vol 2 110 Dinner time

Janette thought that she was just so lucky they had just the number that she had been looking for in the cutest little butterfly diamond necklace. They were not that expensive but they were cute and small. Janette knew that she wanted just something small or they would never be worn and she wanted them looking delicate and not something that would draw too much attention.

Janette had to hurry the sales lady up so that they would not be late getting to the car. Molly thought how can the mistress be too upset when they were late because they were getting her a gift. But Molly knew it was not her place to say anything about it.

As soon as they got them Kimberley took their hands and started dashing for the limo and Hennery was standing there looking at his watch and when he first saw then he started tapping it letting them know that they are running late.