Chapter 1

White House, President office room

James James P. Jackson, son of Michael P. Jackson, was doing a lot of paperwork he received from economic company, military service, and Atlas Corp. To his honesty, he hate doing paperwork on his own. The companies did their great job, but as for him, he just feeling tired so he just need a coffee to keep him awake for a long hour. The door opens to see a adult man wearing dark tailor suits with a blue necktie walking toward him. His face is shaved, the hair is dark color and his eyes are light blue. His name is Steve Madison. He is a secretary of defense. He is a bloodline of James Madison and very good friend of James Washington. He stopped near in front of him seeing he's very tired of paperwork so he said.

Steve: I see that you're very tired of paperwork, Mr. President.

James: Yes, it's very tired indeed. I would like to stop being a president one day and go to normal life. And please, drop the formalities. We've been know each other before.

Steve: Hehehe... Of course, we are.

James finished his paperwork and lean back on his chair.

James: I see you didn't come here for conversation.

Steve: Nope. I'm come here to have report from intelligent team in Area 11, better formerly known as Japan.

Steve press a button on James' desk to turn on a hologram screen showing one of the building is smoking and a getaway truck trying to escape from Britannian pursuit forces.

Steve: According to reports from intelligent team, the Japanese resistance stole a capsule which for Britannian military believes it's a poison gas though it was cover up. That capsule contains a human being inside.

James: A capsule contains a human being. How dreadful they are taking a will of a human. Tell me more about it.

Steve: Yes sir. The intel that we stole from the enemy have a secret organization called Code R Research Team. Apparently, nobody know about this organization, especially to Imperial Britannian Family.

James: So who are the members of the organization.

Steve switched a screen of two pictures of Clovis la Britannia an Gen. Bartley Asprius.

Steve: These are two people know about the organization. The founder of the organization was prince himself, Clovis la Britannia. The other one is Gen. Bartley Asprius.

James: A viceroy and founder of Code R. Now that's seem new.

Steve: That's not all. There's the files about a human inside a capsule is a young girl. Here.

He switched a screen of a green-long haired girl strapped on prisoner outfit.

Steve: This girl right here has no name. The only name we know calling herself CC.

James: CC? That's weird name you come up with.

He drank a coffee before Steve explains more about her.

Steve: It's also report that Code R is studying about Geass. Also, she is an immortal.

This make James spit out the coffee from his mouth shocking to hear that one.

James: What?! So they planning, what? Create an army of Geass soldiers!

Steve: That we're not sure yet. Sir, she is the most important person possessed Geass and if they retrieved her, who knows what's going happen soon.

James clenched his fists on the table before he calming down. He takes a deep breath as he said to him.

James: Mr. Madison, I want to deploy troops to find and retrieve the capsule or a girl named CC as a first priority. Also, where's the truck now?

Steve switched a screen to see a truck got attacked by a sutherland shooting at the front of the vehicle and went to the road leading to Shinjuku ghetto.

Steve: They headed to Shinjuku ghetto. If Britannia is planning to...

James: Prince Clovis ordered to massacre the ghetto, leaving no witnesses. That bastard. Second priority is protecting the civilians, regardless they're Britannians caught in ghetto or Japaneses. Do whatever it takes.

Steve: Yes sir. I'll inform the military right away.


After the truck exploded itself at underground tunnel of Shinjuku ghetto, leaving Lelouch and CC escape from Clovis royal guards. They have failed to retrieve the girl so they have to report to their superiors.

G1 Mobile Base

Clovis, Gen. Bartley, and the staff officers are stationed at outside the ghetto to find a capsule and a girl wanted by Code R Research Team. Hearing from royal guard, Bartley wasn't happy to hear it.

Bartley: They got away?! And you call yourselves the royal guard?!

Royal Guard (radio): Forgive me, my lord! The blast was mainly directed upwards, but the-

Bartley: Why the hell do you think I only told you people about this?!

Royal Guard (radio): W– We'll continue the investigation.

Clovis: The plan has moved forward to the next phase.

Bartley: But, but Your Highness!

Clovis: If knowledge of her gets out, I'll be disinherited. Tell them back home we're carrying out a planned urban renewal here.

He stands up from a chair as he giving order to his forces.

Clovis: As Clovis, third prince of the empire, I command you. Destroy Shinjuku Ghetto! Leave no one alive!

Bartley & staff officers: Yes, Your Highness!


Shinjuku Ghetto

Britannian army went to kill every Japanese known as Elevens by following a prince's orders. The Japanese run for their lives as most of unlucky ones were killed by Britannian military forces. The resistance trying to protect the people from Britannians but they are outmatched against them.

Somewhere in the ghetto, a portal opens to see 5 Ion titans, 3 Legion titans, 300 Marines, 25 FIL marines, 2 blast troopers, and 1 Ronin prime titan. A Ronin prime titan was piloting by a young man named Oscar Martinus, a Britannian who is a commoner and he was taken in by SRA when his parents died in car accident nowhere to go to stay and the nobles are spitting him for being worthless commoner. He has seen the corruption of his own nation and see treated people from Area as Numbers like they are not human. When he was taking to Planet Installation, things has change him so much. He was surprising the American colonists who lost Washington rebellion have survived and establish independent nation. After he understood the SRA history, he's thinking that Americans would end the war on earth so he join the military when he graduated the academy to fight for Sovereignty Republic of America. Now, he is a young soldier joining Foreign Independence Legion to fight alongside with American military force. Oscar got radio contact from his leader squad named Capt. John P. Johnson and he is African-American. He said through every radio from his units.

Johnson (radio): Listen up, men! We got some job to do. Our mission is to protect the civilians from those motherfucking Britans. They're gonna clean up the place with blood on Japanese for easy job. Well, we aren't gonna sit here and watch them killing them. Oh no, sir. I will not let it on my watch! Time to show them what the real soldiers fighting. Oorah?

Oscar: OORAH!

All SRA soldiers & pilots: OORAH!

Johnson (radio): Good! Move out, men!

Oscar ready the controller to move out when Ronin prime AI also called himself RT-0921 said to him on the radio communication.

RT (radio): Ready to fight against your own country?

Oscar: Yes. Britannia has very corrupt methods throughout the years. The nobility, honorary system, Area system, all of them must be abolished and bring to the end of all war.

RT (radio): Please, calm your anger. It won't achieve it if you keep hatred towards your own country for revenge. Focus the mission, Pilot.

Oscar: Understood. Let's roll out!

Oscar's titan follows his units as they proceed to protect the Japanese from Britannians.

Johnson piloting Legion titan spotted three sutherlands gunning down the fleeing Japanese.

Johnson: Bastards! Now you'll pay for it!

Johnson's titan fires at three sutherlands at once using predator cannon then he saw another sutherland that spotted him. Before he could react, Johnson rapidly fire at the enemy knightmare, destroying a sutherland into the pieces and killing a pilot inside the cockpit. His units went in to take down the Britannians.

The Japanese people are trapped in dead end as Britannian soldiers pointing guns at them and they're about to kill them.

Japanese male civilian: Please! Don't kill us!

Britannian soldier: Ha! Pleading Eleven aren't worth of mercy.

Then suddenly, Britannian soldiers were shot at the behind and drop dead on the ground as SRA marines came in time. The Japanese are shocked they save their lives. SRA sergeant said to them in Japanese.

SRA sergeant (Japanese): You, get out of here! My men will take you to safety. Move!

The Japanese civilians nodded his response as they were taking by SRA marines.

Ion titans destroyed Britannian forces on every direction as Japaneses were escorted to safety by SRA infantry forces. SRA marine fires MAHEM rocket launcher at enemy sutherland. Britannians are taking surprised of unknown forces defending the Elevens and killing their comrades.

Britannian soldier 1: Who are they!

He said before he was shot and exploded by Ion titan.

Britannian soldier 2: These strange knightmares are tearing us apart!

Britannian soldier 3: Where did they come from?!

They said as they were obliterated by Legion titan. Oscar's titan run through as he slices few of sutherlands using a broadsword then he switched to Leadwell to take down 2 Britannian tanks. The Japanese civilians are watching them fighting are amazed they defending them from Britannians. Blast troopers destroys both ground and air forces around the ghetto. Johnson put through his predator cannon into sutherland chest and shoot it. He and his units continue fighting them until they save the Japanese. The SRA force continues to tear down Britannian forces like they made of papers.


G1 Mobile Base

Bartley: We lost a lot more forces at both northwestern and northeastern!

Britannian staff officer 1: How the Elevens able to fight back with mere numbers?!

Britannian staff officer 2: Sir Glaubey has ejected! His unit's been lost!

Britannian staff officer 3: We lost Sir Kenebly units on northeastern!

Bartley: Change our codes, they're intercepting our transmission.

Britannian staff officer 1: We already have sir, four times!

Bartley: Do it again.

Clovis angrily stands up for seeing his forces are beaten by Elevens.

Clovis: This failure is unacceptable!

Bartley: Forgive me, Your Highness.

A Britannian scientist named Lloyd Asplund appear on the screen his expression calm and smile towards Bartley and other staff officers.

Llyod (screen): Good afternoon.

Bartley: What is it? We're in the middle of an operation.

Llyod (screen): I say it's time to deploy the special weapon.

Clovis: We've no time for this right now.


Other side of Shinjuku ghetto

Sutherlands piloting by Naoto resistance follow orders from Lelouch Lamperouge aka Lelouch vi Britannia to take down enemy forces. He said on the radio to his new forces.

Lelouch (talking to a radio): R2, fire anchor.

Japanese sutherland fires slash harken at Britannian VTOL gunship.

Lelouch (talking to a radio): B7, use UN ordinance.

Another Japanese sutherland blast at Britannian APC.

Lelouch (talking to a radio): N group, you'll continue your advance.

The Japanese resistance group release their cries as they firing at enemy sutherlands forward.

Sutherland pilot (speaker): You bloody Eleven!

They said as they were defeated by number of Japanese resistance sutherlands.

Japanese resistance fighter 1: Hell yeah! We're doing it!

Japanese resistance fighter 2: With that guy on our side, we will win!

One of sutherland named Ohgi was proud to have someone helping them to coordinate the attack despite the unknown caller. Then, he got an attention on Ronin prime Titan slices on three Britannian sutherlands that are no match for his skills and then he went away from the scene.

Ohgi: What the? What kind of knightmare is that?

Before he could investigate of strange unknown knightmare, a radio call him.

Lelouch (radio): Fall back. I want you all to fall back and regroup.

Ohgi: R-Right! Everyone, regroup!

The resistance fighters follows him to fall back and regroup according to caller's coordinated. His mind is spinning of what he saw a knightmare back there.

Ohgi (thoughts): What did I saw back there? Am I see an illusion? Not now, Ohgi. I have to focus to win this battle.


G-1 mobile base

Britannian staff officer: We just lost Laslo's Squad.

Clovis: So do it. We'll have to bring up Quincey's squad.

Bartley: My Lord, that will break the encirclement. And what about those attack our forces from both northwest and northeast.

Clovis: Don't question my strategy, Gen. Bartley! All for we can sure is focus on main terrorist on that point. As for unknown guest, send someone available to attack them.


Somewhere in other side of Shinjuku ghetto

Oscar's titan jumps down as he destroys Britannian tank that aims at his fellow comrades. Johnson performs execution on Britannian sutherland as he finish it off. Oscar's titan walks to his ranking officer after he cuts in half of enemy sutherland attempt to attack him on close-combat. He opens the cockpit as well as Johnson open his cockpit too. He said to his ranking officer.

Oscar: Sir! It's done. All enemy forces have been eliminated.

RT: There are some headed to that point in the center of the map in the ghetto.

Johnson: Is that so? That must be the resistance. Identify me, LT.

LT: Scanning... They identified themselves as Naoto resistance. A leader named Naoto Kōzuki, a real identity is Naoto Stadtfeld, he's half-blooded Britannian and half-blooded Japanese. Unfortunately, he was killed by Britannian authority under Prince Clovis ruled. This makes Ohgi Kaname to be a next leader. His sister, Kallen Stadtfeld aka Kallen Kōzuki joins the resistance after hearing her brother's death.

Oscar: I feel sorry for them losing their current leader.

Johnson: Well, there's nothing we can do. The other forces at other side have clear out the enemy and taking Japanese to safety. We'll wait until we have orders to retreat and complete the mission. In the meantime, continue defending the Japanese.

Oscar: On it!

RT: Yes sir.

Oscar went back to the cockpit as two Titans goes separate ways to continue the fight.


Shijuku underground.

A group of "Ghost" black-op forces and 3 Tone titans goes down into the underground for location of a capsule. Their leader holding a location device to follow the narrow point to the capsule.

Ghost leader: Come on, we're almost there.

He said. Unfortunately, when they get there, they see both truck and a capsule was destroyed by an explosion.

Ghost leader: Shit... Have you detect any lifeforms?

Tone AI: Scanning... No lifeforms detected.

Ghost leader: Oh, just great.

He radio contact to HQ operator as he said.

Ghost leader: HQ, this is Ghost Team 2. The capsule and a girl are gone. They're being exploded. I repeat, the capsule and a girl are gone.

HQ operator (radio): Roger that. Head back to the surface and retreat for now.

Ghost leader: Copy. Let's go, boys!

He and his units retreated to the surface.


Johnson: Understood, sir.

He said to the radio contact as he finished off the enemy sutherland. He radio contact to every unit as he said.

Johnson: This is Capt. Johnson, time to move out. Our work here is done. Let the resistance handle it here.

Oscar heard the radio is ready to move out for retreat when RT stopped for a reason.

Oscar: Huh? What's wrong?

RT: I'm detecting a new knightmare model on this area. Marking on HUDS.

Oscar look up the HUDS and saw the new model knightmare come appears and beaten the resistance's sutherlands one by one with amazing skills he have never seen before.

Oscar: He's tearing them apart– Captain, RT have detecting new knightmare model. Patching on your HUDS.

Johnson (radio): I see there... We'll inform his to the superior once we get back.

Oscar then saw a sutherland piloting by Lelouch was caught and his arm was badly hurt and trying to escape from new knightmare model called The Lancelot.

Oscar: Sir, I see a sutherland probably to be one of Naoto resistance is trying to escape from that enemy knightmare. Permission to engage, sir.

Johnson (radio): Negative. We don't want to engage someone that might discover our existence.

Oscar: I know, sir. But I cannot let him killed by that knightmare. Please, sir!

Johnson (radio): *Sigh* You are a stubborn boy– Alright, you have my permission. Just finish it so we can head back to Installation.

Oscar was happy to hear his captain have his permission to engage hostile knightmare.

Oscar: Thank you, sir. Let's go, RT!

RT: Roger, Pilot.

Oscar's titan sprint towards the direction where both Lelouch's sutherland and Lancelot engaged each other.

Lelouch tried to evade as he shoot back at him, but Lancelot dodge quickly and continues to pursue him. Lelouch fires at the building to make it collateral damage on the Lancelot. A Japanese young man named Suzaku Kururugi piloting Lancelot seeing a knightmare firing at the building.

Suzaku: Bastard. He's tearing things up for no reason!

Then, he saw a woman holding her baby is falling down to her doom. Lancelot goes to save a woman when Oscar's titan came to save her first.

Suzaku: Huh?! What the-

Lancelot is landing on the ground and turn to see Ronin prime Titan gently down a woman and a baby and tell her to run. After that, Oscar's titan look directly at the Lancelot.

Suzaku: What is that?

He said with a surprise expression on his face. Oscar's titan draws out a broadsword and ready to fight him.

Oscar: Alright, whoever you are. Time to face me!

He launch himself as he goes to attack Lancelot.

Suzaku: Even so, I can win it!

He said as he blocked the attack and push him away. Oscar's titan move fast on each side as Lancelot tries to hit him. Lancelot launch slash harkens at him, but Oscar's titan move quickly to dodge the attack.

Suzaku: What!

Oscar's titan move towards him as he tried to slashing at him with a broadsword. Lancelot goes to stab through him, but Oscar won't fall for that so he used phase dash to get through at the behind and then be cuts the torso in half.

Suzaku: No way!

Oscar's titan cuts on both arms and a head, leaving the body on the ground. Oscar wanted to kill him but he has no time for that so he went back to his units. Suzaku was completely shocked of what just happened there. There's no explanation for him of what he had encountered.

Suzaku: What is that... thing. No knightmare can defeat Lancelot with such skills.

Meanwhile, Lelouch just saw a strange knightmare is leaving the area and not finish off the new knightmare model. He was curious of what it is, but he had other things to be taken care of.

Lelouch: Such amazing skills that knightmare is able to defeat that monster. Hm, I like see that knightmare soon when we meet one day.

He said as he ejected the cockpit from a knightmare.


Llyod saw what happened to his knightmare he built as it was completely damaged by unknown enemy.

Llyod: Oh my god! What has done to my knightmare!!! Pvt. Kururugi would pay for that.

Cecile was stunned that their Lancelot was easily defeated. It was just a first built knightmare model, but no one have manage to defeat it.

Cecile: I wonder... Who can defeat Lancelot with such skills?


On top of the building, a squad of Ghost black-ops are stationed there as surveillance drones come back from the battlefield that recording the massacre of Shinjuku Ghetto ordered by Prince Clovis.

Ghost black-op leader: Is that everything?

Ghost black-op: Yes sir. Everything is recorded.

Ghost black-op leader: Good. Grab your things and move out.

They packing up the stuffs and went out the building. They teleported back to their world and send it to the headquarter.


SRA meeting room

Pres. James and the others are gathering the meeting after their mission is succeeded. However, they didn't get succeeded to get a capsule containing CC. James has to said to everyone in the meeting.

James: My fellow Americans, it was successful mission. The Japanese we saved in the ghetto thanked us and wanted to live here.

A Vice President named Peter P. Adams, a bloodline of Samuel Adams, said to him.

Peter: Indeed, sir. However, the reports says that a girl from a capsule is gone.

Frowning, James lean back to the chair. He replied.

James: I know, Vice President. However, I feel something is not right.

A director of Atlas Corp. named Wills Iron attended the meeting. Apparently, the last children of Thomas Paine don't want to become the next leader of Atlas Corp and decide to have a different job so Wills Iron will take over the organization to continue the legacy. He said to him.

Iron: What do you mean, Mr. President?

James: I mean, have anyone check it there?

Steve: They didn't check there, Mr. President. We confirmed that she's dead.

James: Well, to me, I don't believe she's dead. She must've manage to escape before the truck blows up.

Peter: Are you certain, sir?

James: Yes. Although, now she is on the run, it will be long before Britannians will capture her again. I want every agent to find her before they do.

Peter: Yes sir.

James: Good. I guess we're done here-

The door burst open to see Steve Madison come to the room and gain his attention from the president and other staff members.

Iron: What's going on here?

Steve: Sorry, sir. But you should see this.

He said. He press a button to turn on the holographic screen to see a news that shocked to everyone in the room.

Britannian newswoman (screen): This is a breaking news to all of us in Area 11, that our beloving viceroy, Prince Clovis La Britannia, has been killed inside his G1 mobile base. We're not sure what happened and how he died there, but it was confirmed that someone has entering the mobile base without guards stopping a suspect and kill a prince of holy britannian empire. The investigate still on going as they will not stop for nothing until a suspect will brought to justice.

James was leaning back on a chair and he just said.

James: Damn, now that is something we didn't expected.