Lost and Found Part 2

'What would you like to drink?'

He asked me, facing down to look at me, and stiffened.

But Vincent's behavior was not what I had imagined.

I had thought he would sweep her into his arms, and make mad, passionate love to me.

How naive was that? I castigated herself.

He's a sophisticated man of the world, a man of discernment; of course he would never behave so crassly, I thought. But I was wrong again.

'I'll—' I was going to ask for a glass of juice, but I never got the chance.

'To hell with a drink,' he growled, and in a couple of lithe strides he reached for me and hauled me hard against his chest.

His expert mouth swooped down to capture hers, a soft moan escaped me, and, taking full advantage, his tongue slipped between my parted lips with a devastating effect.

I don't know what hit me.

His tongue swirled around hers, igniting a passion that was red hot. His arms were tight around me, pressing me against his aroused body, telling me without words how much he wants me.

My slender hands lifted to his broad chest, a finger catching on his shirt button.

I felt his smile as he murmured against my lips, 'Go ahead, take it off for me.' His dark eyes gleamed down into mine, an invitation explicit in the black depths.

I freed one button, and my stomach somersaulted as her fingers scraped the hot skin beneath. "Don't stop now, Cassiopeia"

He husked, his hands sliding caressingly up and down my back.

'Or perhaps you prefer I undress you first?' His sensuous mouth swooped down to taste me again, and went lower to nuzzle the curve of my neck, and I stifled a frustrated groan when he broke the connection.

' One strong hand slid around her waist. 'It could do a man a serious injury,' he added, his fingers deftly unfastening the buckle, and the offending item fell to the floor.

'Now tell me what you want, and I promise I will oblige.'

"I want you my future husband."

I swiftly unbuttoned his shirt. Then I stopped, my eyes widening to their fullest extent at the sight of a wedge of broad tanned chest, and the dusting of soft black curls that accentuated his powerful pectoral muscles drenched in a bit of sweat.

I swayed against him,

'You are beautiful,' I murmur softly.

'I think that is my line,' he mocks, but his eyes glinted with a hint of masculine satisfaction and something more.

His dark head bent and his lips brushed across mine as he gathered me hard against him, and kissed her long and deep. So deep that when he suddenly eased me away from the heat of his great body, I was breathless, my legs felt like rubber, and I could hardly stand.

But I didn't need to.

'THIS is not the place,' he said, and swept me up in his arms.

'And we have too many clothes on,' he added with a teasing grin as he strode into the bedroom and lowered me down against him onto my own feet, before stepping back, kicking off his shoes and shrugging out of his shirt.

The partial view of his broad chest had not prepared me for the awesome beauty of his naked torso. Mesmerized, I simply stared.

His shoulders were wide, his chest broad and tapering down to a lean waist, his skin gleaming like burnished gold in stark contrast to the mass of black curling hair arrowing down his strong body. His long arms were hard and muscular, and had their own dusting of hair. His hands...his hands were unfastening his trousers.

I gasped, her heart skipping a beat.

"Something wrong?" YES!!! YOU!! YOUR PERFECT BODY IS UNFAIRLY HOT. I am supposed to be mad at you!!! Tell me what is wrong with YOU?

His hands settled on her waist, and I was glad of the support, shaken by the intensity of my own desire for him.

'No,' I murmured.

'Never more right.' I strove to match his sophistication, but my voice shook ever so slightly.

"But you still have too many clothes on, baby." A slow, sensuous smile curved his wide mouth, his eyes gleaming beneath black curling lashes.

'Let me help you', he suggested throatily as his fingers caught the edge of my top, and he eased it up from my hips.

'Magnificent' Vincent husked as his hands swept round and up to cup my high, firm breasts. I sucked in a feverish breath, my breasts suddenly heavy, the small nipples swelling and tightening into pinpoints of pleasure.

I had never imagined I could stand brazenly half naked before him and, lifting my eyes, I felt my cheeks flood with color at his intent masculine scrutiny.

'You have nothing to blush about, babe' His smoldering gaze met mine his voice fracturing a little.

'Here, let me help you,' he added and skimmed my trousers and briefs down my hips with a deftness that spelled of years of practice. He gathered me up in his arms and laid me on the bed.

He kissed and caressed a sensuous path from my breasts to my navel, and traced the line of my hip and thigh right down to the soles of my feet with a hungry, erotic thoroughness that made me wriggle and squirm in feverish delight, before returning to my mouth and kissing me with a driving, possessive passion that I met and matched with helpless abandon.

I wrapped my arms tight around him, on fire for him. My hands swept over his back.

'Feel free.' Vincent grinned and let go of my hands, his heavy-lidded eyes gleaming into mind.

'I certainly intend to touch every part of you, Cassiopeia, in every way.' Dipping his head, he trailed kisses down my throat, sucking on the tiny pulse racing beneath my skin, before moving lower and licking and nipping the rosy nipples with his teeth and tongue, while his hand stroked down the curve of my waist and traced my inner thigh.

I buried my hands in the thick dark hair of his head, my spine arching up to him, and I groaned out loud at the exquisite sensations lancing from my breast to the apex of my thighs.

I am feeling hot and aching for him, and my legs moved apart instinctively.

His hand tangled in my hair and urged my head up.

'Not so fast, babe.'

He laughed softly, his face inches from mine.

'I want to make this good for you, to make it last.' With passion-dazed eyes, he looked into me, the smouldering black eyes, the disheveled hair that I was responsible for, and the wickedly sinful mouth smiling down.

It was the smile that goaded me even as my insides were melting like hot treacle. Daringly, I inched around his hip and touched the long velvet shaft, and I heard him groan.

'Why wait?' I prompted breathlessly, his blue eyes widening to blaze with a need.

'We can always do it again.' Vincent was not made of stone, though at that moment he was as hard as any rock. He caught my hand and lifted it up to his chest.

Vincent lifted his head, his eyes molten pools of black jet, his bronzed skin flushed along his high cheekbones.

"You want me.'

"I'm crazy for you," I groaned. He rose over me, and I was unaware he reached tor something from the bedside table as the subtle stroke of his lean fingers took her to the edge again.

'Yes, "he rasped, and in one smooth motion he grasped my hips, and lifted me.

My whole body shuddered, and 'he drew in an audible breath as with one powerful move he entered her. I stilled as a gasp of protest escaped me

I cried out loud. 'Oh, yes, Alex, yes' at the incredible sensations convulsing my slender body with a fierce pleasure that shattered all my innocent illusions, and left me shuddering in ecstasy. So this was...it. But the thought never fully formed, as Vincent plunged harder and faster in a wild, primitive rhythm that drove her higher and higher. I clung to him in a fever of need, oblivious to the fact my nails were digging into his flesh.

I felt as if he is lifting me out of myself to a realm where nothing existed but his hot, hard body filling me, possessing me. And I was totally unaware of the breathless plea for more escaping me as he captured the sound with his mouth. I felt his great body shudder violently, and I cried out his name as wave after wave of explosive sensations swept her into an ecstatic oblivion. "Alex.. Please.."

Slowly, I opened my eyes. Vincent was collapsed on top of her, his eyes closed.

But even so, I smiled mistily up at him. Our bodies are damp with perspiration, our hearts thundering in the aftermath of passion, and a deep sense of peace washed over me.

"Fuck." he murmured close to my ear, burying his face in the silken, fragrant mass of my hair for a moment.

"That was fantastic.' He smoothed the tumbled hair from my brow. ' You are some woman.'

He eased his heavy body from mine, and from the bed. 'Don't go.' I murmured, reaching out a hand to him.

Is it Sunday morning?

He had been cool and his kiss goodbye had been little more than a peck early morning. In fact, when I think about it now, the only thing that was surprising was that he had bothered to call me at all last week.

"Cassie Wake up. It's noon."


"Mr. Grey had an early meeting, so he left while you were asleep, and he asked me to tell you that the product launch is postponed due to some issues."

"Issues? What issues?"

"I am sorry he did not elaborate, he just headed out in a hurry. He was tensed."

"It's okay, I will just call my office."

"I made you some lunch."

"Thanks Grace."

I am famished. I gobble up the steak, pasta, and some coffee. I quickly took a shower and change into pants and a white t-shirt and a knitted vest.

I place the letter and the ring on the dresser. I also put the Armani perfume I had ordered for him. I really hope Vincent likes it.

I grab my backpack and call for a rental car. I need to drive myself to the office first, and then to Ashley's hotel, maybe show her around some places.

I settle into my driver's seat and drive out to the intersection.

It is almost dusk out there.

"Hey Siri ! Call Ashley's mobile."

"Calling Ashley. "

I got her voice-mail.

That's weird

"Hey Ash, I am heading to the office, I hope you are at the hotel. Call me soon, I was going take you to that Eden's garden for your wedding photo shoot. Bye."

Signal turns green, and after 25 minutes I reach the office.

I park the car and head in.

I get into the elevator.

Some people are looking at me. That's weird.

I scroll my phone.

News updates.

Grey Enterprises stocks are falling down!!

But why? Is it the new deal Vincent was trying to sign?

I click on the article by Financial Times.

"Grey enterprises facing a downfall of their stocks after the ATLAS project leak scandal and accusations which suggests plagiarism by the GreyX Technology.

Ongoing further investigation resulting in their stock price plummeting in the market."



I am furious. I have been out of the loop, and this happened?? My god Vincent should have told me!! But why??

I reach the office lobby.

"Andrea, what is going on? I - I need to talk to Vincent, where is he? Where is the meeting?Is he okay?"

"Cassie, I don't know if I should tell you, but we had to involve the law for this. Someone leaked details of the software, and we have to cancel the project. It is a case of company espionage."

"Cancel? You can't just cancel! I need to talk to Vincent. Where is he?"

"I don't know, he checked into his penthouse in the uptown by the port. "

"His penthouse?" He never told me.

"Okay, I have to go see him, I really hope the officers find the mole. Thanks, Andrea."

I walk to my office and grab my work laptop.

"Hey Cassie, you can't take that, can you hand it over?"

"Oh okay, but be careful. Bye now."

I quickly head out of the building and rush to my car. I speed onto the highway. I cut to Portside Route 64 over to the long road towards uptown, It's almost late evening.

Oh! It's Ashley

"Hey Ash! Where are you now?"

"Cassie? Oh! My god. Are you okay? They are going to arrest you. I am going to find us a good lawyer okay?"

"Ash! What are you talking about?"

I turn on blinkers and step on the peddle. The stupid Bugatti in front of my Toyota Eos keeps messing up on my lane.

"Cassie, they are accusing you of company espionage. They are saying that you leaked information of the software to the rival company. So Vincent Grey is suing you!"

"Ash ! That's crazy. I just met him yesterday, he barely said anything. "

"Cassie, he just gave a press release statement. My colleague at finance said he is even going to involve his friend, who is in the FBI for 'insight' in this case."

"FBI? No no no. that can't happen. Ash do something, I am driving to his penthouse. I am going to talk to him. Bye."

The stupid Bugatti crisscrossed and sidelined me. I step on the gas and the Bugatti honked at me and surpassed me.

Oh no!! He is losing control and steered uncertainly

I crashed into the Bugatti!

Darkness everywhere...

"Is she okay?"

"She seems to have a hairline fracture at the base of her head. Luckily, the seat belt saved her.

She has broken her right leg, and she needs surgery, this is Dr. Jackson, he is an orthopedic specialist."

"Oh my god. This is horrible. Her dad just had a stroke, so he cannot travel, so I am her next emergency contact."

"You can pray for her recovery, she is going to be in a lot of pain."

"Yes Dr. Lee. Thank you. She knows pain her whole life, I am hoping my best friend can handle it this time."