Misty(anime) Vs Dawn(RB)

Misty POV

I need to win so I can get that wish. I start to think about the wish I wanted and Smile.

I walk into the battlefield. I see my opponent. I say you better be good little girl cause this thing here. I'm winning it. I send out Starmie. She say I'm Dawn and I won't lose. She send out Clefairy. I say use water gun. She say use wake up slap. I say use tackle. Clefairy fainted. Dawn look shock.

Dawn POV

But it was only a tackle, unless her pokemon is very high level. I get it now. I send out Kadabra. I say use psybeam. Starmie fainted.

Misty POV

Look like there more then there seems. I send out Goldeen. I say use horn drill. Kadabra use psybeam. I say use horn drill. Kadabra fainted.

Dawn POV

I only have one Pokemon left. But it my best one for this battles. I send out Grotle. I say use razor leaf. Golden fainted.

Misty POV

Well that Pokemon gonna be a problem. I better not take any risk. I send out Gyarados. I say I need your power Gyarados and use the mega ring. Gyarados mega evolve to mega Gyarados. I say use flamethrower. Dawn and Grotle eye widen in surprise. Grotle fainted.

Misty win the battle.

I walk up to her and say you did a good job. Just train better and one day you will get stronger. Face me again when that happens. Dawn smile and say ok.

The next matches:

Red(Mega) Vs Kris(RB)

May(anime) Vs Brendan(RB)

Surge(RB) Vs Leaf(Mega)

Erika(RB) Vs Gary Oak(anime)

Sabrina(RB) vs Tate(RB)

2nd Round Match

Chase(let's go) vs Misty(anime)