Sabrina(RB) vs Tate(RB)

3rd POV

Tate and Sabrina walk into the battlefield. Tate says," I don't have my twin sister with me but me and my Pokémon combination will beat you. Sabrina says," I don't enjoy battling but I will show you my psychic power child."

Sabrina sends out Sigilyph. Tate send out Solrock. Sigilyph use ice beam. Solrock use rock slide. Sigilyph use ice beam. Solrock use rock slide. Sigilyph use psychic. Solrock use rock slide. Sigilyph fainted and Sabrina send out Slowking.

Solrock use Zen Headbutt. Slowking use scald. Solrock fainted and Tate send out Gallade. Gallade use night slash. Slowking fainted and Sabrina send out Metagross.

Gallade use night slash. Metagross use shadow ball. Gallade use nigth slash. Metagross use shadow ball. Gallade use night slash. Metagross use shadow ball. Gallade fainted and Tate send out Reuniclus.

Metagross use shadow ball. Reuniclus use shadow ball. Metagross fainted and Sabrina send out Exeggutor. Exggutor use sleep powder. Reuniclus dodge it and use shadow ball. Exeggutor fainted and Sabrina send out Espeon.

Espeon use signal beam. Reuniclus fainted and Tate send out Xatu.

Espeon use signal beam. Xatu fainted and Tate send out Claydol. Espeon use signal beam. Claydol use explosion. Claydol fainted and Tate send out Bronzong.

Espeon use signal beam. Bronzong use earthquake. Espeon fainted and Sabrina send out Alakazam. Alakazam use shadow ball. Bronzong fainted.

Tate says," It looks like the bond between you and your pokmeon was far stronger than mine."

Sabrina says," I foresaw my victory, but I know you'll become even stronger than you are now, I know it."

Next Round

Whitney(RB) Vs Giovanni(RB)

Koga(RB) Vs Lance(Mega)

Blaine(RB) vs Blue(manga)

Red(Origin) vs Steven (RB)

Liza(RB) Vs Green(Let's Go)

2nd Round Match

Chase(let's go) vs Misty(anime)

Red(Mega) vs Brendan(RB)

Surge(RB) vs Gary Oak(anime)

Sabrina(RB) Vs