CHAPTER 91: In Their Eyes

Adrian's POV:

Everyone fucking hates me. They all fucking hate me and I know it well. I can see it in their eyes every time they look at when I open my fucking mouth, every fucked up word I say makes them want to kill me and then they could have a peaceful world without me in it, even if sometimes they fucking know that I don't mean shit of I truly say.

I have a feeling that they all wish if I was never born and grew up to be this fucked up piece of shit that they're dying to have out of their fucking fake lives once and for all. 

They lay their fucking eyes on me and see an ugly disgusting monster dressed up as a spoiled rich handsome young man, and honestly I can't fucking blame them at all. Yet, I have a thing or two to tell them about the fucked up unfair way they look at me; I have some things to enlighten them about.