Wedding approval and years later

Knowing Yūko or known as Destino736, was like knowing a mixture of mom and the sentimental part of Dong, was very beautiful and very knew in all senses, although it was the largest only for months of Soi, was newly married to a great Wizard, she was just as beautiful as mom in his youth and that made me feel calm, made me feel very comfortable to arrive at his home, Cesarc's mother was very beautiful as his name was Misaki, that reminded a girl with that name, but imagined that was not his real name, the mother of Césarc was very similar to him, so I understood that Sakura, Soi and Yūko were equal to their parents, as only male son his father put all faith in him without caring if he was the last son or he could not marry before his sisters or later, to hear that literally of Mr. Ideki was something that made me blush, Yūko and his mother did not know what to do, so they decided to ask other things to calm my desires and blushes, while they asked my tastes his father observed me very well and after a brief silence he said

Mr Ideki: you will make an excellent wife.

I was shocked and called Césarc to talk to him in private, his mother and sister looked at me smiling and the happy mother said

Mrs. Misaki: I can't believe you said that straight out, I'm going to ask you nicely. -apologizing and raising their voices-

Yūko laughed slightly and waited for his mother to leave; then he asked me about other tastes like flowers and colors and smiled and said

Yūko: I see because Soi and Sakura esteem you very much. -smile-

When I went to ask him what a red Césarc like tomato meant, he sat down next to me and could not see me because he was shy.

I tried to ask him if anything bad had happened but he didn't say a word, after a few minutes Yūko just looked at us and when he saw that he was calmer he said

Yūko: I know that Dad is the pillar of the family, but I also have to give my point of view, I have noticed what my sisters see in you and also how he is happy by your side. -after a pause he said- you have my permission to be a couple.

And when he saw my happiness and embraced Césarc he decided to give us a little spice saying

Yūko: since you have a marriage license, if you anticipate their desire to marry it will be fine for us.

When he saw my blushing he shouted something uncomfortable and happy

Cesarc: ash Yūko, I knew you wouldn't put up with it. -red like a tomato-

She raised her arms in a sign of 'it is not my fault to see how much fun it is to see her blush' we drank a little to celebrate our courtship and in the afternoon we went to my house, there Césarc was more relaxed about meeting my parents since with my father he felt more at ease, when he saw my mother he had understood my amazement with Yūko and that made him smile, Although the poor man was a little nervous, Dad calmed her down and we decided to have a dinner party so he could tell Mom where he lived and what his parents were like. Mom made me understand in her own way that she approved of him because she flattered him and said that he looked serious and people like that are sensitive at heart.

Mom: incredible and curious way to meet.

When I asked her why she said mischievously that was where she met Dad and I almost shouted a 'What' but that made me partly happy. After serving the food my father and he were just drinking, so I angrily told dad

Me: ahg they can drink after eating, for all the gods. -something uncomfortable-

My dad just laughed and said: you see how he gets, watch out for his temper.

Césarc just laughed and after a few minutes he commented that he had seen this great genius of mine and he still loved me.

Dad: if after meeting the genius of the woman you like and still love her more and more... It means that you really want to be by her side.

That in a nutshell said 'you have my approval' mom amazed and happy said

Mom: then it will be a great toast to our future son. -filling up daddy's cup-

I understood that Mom had said it for a purpose and if Dad didn't correct her it was because he had got it right and he did.

We could sleep wherever we wanted, that is, we could be together in his house or in mine, but we both decided to make a sensible decision, even though I loved sleeping next to him with his scent and wanting his kisses and making them mine but I was firm in my decision to tell him that just for today we would sleep in our respective houses, That seemed fine to him since it was just for today and even though I couldn't help but laugh, even though we had those plans our families were off to make us sleep together, in my house using my weak points as that mom and dad would want to drink and sing of happiness, and I imagined that maybe Césarc would be allowed to sleep.

So I decided to hold on, there came a moment when my head exploded and I decided to go out to the garden and see Césarc's house so I could sleep, as I could not hold on any longer I decided to be near his house in case I wanted to go and see him, soon after I saw Césarc also go out to the garden and when he saw me he got strange and jumped over the wall in his own way, I was scared and decided to jump over my wall and run fast to where he was, he made me believe that he had been hurt but nothing serious had happened, I held him tight and told him

Me: you had me worried. -looking at his arms-

Cesarc: -smiled and said- I only felt a slight muscular pain but it was nothing serious, because you are out here.

I explained to him what my parents were doing and he smiled happily as he sighed. When I asked him why he was outside he whispered to me 'Yūko he began to ask how far we had come, and to wonder if it would really be good our first night and things that... you know excite me'.

I: -that made me blush and I said- they want us to spend the night together. -payment-

That made us laugh so much that I felt pain in my stomach, he asked me to wait for him there that he would go out the front door and go home so he would share more with me and my parents, we did not count on both families looking at us with a big smile when they saw their goal achieved, before going back up the wall he kissed me tenderly and I hugged him tightly while I reciprocated his kiss; when we separated to be able to go up we heard the voice of Yūko that said

Yūko: go easy, we already saw that they jumped the wall. -voice picare-

That made us freeze and look to the side and see my father, see Yūko was hard for me so I went up to the pole and saw her sitting on the other side of the roof drinking and celebrating the union of both families. I could only laugh and come down in the blink of an eye, my dad invited him to the house promising not to drink anymore, but the offer from Yūko made by my dad was so tempting that even my mom agreed to go and meet the other relatives, that meant the house alone for us, this was more than a step forward, our parents were asking for something more trusting, a concubinage of possibly 1 day, since the night would not be taken into account; that left me so perplexed that I did not even know what to say or do.

When we saw that complaining did not achieve anything, we decided to agree to that crazy idea but then to warn our siblings of the event, I could only sigh and say to myself 'what support do these parents give', Césarc helped me to fix the mess my father had made and put away the bottles of alcohol so that I could drink, between the two of us we were able to organize the house and he could admire it better, I asked him if he wanted a bath and so he relaxed, he agreed and asked me to take a bath with him, I smiled happily and agreed to his invitation, I prepared everything for the bath and decided to leave the other rooms for later; We went into the bathroom together and I left everything at his disposal, he just watched how I did things and I could not help but see how he smiled blushing, I asked him to let me rub his back so he would be calm, I massaged his whole body and always asked him if he liked it, when it was my turn to wash his penis I could hear his slight moan and I said

Me: so you're already thinking about something morbid. -look at something fixed-

He laughs happily and asks me to continue massaging him like this and then he asks me to suck him, I could not help but get excited because before I sucked his penis he touched and massaged my breasts, that made my skin bristle, I sucked him with desire and lust, from there we decided to enter the sauna and with nice water we followed the kisses and caresses, his fingers played with my vagina with so much desire and I massaged his penis and gave him light sucks to his balls, When I saw how he was moaning I asked him to put it in me and make me his, inside the water he penetrated me and started to move, being in front of him he could suck my breasts and bite them in a soft way, the more he moved the more I wanted, being in that pose he came inside me and while we were giving ourselves a slight rest we decided to wash our hair and then go back to the tub, we did 3 poses in total and in all of them he came inside me with so much pleasure that I still wanted more.

I stared at him and informed him that I still wanted to make love to him, he was happy and told me that he felt the same way, so we said to take a few pauses to drink something hot and then continue in my rooms, we drank hot chocolate and after enjoying it we washed the glasses and went to my rooms to be quiet, on the way to my rooms he saw the other side of the garden and a rose caught his attention as it was illuminated by the moonlight, he made me wait for him and carefully cut that white rose and brought it to me and with love brought it to my lips, so I kissed it tenderly and said

Me: thank you my love. -I smiled happily-

He lifted me up and hugged me tightly, that made me smile and from there we joined hands and entered my room, he could only admire it and say "wow" I smiled and arranged the room so he could relax.

I looked for some candles so that the room would not be cold and some ripe roses to remove their petals and water them on the bed, he looked at every corner of my room in amazement, when he saw me arrive he helped me with the candles and offered to light it, I made a path of roses and then I threw several in the air so that they would choose their place, Many fell on him and he could only laugh, when he saw my mischievous gesture he grabbed the ones I had left and threw them close to us while we kissed tenderly, I placed the rose on top of a small vase with water so that it wouldn't wither, he looked carefully at what I was doing and after closing the doors of my bedroom he filled my neck with kisses, He caressed my breasts, my hands, my arms, my waist while he took soft bites on my neck, that made me smile, so I guided him to the bed and asked him to lie down, from there we kissed more and more while we undressed our bodies and between the rose petals we made love, after another 3 rounds already tucked in and making us love each other we decided to sleep hugging, since I didn't want to let go and he looked comfortable while I was hugging him, he smiled at me happily and said that he felt very but very relieved, I thought it was because we had made love he said no with his head and said

Cesarc: making love with you is something very rich and even magical, but the fact that we are together already formally seems to me a dream, I want to be with you always Katy.

That made me blush so much that I kissed him and said: whatever happens I will always be by your side, don't forget that Cesarc.

This happy hugged me and we slept smiling.

He knew very well the turns of life, but I wanted to be always by his side, although inevitable things will happen, that was very clear to me but even so if time or circumstances distanced us I would still try to seek him out and love him again. With the arrival of dawn I was waking up and what I loved most about the dawn was to see Cesar asleep and with a face so relaxed that it only made me want to, when I wanted to get up I noticed that he was naked and the closest robe to me was the transparent one, as I did not want to move I decided to stick more of him and noticed that he was also naked and I was somewhat surprised I said in a low voice

Me: there is a God, and now what will we do?.

At that moment I noticed how strong arms were lowering me back to bed and I said in a whisper 'You'll tell me now that you don't like it'.

Cesarc: I don't know why he woke up like this, I think it's your fault. -getting closer to him-

I: -I could only laugh and mischievously said- so, we will see if it is true.

By my own mischief I lifted my hips and made his penis rub against my ass and vagina, I felt him hug me tightly and he said

Cesarc: you are cruel.

I: -I could only laugh and say- do you want to eat me?.

I decided to massage his penis and then suck it with pleasure. We made love again and then decided that we could have breakfast; We both made breakfast and we had fun making a nice breakfast, he agreed to wash the dishes and I decided to organize the rooms, so I finished arranging everything and taking out the trash from the bottles and more, I smiled cheerfully because it was incredible how Cesar and I were so synchronized in helping each other, after washing the dishes he helped organize my room, he picked up the petals and put them in a case that I would take with me, we put the candles in their respective places and from there we decided to train for a while together.

He watched me put on my training clothes and since I didn't wear any underwear, he tried to calm down and I could only laugh and say

Me: come we have to train.

We trained for a while and around lunchtime I decided it was better to rest, I washed my body quickly and we went together to prepare lunch, I opted to do a little more in case my parents came back hungry.

We shared the whole afternoon and close to dawn my parents returned, happy and asking Césarc if he had loved the house and the gardens, we would return the next day, he was very attentive that he would take me the rose and the vase, noticing that he was very attentive I could only smile and say

I: would never forget this beautiful gift.

He smiled happily and told me about a shortcut he used to take, it wasn't very friendly and there were very strong monsters but if you didn't listen to them or hurt them they would ignore you, I trusted him so we decided to go that way, the road was very rocky and full of stones, I managed to calm down my horse on many occasions and he understood that I wanted to protect him too, Already in 1 day we had arrived in the city, as it was still early we rested a little and decided to see some missions to earn money, what did not count and made me a little uncomfortable was to see AngelDeLuz smiling happily and calling Césarc, my angry face was so evident that my horse moved away a little from me.

AngelDeLuz kept his distance from Césarc and asked him how he was and after a long time he greeted me, he told us that he would marry his beloved ninja and invited us to his wedding. Césarc was happy for her and told her that if she would try to go with me and that he wished her much success, after that he said goodbye to Césarc and me. Still angry, I tightened the horse's leash and said

Me: I still don't like him. -still uncomfortable-

He messed up my hair and asked me to stop being jealous and I still pouted at him and said 'I'll try' but I really didn't like that woman and I wanted her to be away from us forever, so we decided to look for a place for Césarc to help me level up quickly and be together on missions again, I agreed to accept 3 missions and complete them together, that way I would gain more experience and money in turn.

Angel's wedding would be in July, I was still not very convinced about that wedding, although if she got married she would leave Césarc in peace and start respecting her future husband and I would be more relaxed or if that was my little wish, we decided to buy her a wedding gift together, so that she would be calm and see that there were no more grudges, Ninja explained to us the odyssey of the wedding dresses with the salesman in town 2, because it was an odyssey if he was only a salesman, the detail is that he is a street vendor and looking for him was like wanting to go looking for a fight with the bosses or the infected ninja, I could only be amazed and then laugh a little when imagining the turns that Ninja took to look for the suits, but then a curious feeling woke up inside me "He only bought both suits" that although it was not my business I felt strange, because in something so nice it is good to share it together but then I thought that maybe she was ordering from the banquet and that's why I couldn't go.

Even if I said that to myself it was a little hard to believe myself, the wedding was celebrated in the city 2, it was a beautiful afternoon and to see how both said their wedding vows was something nice, we decided to dance together with the bride and groom and then eat, although in the dance she would show herself and sometimes interrupted my talks with Césarc, in part it did not stop him much but to see that she will leave her husband was only something that made me uncomfortable, I decided to shut up and take notes and then comment on it with Césarc, when I saw that she spent a lot of time she took me to Césarc and left her talking, César understood that I was angry and in a subtle way I said

I: -calming my anger- have left your new husband alone for a long time, besides I want some privacy with my future husband.

I know he didn't see Angel with a woman's eyes, but his brazen attitude made my blood boil. After a while, but without being too long, she changed her clothes and apologized to those present, since she had to talk to the Captain.

At night he decided to call it a day because he had to go to his wife's house. He was grateful for both of us to be able to go to his wedding and for those beautiful congratulatory gifts. I looked curiously at Cesar and asked him to take a walk to the inn, he happily agreed and took my hand and we walked without hurry but without pause, I asked him how he felt about the wedding, although of course I knew it was a difficult question for him, he thought carefully and said

Cesarc: the truth is that it was curious. -penspensory-

I: -I went and said- yes, for me it was also very curious and strange.

It was strange that the bride was not happy and cheerful, and that she would later leave her now abandoned and ignored husband was not something a bride would do, because if that was how a wedding was then I would do it very differently, I would not leave my husband alone in the search for the costumes, we would plan the banquet together and I would not leave him alone in our celebration. I knew that something strange was going on but I didn't understand what it was yet, so I decided to talk to someone else and see their opinion, so I decided to see Dong and ask for his opinion the day he wasn't agitated.

A week had already passed from Angel's wedding and Dong's opinion agreed a lot with mine and I thought it was because he was my brother, so I spoke with other friends of my brother including my next sister Sakura and she supported my idea, only that her opinion made me think that there should be something more, I decided to investigate a little since that link was not very romantic that was said, but as it is said when they are bad or strange things one finds out quickly and my suspicions were only the beginning. She had married Ninja because she had heard from Wei with his now wife that I had met Dgncesarc, my partner, and since he wanted me to be his future brother, his happy wife said that if it was to her father's liking, he would say that without thinking twice, it had made Angel angry but since he was not family, he could not prevent such a meeting and future marriage.

The last thing I thought was that I would hear the news from one of the administrators who was curiously waiting to see if my meeting had gone well, there he had understood everything, he married someone he did not love so that I would believe that he had already forgotten, But I would not let him get too close to Césarc, not as long as I could stop him and I did it more out of love than whim, but I knew that if Césarc was very attentive to me in every way it was because he really loved me and even though sometimes I was cold to him my way of showing a little bit of my love was to be jealous of him and keep falling more and more in love with him, I decided to be more attentive to him and help him in any way I could. I looked for a way to unite a shaman in our group that would take care of both of us and that's how I met Michiru122, a girl who was already engaged and in the middle of our group, We both took her upstairs and I helped her so much to improve that I even forgot to improve my clothes and my weaponry, the most beautiful thing about Césarc was that he was aware of that and even though I was sorry because he spent his money on my armor, even though I knew that if he complained he would say that he does it because he loves me.

We managed to climb quickly to the 30th and 40th level, I was left behind by many viruses but this time Césarc could take care of me, as I was better and had my energy to the fullest he bought the ring and proposed to me in a beautiful place, where there were several cherry trees and a beautiful river, that seemed so magical that I felt I was dreaming and if it was a dream I did not want to wake up, the beautiful thing is that it was true and we were planning our wedding calmly, our brothers agreed to help but that is, The decision was totally ours, we saw what seemed to be the most difficult 'the banquet' so they indicated several good places in city 1, city 2 and the northern limit of city 1, we went to the 3 and tried a little of their menu, we liked more the one in city 1 and in this way we had already a step ready, the 2nd step was where to get married so we both agreed that it would be in the main city and having that ready we had the most difficult part, to look for the street vendor.

Just when we arrived to the second city we decided to split up and look for him, we were there from morning until afternoon looking for him and it seemed that we were looking for a needle in a haystack and not so far from reality, Césarc managed to see him at the bosses' place, there was not so much problem but the mess was the infected ninja, so I ran as fast as I could and helped Césarc to kill the ninja and be able to buy together our wedding suits, boquete and the shoes with the veil included; we were both so happy that we only needed the simplest things and they were the invitations, for my luck AngelDeLuz was not around and I could be calm about it. So I made the invitations calmly and delivered them with much love to all our friends and family for October 18, 2011 at 7:00pm.

Happy and cheerful that 18th I didn't know what to do or say, while we waited for the rest of the guests and the scheduled time, my nerves were eating me up because I was anxious to be able to marry the man I loved, our relatives arrived quickly and were happy and flattered us a lot because of how handsome we looked and that they finally looked at us with different clothes and me with a dress, we laughed while the judge arrived and married us formally, We gave our vows and our happiness could not take more, my blush was as red as a tomato for so much joy and shyness, after the great and beautiful wedding, we invited everyone to the reception and asked everyone to take a seat and enjoy the banquet, many laughed and talked about how they knew us and the blessings they gave us, when it was my turn to speak I asked my husband permission to tell that embarrassing part and he just laughed and came to where he was said

Cesarc: that day not only made me happy but it also made me vibrate.

I wanted to cry and with him I told the story and he told what he thought and reacted, that made me laugh, cry and make me sigh, what I loved the most was how I pushed him when I was hurt and talking in a faint, I with a mischievous face could only laugh and then said how I felt and what I thought.

Seeing the family laugh at how we met was something that made us fall more and more in love with each other; I couldn't stand the urge to kiss and hug him, everyone applauded when they saw that and threw rice at us giving us blessings and good wishes. After that we all danced together and had a little more fun and around 9:00 pm we lovingly said goodbye to everyone and went to the posada, we could live there for a few more months but then we would have to have our own house, but there was something we did not know.

Both families that day returned with a permission of the captain for our honeymoon and future house, they managed to get a land with a beautiful view to the sea and with a great space they looked for who could help to build and to have our house, we on this side with the help of Soi and Sakura to get a land and to be able to build our house, although we would be neighbors of Sakura and Yue and that made me happy.

Césarc by her side went with Dong for the opening of a guild and to go looking for group that wanted to join the guild but under certain rules, when Dong asked her who would be her right hand this smiled and said

Cesarc: I thought it was already logical who. -looking at him and then at me-

When Dong understood he said: he knew how to answer and decide. -smile-

That made both of them happy so it would be a surprise for me after the honeymoon, we had not yet had the honeymoon since we wanted to have a solid base to then leave calmly and when we returned we would know where to go, we trusted our families leaving them in charge of the house in town, Césarc's parents told us of a beautiful healthy place of the virus and near a beautiful beach, we agreed to go and enjoy our honeymoon and be able to spoil each other.

It was a 3 day trip until we arrived at the longed for inn where we could rest and take a refreshing bath, our rings were made of gold and copper where the copper shone in a yellowish way, at first I did not understand why and I decided not to pay much attention to that detail, they gave us some beautiful green play suits, It was a nice matching nightclothes, and where we were going to be it was kind of hot so we thought the gift was great, my sisters-in-law gave me a beautiful bathing suit and creams for the skin and hair, I wore the bathing suit when we walked on the beach and took a bath, the somewhat jealous guy looked to the sides so no one else would see what he sees; When I turned my face I saw him serious and I could only smile so I went up to him and said

Me: If we go in you will be more relaxed.

He just smiled and disheveled my hair, we swam for a while and then walked along the beach, hugged under the shade and kissed tenderly, then he decided that we would go fishing and have dinner.

After eating our fish we decided to return and take a bath together, we entered the mixed baths and believing that we would be alone we saw 2 more couples, he was a little uncomfortable but he saw that the wives were left in their bathing suits; although he was jealous he agreed but we decided to give our space to each other, the girls wanted to be without their bathing suits but they felt sorry for themselves even when they were married and with their jealous husbands even more, the older one who was a beautiful blonde was honest and said

Blonde: the idea was mine to do it here, since I heard a lady who had been married for years that doing it here was magic and I wanted to try it.

We blushed the 3 and laughed since we had thought the same thing but not because of rumors, although we liked the mixed shower, I noticed that the girls did not lie about being jealous of their husbands since when he came out he covered her with his cloth and hugged her while they left together, the brunette and I laughed shyly when we saw her face of 'I told you so' I said in a whisper

Me: this happens to both of us, that partly pleases me although I do not envy it.

Morena: -she nods and says- I am the same, I want so much to be the wife of the man I love, that for now I don't ask for anything else.

I smiled at his comment and then we approached the stone where he connected us with the kids and asked them to leave. Césarc decided to wait for the brunette and her husband to come out and I lay down on the rock and told him "you are still jealous" he just nodded and said "a little" I got on the rock more and called him where he stole a kiss and said "I love you my jealous dragon" he smiled happily and said "I love you my dragon too" hearing that made me so happy that I slipped off the rock and fell next to him, We could only laugh and base ourselves with slight touches of desire, I asked him to come up and go to the room, he happily agreed and we left; Maybe we didn't make love there, but it connected the lovers more and united those ties more, and that's why this bathroom was popular.

When we went to the room the landlady did not touch it in case we wanted to order something and I ordered some fresh tea drinks, although it was a little cold we knew it would be hot later so taking something hot was not the best option, he helped me dry my hair quickly and I dried his body quickly so he did not get cold, I arranged the room while he waited for the drinks, I was able to comb my hair calmly and look for clothes that I had not shown to my dragon who gave me Yūko for the wedding, it was a nice dress, somewhat transparent, it was not long like the gown I wore at home, it was shorter and more attached to the body, his note said that it was foreign clothing and that he would enjoy it, it had a beautiful engraving in transparent lace and transparent socks as well, after covering myself with the gown I closed the windows well and made a more intimate atmosphere.

When he received the drink he entered the room and when he saw how I had decorated the room he was amazed and flattered me saying that I was very good at decorating, that made me smile and I told him what I had talked about with the girls of the myth, he smiled and said

Cesarc: Yes, I also heard that rumor. -saying it in a roguish way-

When I was about to ask him if we were going to the bathroom, I blushed and said to myself, 'Well, I can't judge that because I thought the same thing after hearing it', I smiled and said nothing. The worried one asked that later when we returned we should make a great plan to climb together to a great level, I supported his idea 100% and decided that it was time to go to the desert to climb faster together with the help of Michiru122.

After having a drink we went to bed and became very fond of each other, even though we knew that this place was not for thinking about what was happening in Joan or the second city, it was our time to relax and enjoy each other. From kiss to kiss and caress to caress, the desire for the bath returned, so I told him I had a surprise for him and I had to cover his eyes, close his eyes and I took off my robe, I wanted to see his reaction and wake him up so much wanting to become one that I was a little nervous, after warning him I saw how he watched me and detailed the little dress that only reached my intimacy and how the neckline pronounced my breasts more, he did it and ate me with kisses, naked my body and we made love until we fell down.

After those magical 5 days we decided to return to the city and to put us to our plan to go to the desert and to ask for the armor to my horse, our arrival to Joan was something relaxed since Sakura and Yue waited for us and they indicated us of the house already finished, when seeing Yue I told her "liar" this one laughs when seeing that it has been discovered and says

Yue: Okay, you got me... this one we saw a few blocks away from where we live and since it has no owner we bought it and it is our gift to you.

When I knew that, I was surprised and understood that I had the essential and that later I should finish furnishing, Césarc agreed to go with Yue for my clothes and I with Sakura for some things for the home, we managed to see a store of auctions and low prices and we could buy a part of the things like table of eating, a big closet, curtains and covers of the bed. We thought that it was the essential thing, for the plates and cups I did not worry since my parents sent that and for illumination there was no problem since Césarc's parents had helped with that, for the vase I did not have problem since he had brought me one and for tables I believe that it would be seen later with my payment.

I entered with Sakura to the house and I noticed how big it was to be of 1 floor, it was very cozy and even with the complete decoration it would look big, although I never worried about it since I was never someone demanding as for the space of a home, we arranged everything quickly and we waited for the boys, Césarc and Yue returned something fast but giving us both time to be able to speak and to arrange. After a while we said goodbye and I went with César to the desert to go up a level together, but before killing infected spiders Césarc gave me a sack and said "open it" I looked at it curiously but I opened it, it was a beautiful outfit suitable for my level and I said

Me: incredible, the first time I came here I wanted to wear these clothes.

Cesarc: -he could only laugh and tell me- change.

It sounded easy but it wasn't, he managed to hide me in a place far away from the giant spiders and scorpions and possible curious people, I got dressed quickly and said "let's go" our rings shone again as a protection and I just smiled, so I followed Cesarc and we started killing infected spiders, We saw the famous giant tortoise fight against a Sura, and when he fled we saw how the Sura was teleported and attacked the Sura again until he was killed. Then we saw how a Ninja and a Warrior helped him to heal, when I saw the clothes I was excited and seeing his attacks made my eyes shine and I saw the warrior's suit that made me happy and I said happy to Cesar

Me: we still have a long way to go.

He helped me to attract a group and I killed them, after a few seconds Michiru122 had arrived and helped us, we saw the ninja asking Michiru for a favor and he agreed to cure the Sura and give him auras of protection, he happily said that if we needed help he would gladly help us and we were grateful for such a gesture.

Cesar had to see if he had more missions and then promised to return Michiru and I decided to continue fighting with the infected and go up a level together, I claimed Michiru for her clothes and low defense and that she should take more care of herself and be stronger, she agreed to my scolding and agreed to become stronger. That's how Michiru got the books with some slowness but she got them, I made her train with me and help me to break metines to get more profits and to be able to receive rewards, although she got hurt badly, luckily she didn't die and that calmed me down, I decided to help her to go up to several levels, she had already reached 34 when we had the orcs' missions, I had bought her more advanced clothes, Césarc was going up like the cloud and that made me happy.

I had managed to defeat the orcs and when I heard the rumors about the 9 colas I wanted to meet them, although I was partly afraid of how the place was or that animal, I told Césarc about that rumor and he encouraged us to go together and try to see how everything was there, we knew it was snowy, cold and in high mountains, it was a bit steep to climb but we still decided to go, we were excited to go see the 9 colas because infected ice was floating and attacking us, We decided to return later with more calm, while they were attacking our group I managed to see it and admired it for a few seconds, although the shamans managed to heal us we decided to go more prepared and to face them again, I achieved many things next to Césarc and our life was happy and harmonious, only that when you are very happy it is difficult to notice the darkness of the people.

One day they gave me an urgent note that Yue had gone to the lands of fire and was attacked by a group of very strong and hostile chiefs, Sakura had only remained fainted but she did not get to have serious injuries, they took Yue to the house and I warned Césarc thanks to the power of the ring to go where the other one was, he had entered the lands of fire and I explained him what happened and as he would return to house to see as he was, of there I would warn him and he would be some days. He was a little worried and said he would try to ask permission to go, I told him not to worry about the rush but if it was a good idea. I copied Wei and Dong, Wei was about to leave and Dong was about to arrive, I asked Wei to wait for me and we would go together, I decided not to take anything extra and I quickly got on my horse already with his armor and went to where Wei was waiting for me.

We hurry the horses to arrive as fast as possible to the house and to have the details about the blow of Yue and said explanations of what happened and to send to investigate, although the Captain had said that he would send to investigate that, on the one hand it seemed us strange said attack since Yue was very attentive not only with her auras but with the power of force of the enemy, to both it seemed us strange many things and more than only Sakura would have come to receive a blow. I did not know why but a bad premonition invadid my body, we hurried the horses even more but we had to control the speed since a great rain caught us in the road, to run this way with the horses was to ask the death. We tried to find a way to keep going but without having to lose days, it took us a little while but we were able to take them to a safer place, the rain did not want to stop and we risked going to a little known place, what we did not know is that in spite of many things I felt a big black cloud was haunting me.

I asked Wei to go calmly, my feelings were still there, I just didn't know where it would attack us and how it would do it.