Vol4 2 Eat up

Janette was glad when the food finally arrived and the staff went back to waiting on the other customers. Janette took a bite of her food and all she could say was that it was yummy not as good as the food that the chef at the house had been making but still it was great. Janette looked at the others and they were enjoying it just as much as she was.

Janette said, "Thank you all for coming out with me I just wanted to thank you all for supporting me and then thank you for the calls too." She made a quick glance over at Molly and then back to her food and was hoping that no one else saw that.

Janette continued, "They meant a lot to me but I had some other calls. Like I wanted to tell you about I just couldn't believe that waiter he called me wanting a date it was like how did he get my number anyway? He made me feel like I was some kind of slut willing to suck on whatever cock was waved in front of me."