Chapter 2

Cowboy's Joy bar, New Texas city

Every soldier were from the mission comes back to celebrate the victory. The FILs are also come to celebrate as well. Oscar was hanging out with three best friends.

One is 20-years old blonde Britannian boy named Keshly Faustus. He was once a young boy born in a commoner and have hard life since the nobles are seeing them as low ranking class citizen. He saw a truth of how they badly to treat Numbers like they aren't even human. He was taken in by SRA and place to his new home to Planet Installation where all men are equal, unlike Britannia. He was shocked to discover the American colonists have survived and flee to this world, thanks to Saka leading them to be free before his last dying wish. He joins Foreign Independent Legion only for one purpose: End of all war by defeated Britannia. He become a best friend of Oscar since he joined the military.

A 19-years old short brown-haired Chinese girl named Ling Liu. She have hated the Chinese Federation because poverty and starvation to some of her people that doesn't receive food from the government. Her nation may be at war against Holy Britannian Empire, but she does not have a loyal heart to the government, only to her people. She and her family was taken in by SRA and send them to The Installation. They likely to become American immigrants for better treatment and good place for new home so she then join the military to protect her family and pledge loyal to SRA. She have study to hacking skills to steal enemy intels and plans to use it against them. She have met them as they get along each other since they know their reasons of defecting the Britannia.

Lastly, a 25-years old dark haired American young man named Danny H. Wright. He was a tough boy who have dealing with bullies in school, even he have to use violence to protect the weakl and he was sent to the principal sometimes. After he graduated the college, he went to join the military to fight for his country and then become friends with Oscar and the others.

They enjoyed themselves as they hanging each other for a quite of time. Oscar was a first to say to his friends.

Oscar: So guys, how's your mission there?

Danny: It's tough. But I'm tougher. Anyway, Keshly and I were in Euro-Britannia where we destroyed the refinery and supply structures to decrease the resources and knightmares.

Keshly: Actually, I was go to stealth plan, but instead he decided to attack in gun blazing on the enemy.

Danny: Well, it did work, right?

Keshly: Indeed. But next time, try not to be so reckless. Someday, it'll be your fault that would put a bullet on your head.

Danny: Heh. They don't scare me.

Ling: Hmph. We'll see about that.

Oscar: What about you, Ling. Did you have a mission back on earth.

Ling: I was in Africa where me and my units defend the village from Britannians. Those guys are murdering just for that order.

Keshly: Britannia are the worse enemy in the world. Not to mention that they don't care about their lives.

Danny: But you're a Britannian.

Keshly: I left that one long ago, Danny. Besides, Oscar has a same thing.

Oscar: Yep. But let's not get our heads to think about it. Let's enjoy ourselves until we go back to work. What do you say, guys?

Ling: Yep!

Danny: We're with ya, pal.

Keshly was nodded him with a smile. They drank up the beers and enjoying at the bar.


Senate Council

Pres. James is in the senate council to discuss with the senators about the event of Prince Clovis's death. He see that they are discussing louder about this situation until he tell them to stop and then he said to them.

James: Senators, I know we have reported that Prince Clovis was killed in the G1 mobile base.

SRA senator 1: Mr. President, what should we do that the viceroy is gone, a new one will replace him and take over the power the Japan.

SRA senator 2: Not only that, but there are casualties on every men, women, and children of Japanese slaughtered like sheeps by Britannians. This will not go unpunished to them.

James: Which is why we must be ready when the time has come. We did save them.

SRA Japanese senator: But my people have mourning their losses and demands justice to Britannia Empire. They wanted revenge.

James: Revenge as we wanted from long time ago. But we must not let our vengeance cloud our minds. Do that and we will no better than Britannia or other superpower nations did to their actions.

A Japanese senator sits down and understood his words since he is a wise person and trusted to American leader.

James: Now then, there might be possibility that new viceroy will be one of imperial family members that is ruthless, determination, and most of all, disgust to Numbers.

SRA senator 3: And that would be?

James: According to my spies, it's says that Princess Cornelia will be take her brother's place to secure Japan in check. And, she will destroy every Japanese resistance with her swift skills which they entitles her as Goddess of Victory.

The senators are murmured about Cornelia who have few victories in her campaigns.

James: In that time, when I get a signal, we'll sent the entire army from our world to earth to defeat Britannia Empire once and for all. All I matter is to those who take like of my idea.

Spokesman: If you like to agree the president idea, please raise your hand.

Most of the senators raised their hands to accept his idea.

James: Good. That will be all.


President office room

He returns to his president office room as he sits down and try to relax to remove frustration. Once he's done relaxing he calls Irons on the hologram screen as he said.

James: Mr. Irons, do you have the recordings?

Irons (screen): Yes sir.

James: All of them?

Irons (screen): Absolutely.

James: Good. What about the spies in Japan. Do they receive reports?

Irons (screen): The spies tells me they identified the one who lead Naoto's resistance. Not only that, we track someone we know exactly who he was.

James: He? Who's he?

Irons (screen): See it for yourself.

He shows the screen of a Britannian boy wearing a student uniform. James recognized the face of a boy that was being reported by his agents.

ames put up a smile on his face to know who's guiding the resistance to victory.

James: Lelouch vi Britannia. I knew something on him.

Irons (screen): He goes by his alias, Lelouch Lamperouge. Although his identity didn't quite convincing to hide away from his empire since the exile.

James: And I suppose that Nunnally was with him too.

Irons (screen): Yes.

James: Where is he now?

Irons (screen): At the Ashford Academy. Ruben K. Ashford is the one putting them to safe way from Britannia authorities. Since they're good friends with Marianne vi Britannia, they'll do anything for her children. But it was only a matter of time before one of Ashford family will spill out the secrets of Marianne's children they hiding them to the authorities so they can have nobility rank back.

James: *Sigh* This is why I hate nobility so much. Sending the agents there would be easily suspicious so I got an idea for that. I need four spies to stay in that academy.

He opens on another hologram screen showing the records of Oscar and his friends with pictures on it.

James: And I know exactly who shall I sent there.


Oscar and his friends are having fun when a group of CIA agents came in the bar to them. An agent leader named Adele T. Armstrong, she is German-American woman joining the CIA. Her father is an American and her mother is a German. She has her mother's German accent and her father's tongue. they love each other and give birth to a child named Adele. She is very quite skillful fighter and know how to break anyone's minds to get the information from the enemy. She joins the CIA agency to show loyalty to the SRA. She walks on Oscar and the others as she said.

Adele: SSgt. Martinus, 1stSgt. Faustus, Specialist Liu, and Sgt. Wright.

Oscar: That's us.

Adele: I am Adele T. Armstrong. I'm from the CIA. You four need to come with us.

Ling: Huh? What for?

Adele: Classified. We'll brief you once we get there.

Four of them are looking at each other's faces before they accepted to come with her.


Area 11, prison cell

Suzaku Kururugi was being accused by Britannian Purist faction as they going to use him as a scapegoat to cover up and get rid of Honorary Britannian once and for all. He wasn't feel ashamed of what's happening back there. But he never killed Prince Clovis on his hands, not to mention someone did it. But it won't matter for the Pureblood as they going to execute him for murder which he never committed. A Britannian scientist named Llyod came down to talk to him as he said.

Llyod: Congratulations! Those two you asked me about weren't on the list of casualties.

Suzaku: That's good to hear.

Llyod: But don't forget that you damaged the Lancelot. My knightmare.

Suzaku: You have to believe that something I encountered that wasn't a knightmare.

Lloyd: Oh really? Are you saying a person without a knightmare just take on a Lancelot on its own?

Suzaku: No. It's something else. I'm not sure what just happened back there.

He remembers in Shinjuku ghetto as he is chasing an enemy knightmare when he detects a Japanese woman carrying a baby falling to her death and tried to save them only someone to save them first then they fight each other until Lancelot was beaten by unknown mechanized combat robot.

Llyod: Well, it doesn't matter what you saw back there. What the matter is you may be getting a trial. No one is pulling for you certainly.

Suzaku: But the courts are where the truth comes to light.

Llyod: I'm sorry to say but the truth is scarce of late.

He bows down his head an he just said.

Suzaku: If that's how the world works, then so be it. I've no regret.


Outskirt of the ghetto

On the rooftop of a wrecked building, a five men of Atlas elites are equipped with exo-skeletons and camouflage suits as they are waiting for a signal. Their leader got contact from a spy as he said.

Atlas elite leader: This is Delta Bat Leader, what's the word.

SRA spy (comms): Former Prince Lelouch was leaving the academy undetected wearing some kind of a costume. I think he's headed to the train. My other spy has also report that a band of Japanese resistance are headed to the train for meeting him.

Atlas elite leader: Understood. Over and out.

He turns off the comms. He removes the helmet and show them to his face. His name is John Drelick. He said to his men.

Drelick: Alright, men. Once the train goes to this point, we fly over there and see what are they planning. Understood?

All Atlas elites: Yes sir!

Drelick: Good! There! Here it comes.

He see a train coming headed to this direction. It is a bit fast as they waiting for a signal.

Drelick: Wait, wait... Now go!

He shouted. He and his men are equipped with jetpacks as they flew there silently toward the train. They activates the camouflages and use magnet gloves to stuck on the walls. They move to the left side carefully not to let go or get hit by any objects pass by. They reaching to the point where they can see them meeting with a masked figure wearing a cape that kinda look like a vampire cape. They reached to the tunnel as it getting dark.

Drelick: Turn on the night vision.

They turn on the nigh vision to see in the dark.

Drelick: Place on a sound transmitter device.

Atlas elite: Yes sir.

He place a sound transmitter device on the window as it turn it on to hear the conversation them from the other side.

Kallen (radio): Well, was that you in Shinjuku? Was that case ceasefire your doing?

Yoshida (radio): Hey, we're talking to you.

??? (radio): What do you think of my tour at the settlement?

Ohgi (radio): Your tour?

Yoshida (radio): Come on, there is no way it was this joker.

??? (radio): I wanted you to fully grasp the two, the settlement and the ghetto.

Ohgi (radio): Yeah, we know. There is a difference between us and them. A very harsh one. And that's why we resist them.

??? (radio): You are wrong. Britannian will not fall to terrorism.

Ohgi (radio): Fall?

??? (radio): It's a little bit better than childish nuisance.

Yoshida (radio): What was that? You call us a bunch of kids.

??? (radio): You should know your enemy. It is not people, but Britannia itself. It is a war you must wage, but not on the innocent. Take up your sword! Fight for justice!

Kallen (radio): Oh please. That's all easy enough to say, isn't it? Hiding behind that mask... why should we even trust you?

Yoshida (radio): She's right! Lose the mask!

Ohgi (radio): Right. Are you going to show us your face or not?

Atlas elite 1: They seem like they don't completely trust that guy.

Atlas elite 2: Yeah. Just because he saved them from the ghetto just once, it doesn't mean they can trust a guy who wearing a mask and a costume that kinda look like vampire knockoff.

Drelick: Shh! Quiet!

Both Atlas elites: Yes sir.

They continue listening the conversation from inside the train.

??? (radio): Very well, I'll show you. But rather than my face, bear witness to my power. If I deliver to you the impossible, then I might have earned your trust.

Afterward, they remove a device as they got the recordings. The train is out of the tunnel as they flew away from the train.


Atlas Headquarter, Irons' office room

Wills Irons was listening the conversation that Drelick and his squad recording it from Japanese meeting with masked figure. After he listening everything he heard, he came to his plan that he's going to do about it.

Irons: So they planning to save Suzaku Kururugi. I have to report it to the CIA, military headquarters, and the president right away.


Area 11 city

Suzaku was on the moving vehicle with two Britannian soldiers guarding him. He's headed to the execution ground as the Britannian people gathered on the road to say worse names to him for killing Prince Clovis, which he never committed his act.

On the rooftop, Drelick and his elite team are on the sniper positions to look at them directly in the distance. He see Suzaku wearing a white prisoner clothes and an electric-collar that prevent him speak out on the scope. They equipped with silenced sniper rifles to avoid making a loud noise when firing the target. But they're not gonna do a sniping mission instead they putting the surveillance for good reason.

Drelick: This is Delta Bat Leader, we are on sniping position. We'll keep an eye look out on Japanese to intervened them.

Atlas operator (comms): Remember, no firing unless it was necessary when they see you. But also aid them when your call.

Drelick: Roger that.

He turns off the comms.

Atlas elite: Sir! I spotted a vehicle headed there.

Drelick look at the scope of what appears to be Prince Clovis' car headed towards Jeremiah's group.

Drelick: I see it.

Atlas elite: Order, sir.

Drelick: Keep eye on that vehicle. That's gonna be the ones from the train.

Jeremiah spoke out at the vehicle.

Jeremiah: You dare desecrate His Highness's transport? Come out of there.

The Britannia flag just burn out to reveal a masked figure on top of the vehicle.

Then, a masked figure just said to Jeremiah and the entire people.

Zero: I am Zero.

Back to the rooftop, Drelick and his elite squad has got to his name Zero. He contact to the HQ.

Drelick: This is Delta Bat Leader, the masked figure identified himself as Zero. I repeat, his name is Zero.

Atlas operator (comms): My spies got his name too. Now, time for phase 2.

Drelick smirked as their plan is about to unleash the truth to the world.

Back to the road, Jeremiah and the others are pointing guns at him as he said.

Jeremiah: I've seen enough, Zero. This little show of yours is over. First things first. Why don't you lose that mask?

Zero is raising his hand as he snapped the finger and then the box was collapsed of what reveal to be a gas capsule, which is a fake poison gas. Everyone are shocked and terrified at the gas capsule.

Jeremiah: What in the...!?

Villetta: Jeremiah, be careful, he's got the...

Lelouch (thoughts): Yes, Jeremiah. You never saw inside this thing. So you assume it holds poison gas.

Suzaku tried to speak out but he was electrified by a collar that prevent him to speak.

Announcer (speaker): Can all of you watching at home see this? It's some sort of device, although its purpose is unclear. Stay with us and we'll see if this so-called terrorist has anything to say.

Jeremiah: You bastard! He's taken every Britannian here hostage, and he's done it without them even knowing it.

He said with a shocking expression. He pointing a gun at him just before Zero said to him.

Lelouch: You intend to shoot? I think you know full well what will happen if you do.

Jeremiah is willing to shoot him and save the people, but he won't risk to accidentally shoot a gas capsule so he give in and said to a masked figure.

Jeremiah: Fine, what are your demands?

Lelouch: An exchange. This, for Kururugi.

Jeremiah: Like hell. He's charged with high treason for murdering a prince.

I can't hand him over.

Unknown to both of them, a man named Diethard came with a video camera and look directly at Zero as he is about to say.

Lelouch: No. You're mistaken, Jeremiah. He's no murderer. The man who killed Clovis was myself.

Everyone in the crowd are deeply shocked the real murderer of Clovis was none other than Zero himself.


Cecile and Llyod are watching on the screen. She was shocked while he was amusing to hear from Zero.

Cecile: Unbelievable!

Lloyd: The real culprit, hey.


Announcer (speaker): What? What does this mean? This masked man called Zero-

Suddenly, the announcer speaker was cut off the speaker. Everyone, including Zero and the others just caught in surprised of what happened to announcer voice broadcast to the world. Then suddenly, a new voice which all of the media by unknown hacker have been intercepted. A voice just said to entire people.

Voice of Truth (speaker): People to the world. I am Voice of Truth. We don't lie, we don't hide the truth from the people.

Villeta: What the?!

Jeremiah: What is this!

Diethard call the news crew on the phone as he said.

Diethard: What's going on?

Media crewmember (on phone): Something has happening here. We can't stop it.

Diethard: What!


Naoto's resistance hideout

Minami: Wait. What's going on?

Inoue: Voice of Truth? That something new.

Tamaki: What? It doesn't make sense!


JLF base

JLF soldier 1: Voice of Truth? What is that mean?

JLF soldier 2: I don't know. But I'm certainly that something is going on.

Tohdoh, Lieutenant Colonel of Japan Liberation Front has saw what's going on the broadcast. He feel something is going to happen today.


Voice of Truth (speaker): Hear me, people. For I will tell you a truth of what occurs of the event of Shinjuku ghetto that your beloving Prince Clovis and Gen. Bartley involved there.

Lelouch (thoughts): Shinjuku ghetto? Wait, don't tell me-

Voice of Truth (speaker): Yes. I'll show you what you have witness on what happened that day. Let your eyes open and watch on screen.

The screen shows as every both Britannians and Japaneses watched. The screen shows the Britannian forces under command of Prince Clovis are slaughtering every men, women, and children with no regards of their lives. The Britannian knightmares, VTOL gunships, APCs, and tanks shooting down on every Japanese that tries to escape only to be ended up dead. The entire world are shocked to their core to witness what they saw. Most of Britannian citizens are heartbroken when they saw Britannian soldier executed a Japanese woman carrying her baby from running away of her life. The Purist group are in deep trouble as the truth the media company tries to keep it was revealed to entire world on live broadcast. The voice continued.

Voice of Truth (speaker): I have also show you the Prince Clovis has reason to order of massacre the innocent Japaneses in the ghetto.

The screen shows Prince Clovis and anyone involves were caught on the security camera which they hack into the system.

Bartley (screen): They got away?! And you call yourselves the Royal Guard?!

Royal Guard (radio): Forgive me, my lord! The blast was mainly directed upwards, but the–

Bartley (screen): Why the hell do you think I only told you people about this?!

Royal Guard (radio): W- We'll continue the investigation!

Clovis (screen): The plan has moved forward to the next phase.

Bartley (screen): But, but Your Highness...!

Clovis (screen): If knowledge of her gets out, I'll be disinherited. Tell them back home we're carrying out a planned urban renewal here. As Clovis, third prince of the empire, I command you! Destroy Shinjuku Ghetto! Leave no one alive!

Bartley and all staff officers (screen) : Yes, Your Highness!

Everyone are completely shocked that their beloving prince has ordered to massacre the people in the ghetto. The Japanese have watched the broadcast are very angry and wanted him dead but Zero have killed him first. Not only that, EU, Chinese Federation, Middle East Federation, including SRA saw what happened on live and they are really angry of what he has done to those poor people in the ghetto.

Voice of Truth (speaker): Prince Clovis was like an actor to fool people like you to believe him. He lied to you all. There was no poison gas. It was a covered up. He fear that he will be disinherited when the press finds out of his actions. The media company supports him has also involved as they change a story to make it propaganda to fool human minds. The nobles may also involve as well since they're supporting to Prince Murderer as well. The Purist Faction has also there too. The empire has lied to all of you for the past these years to make sure their nobility ranks won't be astonished. It's time to rise up, Britannian commoners. For today, you will be question if you're still loyal to the empire that has lied to you or you can rise up against your master and bring down the empire by your hands. This is Voice of Truth, signing off...

And with that, the voice just disappeared and the system went back to normal. Most of Britannian citizens starting to rushed in as they like going to attack them in full force. The purist sutherlands are hesitating to shoot their fellow Britannians, but seeing they saw the truth of Shinjuku ghetto, they turn against them. The police force and knightpolices arrived to stop them.

Villetta: This is bad! Our people...

Kewell: They're turning on us!

Jeremiah: Shit! This is getting worse!

While they're distracting from Britannian citizens starting to attack the police force, Zero no time to delay as he detonated the detonator to release a purple smoke from a capsule.

Purist pilot 1: What's going on!

Purist plito 2: I can't see Zero anywhere.

Jeremiah: Zero? Zero!

Suzaku was blind and cough in the cloud of smoke until Zero comes out to him.

Suzaku: Who the hell- Argh!

He was shocked by electrical collar that prevented him to speak.

Zero: As I thought, they didn't allow you to speak.

He said. He grabbed him as they get out of the jeep. Zero, Kallen, and Suzaku are jumping off the bridge and caught on the net thanks to Ohgi piloting a knightmare.

Ohgi: It worked. Now we can-

Suddenly, his knightmare was shot down by Kewell's knightmare and the cockpit ejected to safety.

Kewell: You won't get away, Elevens!

Back to the rooftop, Drelick just saw they are in trouble by Purist sutherland.

Drelick: This is Delta Bat Leader, it looks like they're in trouble. Request to aid them secretly.

Atlas operator (comms): Acknowledged.

Drelick: You! Fire at that knightmare.

Atlas elite: Yes sir!

He gets Spartan SA3 launcher and directly fire at Kewell's sutherland and he was got hit.

Kewell: What the hell?! Who firing at me?!

He shouted. His sutherland is falling from the side of the bridge. The train moves out of sight of the scene. They able to escape before Jeremiah and his units tried to stop them.

Drelick: Heh. Good work, boys. Time to go.

All Atlas elites: Sir!

Drelick and his elites went off the rooftop and disappeared from the scene.

Meanwhile, Diethard have saw the knightmare was shot by what appears to be rocket launcher. He was feeling satisfaction as he has witnessed the scene he never been in his life to see such amazing escape attempts by Zero. But what he don't know is who is Voice of Truth. Where did hee comes from? How did he pull it off? The questions is very unknown to him, but he will find out soon.

Diethard: Remarkable. This is the best scene I've ever seen. Ohh, I will find out who fires the rockets launcher to save Zero and his accomplices soom enough.

He said. He returns to media trailer to focus on the job.


President Office Room

Wills Irons comes in the room to see Pres. James Jackson. He said to him.

Irons: Mr. President, you seemed happy to be Voice of Truth, huh?

The Voice of Truth was none other than James Jackson himself. He had planned to expose the truth to not only Area 11, but also to the world. He shows smirking smile on his face because of his ego side. He said to him.

James: Everyone need to learn the truth of Britannia dark uncovered secrets.

Irons: And so, your idea is becoming an ego side known as Voice of Truth.

James: That's right. Now the entire world knows truth of what Clovis they believe him and the massacre of Shinjuku ghetto, it becomes clear the every nation of earth are retaliate against Britannia Empire. Tell me, about Japan?

Irons: Well sir, every Britannian citizens are starting to give humanitarian aid to every ghetto and go against nobles who are supporting Prince Clovis. As for that prince, Britannians are now calling him 'Prince of Murder'. That sounds good to fit for his title, eh?

James: 'Yep. This is a first stage of our plan. Turning their own people against them is a best way to destroy the empire from within. What about this new masked figure Zero? Anything know about him and where is he now?

Irons: The spies reports that they identified him is none other than Lelouch Lamperouge also known as Lelouch vi Britannia. As for location, they're at the abandoned stadium where he tries to convince Suzaku to join his side. But it didn't work at all.

James: And what's that he refused to join him?

Irons: Let's just say he wanted to change from within as he said, according to my agent following their tracks. He just let him go and Suzaku is headed to the court for court marshal.

James: Hmm... He is an idealist believing he could change from within. That would be too impossible to change from within.

Irons: He's an idealistic fool, Mr. President. He could be a threat to our entire operation we work for.

James: Now, now, let's not get panic here. We still continue the operation as we work for. Tell the spies to keep an eye for him. Also, has the team in Area 11?

Irons: Yes sir. They will attend the school tomorrow. We'll also hacked the system to make them part of Ashford Academy students.

James: Good. They will watching on both Lelouch and Nunnally. I want them to inform to CIA right when they have information about them.

Irons: Yes sir.

He leaves the room to do his work. James leans back on the chair and open the holographic colored planet earth to watching them. He look at the North America that his people once called home and taken away by British Empire which is now Holy Britannian Empire. He place on the holographic globe on North America continent with a smile on his face.

James: We will have our homeland. Don't worry, we will come back home soon.