Vol 2 26 The Shower

There was a knock at the door that made Janette's eyes open. At first, Janette looked around just to try and get her bearings as to where she was and what was going on. She looked to see if Molly was there and she was sleeping in the bed alone. Janette wondered if it really happened or if it was just a very vivid dream. all she knew was that she wanted and needed a shower and the bedding was going to be needing to be washed. This time the knock at the door was followed by Kimberley saying, "Janette are you awake?"

Still, in a daze of trying to wake up, she was not ready for any of this to be happening. Janette said, "Yes I'm up." She meant to say that she was awake and realized it when the door opened and Kimberley came in.

Kimberley started to giggle when she looked in and saw Janette was still in bed and the fact that her hair was all tussled looking like she had some intense action and had not gotten herself back together yet.