A very heavy debt !

"Until now my life has been peaceful and smooth and then you arrived!"

- Today is May 21:

This day seemed to be going normally but it was at noon that my nightmare started ... By the way, my name is Mia Hanazono! I am an enthusiastic and sympathetic 17 year old high school student!

At lunch break I had an appointment with my friends so that we could eat together. As we started to start our meal, some boys in the final came to approach one of my friends:

Terminale A - Hey you, you promised us that you would cook us a bento! We've been waiting for you for 1 hour! Where is he ?!

Arisa (one of my friends) - I think there is a mistake about the person, I don't even know you!

Terminale B - Oh yeah? Yet you were there during volleyball training last night! You said you would bring it to us at 12 noon near the cafeteria!

Arisa - You are wrong! At that moment I was talking to my boyfriend ... Besides, I already brought him. You must have misinterpreted it ...

Terminale A - Maybe, but now that the damage is done, we didn't bring anything to eat or to buy food, so maybe you should fix your fault ...

Arisa - What, what are you ... .... ...? !!

Before even being able to finish her sentence, Arisa has her lunch basket snatched by the two boys. As he was quietly pounding him, Arisa begged them to stop so she could at least eat some. They got up then and led her aside into a small dark and deserted dead end of the school. How do I know that? Well, because I followed them ... And that's where the rest of the conversation took place and the start of my troubles!

Arisa - Why did you drag me here? What do you want from me in the end !?

Terminale A - You wanted to collect your lunch basket, right? Here !

They then threw his bento at her, which almost crashed to the ground if Arisa hadn't jumped in to retrieve it.

Terminale B - You have good reflexes my pretty! But I remind you that we are always breaking the bank! So what are you going to do to make up for that?

Arisa - (crying) I wanna do whatever you want but please let me join my friends!

Arisa stood up, hugged her bento tight to her heart, and began to take a few steps in the opposite direction of the two boors. Both graduates began to chuckle:

Terminale A - You still did not believe that we would let you go so easily while waiting for you to be ready to meet our expectations! We'll have to damage you a bit before ...

They walked towards her with a sinister smirk, then grabbed her by the arm, sending her to the end of the dead end. One of them took a lock of her hair and moved closer to her face ...

A tear rolled down her face but no sound managed to come out of her lips;

Arisa is so pure, so sweet: She's a lovely girl! It drove me crazy that they hurt her like that without scruple and having fun with this situation! I couldn't help myself, I jumped up and tried to push the guy holding his hair away: to no avail. He swept me away with the back of his arm and his sidekick immobilized me in a really uncomfortable position!

Terminale A - Hey, here's another number! Looks like our lucky day! We will both be able to have fun like this!

Arisa and I then frowned, helpless ...

Terminale B - Hey hey hey, don't be that face girls! It would be a shame to distort those pretty faces with those folds full of hate!

And while we thought that nothing could get us out of this situation as much detestable as it was delicate, it was there that it appeared:

The demon of my misfortune: Takumi Aizawa!

Takumi - You are not ashamed to practice such things, in high school any more!

Terminale B - A ... a ... ai ... AIZAWA? !! What .. What are you doing here?

He frowned then.

Takumi - I would only say it once: Let them go!

At that moment, the gleam that shone in Takumi's eyes was so icy and sharp that it gave me chills.

The two terminals scared to death released me and Arisa and fled at full speed. Takumi walked over to me and held out his hand to help me up. As he pulled me to my feet, he asked me if I was okay. I nodded. Arisa got up on her own and thanked Takumi for rescuing us. Her beaming smile again displayed on her face filled me with happiness. She went to join the girls. I was about to do the same when I felt something hold me back: Takumi had grabbed my arm

Takumi - Hanazono, can I talk to you for a moment?

Mia (me) - Yes, who is there? Ah, by the way, I didn't thank you for helping us, without you we were doomed. Thank you, I owe you one!

Takumi - By the way, there is already something you can do for me!

Mia - Is that true? Great, tell me what it is!

Takumi turned his head away then looked at me again:

Takumi - Do you want to become my girlfriend?