"No way in hell I'd trust you—" She blurted out in her face.

"—You'd rather lay it on the daughter?" Carmen was looking in Lorna's direction, who was failing to hit the center target of the archery.

"—Or Lorna." She wasn't done yet with her first comment. "Or anyone else." Why would she be fucking trusting the daughter of her mother's killer?

"Hmm." Carmen nodded her head slowly. "That's no fun at all. Your loss, Melisca. I could be pretty useful to whatever you're scheming."

"Or you'd be pretty dead."

Carmen chuckled at that. "Belittling me?"

"No. I'd rather you not throw your life at my feet. I'm not a very responsible person."

She gasped mockingly. "Who says I'm throwing it? I'm making it useful."