The Learning Curve

"Thank you. " Mr. Grey responded with a grim tone.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him as he led me towards a quiet corner of the garden.

"Better. Is that for me?"

"Uh, yes. Enjoy. "

I gave an awkward smile as he took the box.

"What Is it?" He shook the box to guess from its sound.

"It's a sunflower -"

"Vincent!!" Gisele came running to him and clutched his hand.

"What are you doing here, darling! Everyone is waiting for you to cut the cake. "

"We should go Mr.Grey,.,"

The tropical heiress dragged him to the center of the garden area.

I didn't move. A chill traveled down my back. There was a sense of calmness in me after days of tumultuous hours. Watching him from afar was enough for me and that's okay, right?

I mean, I can't be the only one who has a one-way crush on someone who already has a girlfriend, right? I cannot even utter the words. Because words are never enough. They are so tricky. I would prefer to confess through prose from a classic novel rather than just blatantly blurting out that I like you.

Somehow seeing him in the centre around his family makes him more Vincent than Mr.Grey. I mean, he becomes the Vincent I have had a glimpse of when he was drunk or whenever we argued about something over coffee. He is also super adorable around his siblings.

When was the last time I felt like this? That feeling when you walk on the beach with sand slipping under your feet and water crashing in the distance. Serene?

It was that beautiful sunny day, years ago, when everything was picture perfect.

There were strawberry shortcake and lots of ice cream, and chocolates involved.

Party streamers and golden sprinkles glued to our shirts that Dad had to throw them away, but Mom laughed at us.

Funny how we grow up and miss doing silly things like that, huh?

Did Vincent also do something silly like that? Maybe not, I don't know what rich people usually do.

I feel overwhelmed by our differences. What if I say something and I ruin my job opportunity here or worse, what if I embarrass myself in front of him?

Drop the plan. I need more time. I just need to put Seattle on hold for a while.

I crane my neck a little to watch him chat with an old woman. Could that be his grandma?

"Cece, remember when Nana wore those Pearls and when it broke she gave us two pearls each?"

My finger unconsciously twisted the silver pearl ring on my right hand.

I walk to the bar and ask for a martini.

"What's wrong, Cassie? I know you are tensed about something. You don't seem you anymore."

Andrea looked me in the eyes as she gulped her martini.

"I don't know it's just that I am really going to miss this place and .."

"And well, I hate to admit it, but our boss. Andrea, can I tell you something in confidence?"

"Sure, anything. You can trust me.,"

"I think I have a major crush on our boss."

I whispered. There! I said it!

"Okay, good you finally accepted that!"

"Wait, what?" I am flabbergasted!

"Yeah, I always felt there was something more," Andrea said in her cool tone.

"Oh okay, well I am not that good at masking my emotions, huh?"

Here I thought I was going to get away from this situation. Life's funny.

I step away for a minute.

This is turning into a rom-com I didn't sign up for.

But there's always this lingering fear, you know, that what if I lay my feelings bare and he would just reject me or worse, make fun of me for harboring such emotions?

How do you gather the courage, to tell the truth about why you behave the way you do with your boss? There's no definite answer, but lots of consequences.

Ugh, I take another swig of my drink and sulk at the bar while lovely Gisele introduced her father to Vincent., no! Mr.Grey.

My phone rang.


"Good Afternoon! Am I speaking to Miss Cassiopeia Bennett?"

"Yes, you are. Uh. Who are you?"

I put down my drink and walk towards the Rose garden.

"My name is Etienne Lavaux. I work for mystère in Paris. We hire 10 people around the world for their extraordinaire skill-set and our Vice President, Monsieur Oscar Martin, recommended you. "

"Oscar? Yes, we were best friends at school."

"Oui, we want you onboard because Monsieur Martin is impressed with your previous projects. In fact, I am asked to arrange a video conference with you today."

How did Oscar know so much we haven't talked In years? His parents lived in the rich circles of Boston, and we became study buddies after Dad started tutoring him. Then I transferred to his school, and the rest is history. It's been so long...

Etienne coughed a bit.

"Video call with Oscar? Etienne umm, I am at an event. Now is not a good time for me."

The rosy scent enveloped me, and there was a beautiful pool down there. I feel like Alice in Wonderland.

"How about in an hour? Monsieur Martin has a board meeting in London.,"

As I look at my water reflection. I realized that dangerous thought in the back of my mind. Will anyone even miss me? While I am gone? Will anyone even give a damn here in this concrete city of Seattle?

Is this what I want? I want to make a difference, not just to leave a mark but help someone.

To be honest, I don't know. That's the problem. So I answered him.

"You got it, send me the link and I'll be ready to connect with Monsieur Martin."

"Trés Bien!,"

I stopped thinking about things like the sunflower I made. Whether it'll live or die,

Even though it comprises screws and metal, and whether Vincent will appreciate or approve it.

I need to go home, no one's gonna miss a girl like me here. There's no place for me here yet, I walk back towards the entrance gate; I saw Vincent with another bunch of executives, drinking wine obviously.

I texted Andrea that I can't stay longer; I have a Cat emergency and also apologize on my behalf to Grace for leaving early.

I think it's best if I keep this potential job offer away from Vincent's PA. No matter how much I and Andrea are good friends; I know her well enough that she'll always be loyal to Mr.Grey and she should be.

My Uber arrived in 5 minutes, and as I hurry home, the weight lifted off my shoulders. The stress of being liked today was beyond compare. I think it is an uncontrollable feeling.

As I watch the Seattle skyscrapers and steel towers appear and shift before my eyes, I felt upset about the things I am going to miss doing here. My figure skating club, buying flowers, riding Gertie, and playing guitar with Keshi on the street with absolute strangers and going to work with the catchphrase of What's happening in the esteemed world of Grey today?

I chuckled at that. That's never getting old, is it?

I get off the cab and unlock my door.

Tabby is on the couch purring and moving her furry tail. I remove my coat and heels.

And pet her behind her ears. She loves it.

I have received an email from Etienne with a WebEx link. I quickly washed my hands and turned on my coffeemaker and grab a mug.

I fire up my MacBook and open the link.

It is connecting.

And connecting.

And connecting....ugh, why can't we improve the network first here?

And then he appeared.

"Bonjour! Nice to see you finally!"

Oscar has evolved into a suave gentleman.

However, he still prefers casuals.

"Look at you, Cassiopeia. You look like a beautiful poem!!"

"Merci! Hey! How are you doing, Monsieur Oscar?"

We laughed.

" I am doing just fine, and in French, that means not good."

"Huh? Really? You're the Vice President I think that is excellent."

"Yeah, well. But truth is, I am overloaded with work and I need someone on the team who can handle pressure and also genuine. I have fired 4 people so far for their incompetence. I am sure Etienne told you about my recommendation.,"

"Yes, Etienne was very helpful. But Oscar, I can't just jump ship. I work for.."

"Grey enterprises, I know. One of my business partners was shocked by your auction and his bidding. ,"

"Okay, but I was crazy, but you know I have always been that way."

"No, you're not crazy, you're just smarter than average. That's why I still believe you're a perfect fit here at Mystère."

" But Oscar, I am under a contract. And I enjoy working here. I don't even know what you guys do!"

"I can't tell you because we keep things very private, but trust me, Cassie, I know you are going to love it. "

"Okay, how about we put this on hold for a while? I mean, I have my finals and I don't know if I am ready to leave the states and go to France."

"That's why I am doing this meeting. I am keeping your job here on hold as long as you don't tell me an absolute 100% NO. If you change your mind after your finals, then call me. I'll set up everything. ,"

"Why are you being so generous? Oscar, it's too much!."

"Well, let's just say I am trying to do the same thing you did for me for all those years at school, fighting my battles for me."

He smiled that same goofy smile he always had.

Nostalgia is a sweet thing.

" Don't mention it. I'll do it all again for you now. Nothing's changed."

"Monsieur, your next meeting. "

Etienne reminded Oscar.

" Okay, I have things to pack. You should go. Let's stay in touch Ozzie!"

" Oui! Au revoir!"

I need to stop thinking about going to Paris. I have to go to Boston for now.

I brushed Tabby and changed my outfit into simple Denim and black turtleneck and a camel-colored trench coat.

I covered my furniture with sheets and gave my plants to my neighbor.

It's time to go.

I ate some light lunch and coffee and called for an Uber. Picked up my suitcases.

Full of books and Tabby's in the New transparent travel shoulder bag.

The airport is in Portland and it took us almost 3 hours to reach the Portland International airport.

The bustle of the airport was more chaotic than I had imagined. It's funny how we can see many stories at once. Some traveling for business, some for affairs while others with their family on a much-needed vacation.

Dad has texted me exciting GIFs. I called him.

"Hey Dad, I just reached the airport, I am about to check-in.,"

"That's good, you're early. I'll be there to pick you up, Ashley is also coming with me. ,"

"Sounds swell. I can't wait to eat your signature dish. Homemade seafood and stew with pasta."

"Did you have lunch, Cassie?"

"Yes, Dad, like I promised. I am eating well now. Don't worry. I'll see you in 5 to 6 hours."

"Love you. Safe travels."

"Love you, dad! Bye."

I put my phone back in my pocket and enter inside. I need to buy a book to read on the flight just in case I can't concentrate on the crosswords.

I self-check-in and get my boarding pass of JetBlue. A kid pointed to my bag excitedly at Tabby, who's fallen asleep inside the bag.

I turn around to Powell's bookstore.

I browse through the genre. There was a dusty book in the side corner of the shelf in the romance genre, which I usually avoid.

I pick it up.

'Froth on the Daydream ' by Boris Vian.

Hmm, never heard of it. I look at its back cover. A surreal love story where a young, rich boy meets a young pretty girl and fall in love. This piqued my interest as I buy it.

I give my book to the cashier and a donut pillow.

A shadow appeared and handed the cashier a black Amex card.

"Excuse me?"

I look around me. And whoosh, all the oxygen left my lungs.

"We meet again, Cassiopeia. ,"

It's Mr. Vincent Grey again.