The saving kiss

"Takumi, please stay with me!"

Takumi had lost consciousness, crushed by the weight of the large piece of furniture. There was blood on his forehead, or he must have taken a serious blow!

I was terrified just imagining what might happen to him. Not that I feel anything for this almost sadistic and psychopathic guy, no, it's just that he's pulled me out of several bad steps and then, even though he's strange, obnoxious and unsettling, I think deep down I like him, and... He's the first boy to have declared his love for me, although in a rather special way... But passionate.

I can't just stand by and leave him there, half-dead! I have to help him! Come on Mia, you can do it, move your ass !

Mia - Please, excuse me, miss?

Maid A - Yes, I ... Snif, what can I do for you?...

Mia - Go and get help to rescue the master, I'll stay here to give him first aid!

Maid A - Well, I'm running!

My colleague ran away without further explanation, still in shock, but decided. I can count on her!

For my part, I had to get Takumi out of this bee-eater, yes, it's up to me to help him this time! Takumi, I return my debt to you!

So, please don't leave so quickly, stay with me.

To begin with, we had to pull him out from under the wardrobe to determine how to care for him. Don't think I'm weak, I'm stronger than I look!

I set to work.

I started by trying to lift the piece of furniture: without success.

I was thinking of another way to get it out of there... I finally realised that it would be better to pull it out from underneath the huge cupboard, rather than lift it up. I know, I'm a bit of an idiot, hey...

Mia - (while pulling it) Pfouh.... Phew! It weighs a ton, in every sense of the word my word!

Takumi is a 17 year old teenager who has almost finished growing up and may even have already reached his adult size, so obviously his build is massive. More than mine anyway!

With some effort I finally managed to pull him out of there. He was still unconscious, I was worried. I checked his louse: It was OK, but weak; then his temperature: OK too but a little warm.

Finally I checked his breathing.... I couldn't feel it anymore! He wasn't breathing!

What to do?! Oh no, that meant that... I had to make him : MORN TO MORN!!!!

The maid still hadn't come back, so I had no choice. I had to do it!

Mia - Well, come on, cheer up! I was thinking to motivate myself.

I started by giving her heart massage. Then the moment came. Little by little I brought my head closer to his, his lips closer to mine, and while trembling, I saw the seconds march by as this moment approached?

And, all of a sudden:

Takumi - Well, do you kiss me yes or no?!

Mia - Huh ?! But ?! You ?! ....

Takumi - Oops the dumpling.

Mia - ?!

Takumi - Rooh, a little more and it was won, I'm so stupid!

He started laughing. I can't believe it !!! This idiot deliberately made me believe that he wasn't breathing anymore ?!

Mia - You...

Takumi - Hm?


And while I let my fury explode, I gave him a good punch in the face:

Mia - I'm sure you planned it all, that you put yourself under the wardrobe on purpose ! You really are a dirty manipulator!

Takumi - ... No, I promise. I just pretended to be breathing, but I put myself under the cupboard to protect you, I didn't want you to get hurt! On the contrary, I didn't plan anything at all, I would have liked to keep you in my arms a little longer...

Mia - ?!

I was very angry, but, with her words, which were rather daring, I felt reassured...

I haven't known this strange phenomenon for long, but despite this, I feel that a real connection had been established between us. Certainly peculiar, but at least that's something. And then, who knows what else it has in store for me?


All in all, I don't want to know... Haha!

Yes, I'm glad there's nothing wrong with him!

Takumi - Mia, are you all right?

Mia - But yes, why...?

Takumi - Well, you're crying...

At Takumi's remark, I checked the state of my eyes by feeling my cheeks.

Indeed, tears were flowing.

Takumi - I'm sorry, it must be because of me that you're in this state ...

At that moment, an infinite sadness seemed to emerge from Takumi. It made me unhappy to see him in this state, which contrasted greatly with what I've seen of him up to now.

Mia - No, it's not because of you, well, I'm just happy that nothing happened to you!

While we were talking, I was blushing and bowing my head, almost ashamed.

For a moment there was silence, and Takumi broke it with a brief gesture to raise my head and look at me in a way that was almost shameful.

I immersed myself in his gaze, and I read an intense and protective depth in it.

He may not be as immature as I thought...

The atmosphere we were caught up in was really relaxing. It's borderline if I could see bubbles, hearts and a dewy atmosphere like in the shôjos mangas.

I finally noticed that little by little, his face was getting closer and this time I could see in those emerald green eyes a most particular desire.

I was so captivated by this sudden calm and by the expression in his eyes that I hadn't noticed what he was doing.

Little by little, he started to hug me and dipped his hand in my hair, passing through my still wet cheeks. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth a little.

I could feel his forehead on mine and his warm purple blood running down my head. I could also feel his jet hair caressing my face like wool...

And soon I would feel his lips: he was going to kiss me!