vol 2 139 Hurry and eat

Things seemed to change fast once the pool, hot tub, and garden were discovered. It was not like Kimberley stopped taking Janette down to the playroom but that was not the only thing that she was doing with her now. She was finding that since they both loved the garden and the pool it was a lot more fun. Janette had Kimberley talk to Mickle about having their dinner out in the garden and at first, he opposed the idea because he didn't want his great food spoiled by pests but once he had a few days to plan just the right food then it was not so bad.

Just like Janette had thought once he saw how much that the mistress loved being out in the garden the inconvenience of the pests were not that big of a problem for him as long as he knew in advance so that he could prepare the right type of food and as long as the weather permitted.