Lightweight Crush part 2

"Ugh, I am so tired already!!!" Ashley cried out as she crashed on top of the sofa. A week has passed by since I came back home. It was good to be back in reality that is the life of a student and endless studying and paperwork. I just hope I get good results which can help me with a scholarship for my Master's degree, maybe PhD too. A girl can dream, right?

Ashley's been on edge since her mother has arrived in Boston to 'take care' of her as in be as good as a wallflower for dad's Senate race in Ash's words.

Ashley's mother has always been strict as uptight Boston aristocrat.

That's how I met Oscar, at one of her luncheon party.

I look at Ash as she is stretching her legs and arms. We both are exhausted from the commute and studying.



"Oscar had called from Paris. "

"He called? Are you serious? No one has his contact information. What did he say?"

Ash sat upright and walked to the fridge.

"Let's have some wine."

She poured the red liquid into two cups.

"He offered me a job. But it's in Paris."

"You're kidding!! But I think you should think about it. I mean it's Oscar, he's a genius and I have heard from people that he has his brand, although I am not sure what he does exactly but still."

"Plus it's Paris. It's so perfect for you. You wanted to attend that university there didn't you?? And bonus no offence your love life is almost nil. "

"I am interested and Oscar used to be my best friend. It's just that I got used to Seattle."

I defended.

"I understand that but Cassie it's you! You are not fit for the stiff corporate business you are a creative person and I feel like you deserve so much more."

"Thank you. I do want to go but I want to make my existing project success first. I can't leave GreyX high and dry like that so soon."

"I know I feel like you're not given enough credit there."

I closed my eyes to think about it. I wonder if he missed me at all? I wonder if my GreyX team missed me? The texts are platonic and formal. My feelings my affection for Mr Grey what if I was being used to get better results? I look back at that night when I cycled to his house in rain. He is a mean guy sometimes. What does that make me? A masochist?

I shook my head in a firm NO!

"Aahhh, my head is going to burst from all this. I have to prepare for everything."

I take a shower and reside permanently on my desk.

I have read about how athletes have a calming routine, for me, it has always been either puzzles or crosswords or maths. Solving Maths questions with dad was always my favorite routine.

I stretch my arms and study. I wish I could forget about Seattle like a lucid dream even though it is impossible...

I don't know why my heart hurts to think about the last time I saw Vincent.

Why can't he let people in for just once??

Is he so cynical that he can't trust people and their feelings??

No no stop this already. Stop torturing yourself Cassie get it together!!

Two weeks later...

I gaze down, the rusty fallen leaves of maple trees were crushed under my feet. MIT finals are over at last. I feel like I am still searching for something. Yes, I was doing good at academics, the honor student part. I have tons of guys who are my friends, and some did ask me out and yes, I went on a date or two with them too but the chemistry was just not right, I was either too shy or too talkative sometimes and then I stopped because I did not want to ruin our friendship.

And I did not want to deal with their analysis of why I am so defensive about my past life. Why I don't let people in. I sighed at that thought.

But now, looking back I am anxious and I wish I had more photos of me and my friends. I wish I could go on a great trip with my friends someday before reality kicks in. There were several joint projects and conventions we attended.

The autumn is such a comfortable season, isn't it? I look back at the Killian court, the centre of MIT. I am going to miss this place so much. The dorms, the gorgeous labs and one of my all-time favorite spot is the MIT Haystack observatory deck.

It's a magical place to be. Pulling off those endless all-nighters with research scientists was memorable. I wish to join the list of laureates from MIT. I feel nervous about what is going to happen next. For the first time in my life, the possibilities are endless and I am confident about my GPA scores.

I have already prepared my applications for EPITA school of engineering in France and King's College, Cambridge, UK and MIT of course.

I am thinking too much.

I receive a text,

Ashley is waiting for me at Xavi's restaurant. So I have to walk two blocks.

Last two weeks have been a blur with studying and papers and meetings with professors for discussions. But I did enjoy all of it.

I strolled towards the Sulmona restaurant. It is straight from the MIT Museum.

I go straight in to find Ashley at the bar, chatting with bartender Lucas. The tables are filled with people but I always liked the ambience, it's not too crowded plus Xavier's food is always been marvellous. Even though he started this restaurant in his first year, he was an instant hit in the local community.

"Hey! Sorry I got held up in some paperwork."

"Hey, Lucas, I'll have the bonfire cocktail, please."

"You got it. I'll add some extra pears too."

"Thanks, Luc."

I settled down onto the barstool.

"Hey, no worries. Finally, it's over. Now we can go on a trip or something."

Ash suggested.

"Of course but a short one. I still have to coordinate with the GreyX team in Seattle."

"Here's an idea! What if I go to Seattle with you? "

"That will be awesome!!! Yess let's do that!!"

Lucas served my cocktail and I take a sip through the straw, as always it's smooth and refreshing.

"Xavier must be busy today huh?"

Ash curled her brown strands as a habit, as she nodded yes. "Yes, there is some executive meeting happening on the other side of the restaurant, see that table? What is the big deal they are just people with expensive suits most of the time."

I looked at that direction and instant regret.

Mr. Vincent Grey is having a lunch meeting with three potential investors I guess. I recognized Mr Hayashi from Accenture Capitals.

Shit, Our eyes met. He's looking straight at me. Don't react to him... Be normal.

I looked away. "Ash let's go. Mr Grey is right there. I don't want to talk to him."

Her eyes widened, "Holy shit! Your boss slash crush is here." She turned back to peek.

"He is way handsome than what you described. What's wrong then. He's dating someone else?"

"Yes, a beautiful Brazilian Heiress. "

I finished my drink and paid Lucas.

A waiter arrived with two pink champagne glasses.

"Mr. Grey congratulates you for your Finals."

He was looking at me with such intent.

What is this game he is trying to play? First, he pushes me away and insults my feelings then sending me champagne for my finals. What is he doing here in Boston?

I did not take the glass but Ash did.

My heart was beating faster. My calming routine. I retrieve the crossword Boston Globe newspaper and start filling in the blanks.

"Hello, Ladies." No No No. Go away.

"Hi! I am Ashley, Cassie's best friend and was her roommate."

"Nice to meet you Ashley and you too, Cassiopeia."

My full name??

"What are you doing here in Boston, Mr. Grey?" I straight out ask him.

"Isn't it obvious? I am here to see you."

He callously replied. Ash left her seat to go to the kitchen. She is so disloyal.

"Are you serious? Why me? "

"I just really wanted to see you. And also to inaugurate the renovated nanoscience lab that I funded for MIT. I wanted you to show me around."

"No way I am doing that. The staff can do that for you. I have a lot on my plate. " I go back to the crossword.

"Your Dean was keen enough to accept my request for you to give me a campus tour."

"I don't want to do that. I am busy. You should go back to your meeting Mr. Grey."

"Here's my number. I will send you the time and details."

"Don't worry I already have your number Cassiopeia."

He walked back to his table as I gulped down the champagne like an idiot.

Ash and I go shopping next and I told her about Mr. Grey funding for the nanoscience lab.

"Oh, you should show him around. Can you believe that he funded that only to get your attention maybe I don't know but I really think you should go with him and maybe you can take him to your favorite observatory deck later and show him Cassiopeia and Andromeda constellations and a good night kiss?"

That sounds too good to be true.

"I don't think I can do that yet not after the last time we talked he keeps changing his behavior towards me and I don't know if he is single or not all I know that he is still dating Gisele and I cannot just kiss him!!!"

Ash stopped me. "You know you like him and I think he likes you too. I know you're trying to armor yourself but I think you should try to let people in once in a while."

"Maybe I can try to this time around huh?" I said as Ash hugged me tightly.

What is there to lose right? And all the dead weight I felt all this time lifted away from my shoulders. And warmth bloomed instead.