Borderline Ordinary

Hi! My name is Cassiopeia Bennett, a 21-year-old graduate, almost.

Do you know why I wake up at 5 in the morning? Well, the reason is threefold,

1. I like to have a quiet time and have a cup of coffee on my indoor grass with morning dew.

2. Well, I am a very busy person with a super busy job and being in my final year for Electrical engineering and computer science so free time is not in my vocabulary.

3. Well, my job, even though it's hectic and well paid, I love to work for the boss.

Which company do I work, you ask?

It's Grey Enterprises in Seattle. I know it's on the other side of US but the money's great and I like my workspace which includes just me. I have a separate workspace.

Now, I know you must think how did I end up being so lucky? Well, I was on auction for hire online. I have done some freelance work, and it was a profit churning machine and flash forward to now my skill set has become 'the IT thing' and Mr. Grey aka boss man aka Vincent Grey bid the highest for it.

Now, you must think who the hell is this guy? Well, he's one of the few most successful and self billionaires of this decade. He's an odd duck only when that duck is super handsome and has thousands of chicks and men crush after him. Somehow I am alluded by this magnetic phenomenon, considering he can be an utter asshat sometimes, but our brains click together and are always in sync for developing ideas for any new project.

So here's how my morning goes

A cup of coffee and breakfast cereal

Finish up reading two volumes of recommended references

Shower and ready

Cycle on the 3rd street and pass by the amateur guitarist Keshi and wave him hello and give him his cup of coffee.

Pick up flowers and a copy of science magazine on West Avenue.

Enter the steel towers of Grey enterprises and park my turquoise cycle in the corner stand.

Well, since I am kinda the youngest among my coworkers and team, they are super nice to me and encourage my antics.

"Good morning everyone! So, what is happening in the esteemed world of Grey today?"

My usual opening line as I enter the office and others chime in with their news about stocks, shares, launch, and gossip Mr. Grey's personal life aka dating another beautiful rich girl.

"He's dating shipping company heiress from South America. Gisele Santino."

I looked at the photo David showed me. Wow! she is a Latino goddess! Luscious ebony hair and golden skin. Hell, I am mesmerized by her. I touch my frumpy hair muted blonde or not so blonde but kinda brown hair aka as I call it a 'Confused Blonde'.

And did I tell you how much I hate chewing gum?? Why? well let's say you also had great waist-length hair and some stupid kid sticks his spitted gum on the bus stop wall and being super tired i leaned my head on it for a few seconds and newsflash a barber chopped off my hair to super short Bob cut.

I am also optimistic so I realized later that well I will save up money on hair care products and save up some shampoo I guess. Here I go rambling about my insecurities, sorry back to the present.

"She seems nice," I comment and turn on my PC to update on the last night database I was working on.

"You also said that for the previous one, Cassie. She was a bitch to Andrea and made her life hell." David added.

Andrea is Mr. Grey's PA, and she is my best bud in Seattle.

"In my defense, they all look nice in pictures, okay? Anyway, you want to check out my latest work?"

I showed him my progress and then finally it was 9! Time to meet the Boss for his approval and then I can move onto the next phase of prototypes. I keep updating my database so I can keep up with any latest trends and see if I can add a feature to my design. I am working on software for the disabled which can later be embedded onto the computers, phones, etc, and take in the command given by the user who is deaf or blind by tapping methods like Morse code or sign language in front of the camera. It is still a work in progress about the sign language. Even though I am fluent in it it's not quite the same with disabled people so for the past couple of months I have been doing research, clients profile to better understand their needs and mold my software for them efficiently. My research is almost done, and now I have to show all of this to Mr. Grey in a minute.

I march up to his office and signal Andrea to inform him.

"Mr. Grey is ready to see you, Miss Bennett. "

I grab my laptop and folders and enter.

"Miss Bennett, I only have ten minutes until my next meeting so you may start right away." He eyed me up and down, proving his disagreement about my faded Denim, my white fuzzy turtleneck sweater, and my platform sneakers.

Straight to business, as always.

So I explained everything and showed him the statistics and my research materials of 6 months. I sit down and take a sip of water as he flipped through the pages. A frown appeared between his brows.

"You draw Miss Bennett?" What? Where did that come from??

"I kind of do that when I am stressed."

"Well, I can see that since there are at least 5 pages of your drawings behind the pages of statistics. "

Shit!! I forgot to erase them!! I am so stupid!!! Ughh

"I am so sorry I'll prepare new ones."

"What else do you draw then?"


"I asked, what else do you draw Cassiopeia?"

"It's just Cassie, uh I draw landscapes and rough portraits, nothing out of ordinary. "

Should I tell him I have drawn several sketches of his arms?? No lusty thoughts, just artistic admiration and curiosity. His physique is very admirable.

"Just Cassie You have a lot of hidden talents and since I bid the highest for your skill set, I deserve to know what more you can do."

"Okay, I will tell you Mr. Grey I have a knack for numbers as you know already apart from numbers I like astronomy, sketching, and figure skating. Now please give me the seal of approval or whatever so I can begin with the prototype?"

"It looks good but not great Miss Bennett. It's almost borderline ordinary. I hope you bring something better"


I straight up my shoulders.

"Fine, Mr. Grey, perhaps you can tell me what you're expecting then.? So I can avoid them."

"Excuse me?" His voice lowered. He leaned forward on his desk and released his suit jacket

"yeah well, no offense Mr. Grey but sometimes you tend to over-complicate things which leads to a lot of consequences and issues later on which your team has to handle. But hey, you're the boss, so it's your call."

"I only want the best Miss Bennett and this design seems very normal. "

He said and got out of his chair and took a seat next to mine.

His eyes are very blue up close, damn it's hard to fight him this close.

"Sometimes ordinary things become extraordinary and you just have to trust me more and I am also constantly working to improve as much as I can, Mr. Grey."

"Okay, Miss Bennett, we have a board meeting coming up soon so you have to present this."

"Yes, its next Friday right? I also wanted to inform you I am going back to Boston after two weeks for my finals. I'll be working from there, but I have a temp ready if you want to use for any technical work because I'll be gone for a month."

"I'll let Andrea see this temp and then see what happens. "

"Have a wonderful day, Mr. Grey!" I smiled and extended my left hand and he shook it.

These 10 minutes felt like a lifetime.

Andrea gave me a subtle smile, and I laughed. She is so different outside of work.

I sit on top of my desk and stare at the whiteboard filled with whimsical formulas and coding etc... it's a labyrinth of suffering as I call it.

This little room I have at work is amazing. I have spent hours and hours just doing either absolutely nothing to absolutely freaking Jedi's work. My desk is surrounded by succulents and I have a plant in the corner I like to call it Barney. Barney is a little Lavender plant placed near the south-facing window.

I pick up my marker, start scribbling on the 2nd whiteboard with my headphones on playing Chopin-nocturne Op 9 no.2.

I like to hum along to the piano instrumentals while I scribble away, and it definitely helps with my ideas.

I miss Luna a lot. Luna is my piano back at home in Boston. I love playing different symphonies on Luna.

I eat my lunch quickly at the local deli, a chicken salad, and risotto. I look up at the concrete jungle, the sky never disappoints somehow. Its blueness cures me of my lethargy.

By the time I finish my improvisation on my borderline ordinary work, Andrea came in.

"Hey Cass, I was about to head out do you want me to drop you? It looks like it's about to rain soon. "

Her perfectly blonde chignon always makes me jealous just like the rest of the girls who are also somehow blonde, which made me name myself as a confused blonde.

"No, you go ahead I still have a little of the upgrade left I'll head out soon. Thanks, Andrea!"

I put my headphones back in place and it's dark outside. I recently had installed a small headlight on my bicycle. Did I tell you that my turquoise bicycle comprises other waste spare parts, I built it myself to save money.

Another hour passed away, and I am still scribbling and sketching when suddenly someone tapped my shoulders. "ah!" I lost my footing and fell and strong arms caught me. It's none other than the Boss Man, Mr. Vincent Grey.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as I straighten down my sweater.

"I was finishing up with the prototype, do you want to see it?" I explained a bit, and he was looking at me with such intent as if I was a looming problem he can't get rid of. And then, like a mirage in a desert, he smirked a little.

"This is impressive. Good work, Miss Bennett. Are you heading out now?"

I nodded yes and grabbed my laptop bag, phone, and keys. We both waited for the elevator in silence. "I hope the acquisition went smoothly?" I asked him.

"Yes, as always thought they are eyeing a few more things as if now."

He answered tersely and kept texting on his phone.

We stepped in and waited silently again. What is with elevators? they are so nerve-wracking. "Is it lavender I smell?" He asked confusedly.

"It's just Barney." I shrugged, and then he looked at me with even more questions.

"Barney is the lavender plant in the corner of my workspace. I like to name my stuff, it's a habit of mine."

"So what do you call your hideous bike then?" He asked mockingly.

"Hey just so you know I made Gertie out of spares it's not hideous it's eco friendly so back off. "

I stepped out and walked towards the bike stand. It's starting to drizzle outside as I started cycling.

A horn blared behind me as Mr. Grey asked me, "you want a lift, Miss Bennett? I don't think Gertie can handle rain."

"We will be fine, Mr. Grey. Good night." I laughed at him and peddled ahead.

No matter what anyone says, Gertie is a pretty and sturdy bike. I want to buy a car for Dad this year and I need to save up as much as possible and I can, later on, invest in an electric motorbike. A girl can dream, right?

I reached my place within 10 minutes and I hear the familiar mewl. It must be Tabby, my stray cat with one eye which keeps coming to my apartment for food and the warm blanket I have set out for her.

"I am sorry I am late, I'll get your dinner ma'am soon." I slipped off my sneakers as Tabby climbs up on my legs.

"No need to act cute I know I am your butler aren't I?" I quickly give her boiled shredded chicken in a bowl. Tabby started eating fast. She is pregnant and nowhere to go.

I quickly take a hot shower and open my fridge. I had some leftovers from the morning lunch and milk. Seems swell. My phone rings.

"Hey, Dad! I miss you so much! How are you?"

"Sluggers! I am fine and dandy as always. What about you? How's Seattle treating you? "

"It's going great I have just started with the prototype and later on I'll present it in f the board meeting."

"That's amazing slugger! I know you will do great. Now I hope you are eating well. I made your favorite today Spaghetti with bacon strips and chickpeas salad."

My mouth watered thinking about it. "Dad! Stop bragging about it. Anyway, how's everything there? Did you solve that problem I sent? I found a series of problems similarly in my coding system ."

Did I tell you my Dad is a mathematics professor at Harvard University? He's a genius with numbers and he's also a Turing award laureate. I can only hope to measure up to that.

"I did I have highlighted the errors and I'll email it to you right away. Focus more on the pattern, I think if you correlate them with something else it will be easier for you. I believe in you Sluggers You can do it!

"Thank you, Dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Love you, take care. And don't forget your vitamins, okay? Bye for now!"

He chuckled, "Bye, Sluggers. Good night."

Dad is always the one who lifts me up no matter what. I can only hope his sluggers don't end up like one borderline ordinary idiot he called me to be today. Mr. Grey can shove it. I am going to be my best self and show him what I can do. I quickly finished eating, settled on my little bed and powered up my laptop and continued my work and made notes on the errors and patterns as Tabby purred and rested on my laps. Tomorrow is going to be much better.

First things first.

Just like many Disney princesses and girls in movies and books undergo this magical transformation and no money spent!! Newsflash the reality to transform you need to spend more cash and time!

Take Andy; Anne Hathaway from the devil wears Prada movie. She went from drab to fab within a 5 minute montage by a professional stylist!! The hell!! much as I like that movie it raised my expectations for myself .

Now, I am not a complete peasant, okay! I was a scholar student and I'm loan free; I settled up my premiums and EMIs as soon as I made money. I also paid off the last amount left for the mortgage payment. I pay my rent and I am proud to have an excellent collection of vintage vinyls and books.

In terms of fashion let's be honest, girls dress up for their boyfriends or Instagram, I have neither so.. I have a very simple and chic style.

But now as I stare at myself in the mirror with the hairdryer in one hand. I look cool. I like it; I am going to get into grunge style today with even bigger chunky sneakers!

My hair is jet black with Gray highlights!

Just to piss someone as I apply eyeliner to highlight my bluish purple eyes. I cover my right hand with metal rings. I wear my big dial vintage analog Omega watch on my right wrist.

I am wearing thrift shop grunge black t-shirt, backless crop top and high-waisted denim with a buckle belt. I did my leather jacket.

I get giddy thinking about reactions. I feel good!! Tabby purrs her agreement as I feed her and head out!

After my morning routine, Keshi, the guitarist, was hilarious. I park Gertie and I enter with big smile. I shove the pencil in my mouth and grab the newspaper; I love doing crossword puzzles daily. Even Harvey the security gave me a smirk as I greeted him.

I'm not a Grey employee, I'm more like on a trial period for a year. A more sophisticated and paid temp you can say who fixes bugs and errors for Grey enterprises and updates the system with more technological advances and codes. I also fix my team's cars for them for quick bucks. Everyone hates those garages and AAA services.

I step into the elevator and press the button the doors about to lose when someone got in suddenly with their briefcase. I peered up from my crossword

It's Mr. Grey again! He entered and turned around and studied me from top to bottom.

"What the fuck?" He asked.

"Technically Mr. Grey, I'm not a Grey employee so I can wear whatever I am comfortable with. If not, then I'll take it as you are controlling my freedom of voice through fashion."

"and what expression is that miss Bennett?" He quizzed me. Oh, he's definitely angry.

"that Mr. Grey, I, don't ,give ,a ,shit." I shrugged my shoulder and got off the elevator with a hideous smile on my face! I finished my crossword puzzle. The last word remaining was REBELLION.

Life is good !