Relationship Oscillation Part 2

Oh! its a call Dr Hoffman from the Astronomy department.

"Dr. Hoffman, How may I help you?"

"Hello Cassiopeia I heard you are here on campus, Can you come to the observatory deck??"

"Oh okay, is it urgent?"

"Yes, I and Santiago are low on staff and we need you to monitor and run simulations simultaneously on both computers."

"Okay, I am on my way."

"Mr. Grey I have urgent work at the Wallace Observatory deck in Westford. I have shown you the labs, you can explore on your own while I visit the deck."

I told him.

"Isn't Westford 40 miles away from here?"

"Yes, I'll get a cab of course."

"Not a chance, I'll drop you."

He leads me towards his Audi and of course, Taylor greeted us.

"Miss Bennett."

"Taylor. How you've been?"

"Same as always."

We drove away from all the light pollution of Boston to Westford. The observatory is one of my favorite places in Boston. Its located in a secluded area with a small dusty road leading to it.

"We are here."

I got off the car and Mr Grey is right behind me. "Mr Grey I might work here till midnight so you should leave now."

"I want to see the deck, you can work with them. Let's see again diligent you are."

He teased me as I stormed ahead of him.

"Hey, good to see you again and you have brought a guest." Dr. Hoffman noticed infuriating Mr Grey.

" Hi I am Vincent grey and you are?"

"Dr. Phillip Hoffman, Research Scientist, Astronomy department."

"Mr. Grey is going to fund for the latest equipment in nanoscience lab."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I would have asked for investors too but MIT already has a world-class radio science observatory." Dr. Hoffman called his other scientist to help out because he just discovered something while running simulations on monitor computer which was the blueprint of the cosmic activity happening in the outer space around the mass moon and Mars planet so I sat down and started running the simulations on both of the computers simultaneously in sync to confirm his theory I was lost in the process while not knowing what Mr. Grey was doing by himself I paid no attention to him until he asked a question to Dr. Hoffman.

"So why did you ask Cassiopeia to help you and not anyone else?"

" because I know Cassiopeia from a very long time if you don't know Mr. Grey Cassiopeia's mother was an astrophysicist who worked closely with me at this very observatory deck at MIT she was one of the brightest minds in this subject and I often used to argue and also collaborate with Dr Bennett when she was young it's a shame she lost her mind in the process but I for a fact know that Cassiopeia is well endowed in this subject from her mother it's in her blood."

"Ehhh! That's nepotism! And anyway, I was the only left because everyone else was helping out in the AI and decisions system department!"

Dr. Flynn and Dr. Ito both are working on the calculations in the corner, their desks are strewn with papers and empty coffee mugs.

It seemed like 4 hours went by without a hitch and we also had yo record each step and analyze them through simulations of the cosmic rays in different days in a season and additional weather factors in 5 different geographical coordinates has to be studied and analyzed to confirm Dr. Hoffman's paper. However today it's the last day of observation before the winter months and the direct UV rays interfere with the study and often misdirects observations needed to prove Dr. Hoffman's discovery of mutual spin alignment among members of asteroid families and Wallace scientist might be the first to accurately predict and observe an occultation of Kuiper Belt object Quaoar. And I play a small but needed part of this discovery.

Hence Astronomers at Wallace Observatory need to be in their best shape to conduct their research.

Mr. Grey had stepped out to attend a conference call. I still do not understand why he's so intent on staying.

I told him that Dr. Marie Ito will drop me off but he dismissed it.

It's late-night already and I can hear the cooing of night owls in the distance.

" Can we go to a restaurant or something? I am starving and also I need a change of clothes. These are beginning to stink."

Remarked Dr Flynn who spoke in a thick Irish accent.

Dr Ito agreed as well, she wanted to take a hot bath in her house with scented soaps and have dinner.

In the end, agreed to step out of the observatory and go home and change their clothes and have dinner nearby restaurant after working continuously for the past 35 hours they were exhausted and filled with black coffee and churros.

"We will be back after 2 hours can you stay here with Mr. Grey and maybe guard the deck and keep monitoring. Lock yourself in."

They left to go to their apartments.

I looked around the darkroom with subdued light.

There was a spare telescope for mere pleasure. I looked through it. An old habit as a kid. Mom had brought me here because I had a day off from school and no babysitter.

I started searching for the constellations like joining the dots game.

Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Canis Major, Andromeda and Cassiopeia too.

"Let me have a look at you too."

His face was so close to my face that I blushed at this close contact.

I moved out. The roof the Observatory deck is mechanical. So, the roof was removed at night through the touch of a button.

He asked me to show him many famous constellations.

I chuckled at his boyish enthusiasm.

"You're like an eager student Mr. Grey."

"That's only an excuse to get very close to the teacher." His hands travel down my back.

"I want to take you out for dinner tomorrow night."

"Why me?"

" I like you. And this is a first for me to date someone like you, a brilliant and beautiful woman. I act irrationally around you which is the very opposite of the Mr. Grey personality you know."

His words touched a chord in me. It was like rain after months of scorching heat. His lips touched mine at that very moment and time stopped. I couldn't think of anything anymore.

Under the magical night sky full of infinite stars away from the chaos of the city, He's finally kissing me with mesmerizing murmurs of compliments.

The musky scent of his covered me. My body is relaxed. That feeling of searching for something was getting clearer now.

The contact is electrifying, jolting every nerve in my body. His lips fit perfectly against mine. The scruff on his jaw lightly scraped against my skin, but I liked it. I liked it even more when he pushed me back until I felt his solid arms behind me. Eh, I could always do with more of such delicious hardships. I loved this—being trapped by his strong body with no other choice but to fully surrender to his kiss. And oh, what a kiss this was. No one had kissed me like that, not ever. He explored and probed, our tongues crashing in a wild dance until I felt liquid fire coursing through my veins. He deepened the kiss, demanding more, and then he intensified the rhythm as if he was making love to my mouth. Heat pooled low in my body. When a deep groan reverberated in his chest, my knees weakened. As if sensing this, he gripped my waist with both of those strong and steady hands. I had a hunch he was that type of man who would be strong and steady no matter what, who'd never let me fall. "Cassie," he whispered, once he'd pulled back so we could take a much-needed breath. I stared up right into his eyes. His pupils were dilated, his eyelids hooded. The desire was written all over him, making it hard for me to resist him.

He broke the kiss and whispered.

"So, this is what fantasies are made up of huh?"

"I believe that too," I said shyly, my cheeks were flushed.

"I want to relive that again my cosmic beauty."

"Me too, Vincent."

I finally gave in, I left all the worries to the night sky and as he began to retrace his kiss and I saw the gleaming stars in his grey eyes.