. His eyes never leaving mine.