Cheren and Avery, walks into the stadium battlefield.
"I am reaching to become a great psychic gym leader I won't lose here," said Avery.
"That's the spirt. Let's both do our best and have a battle we can be proud of" said Cheren
Cheren sends out Stoutland, while Avery chooses Galarian Slowbro.
Stoutland starts with a Crunch. Galarian Slowbro use Psychic, hitting Stoutland for decent damage. Stoutland uses Return, and it hits Galarian Slowbro hard, but it survives.
Galarian Slowbro uses Shell Side Arm. Stoutland, now at a low health, uses Ice Fang, but misses. Slowbro use Scald. Stoutland barely hangs on but is forced to Reversal as a last-ditch move, knocking out Galarian Slowbro.
Both Stoutland and Galarian Slowbro: Fainted.
Avery sends in Alakazam, while Cheren chooses Porygon-Z.
Porygon-Z uses Shadow Ball. Alakazam counters with Psychic, dealing a lot of damage to Porygon-Z. Porygon-Z uses Thunder, but it misses. Alakazam to use Shadow Ball.
Alakazam set up Reflect, boosting its defenses. Porygon-Z lands a Signal Beam, causing confusion. Alakazam hurts itself in confusion, allowing Porygon-Z to use Psychic, dealing significant damage to Alakazam. Alakazam, still confused, hurts itself once again. Porygon-Z takes the opportunity to finish it off with Thunder, knocking Alakazam out.
Avery sends in Galarian Slowking. Cheren switchs Porygon-Z for Cinccino.
Galarian Slowking starts with Scald. Cinccino retaliates with Tail Slap, landing five hits, doing massive damage to Slowking. Galarian Slowking attempts to use Blizzard, but Cinccino dodges again. Cinccino finishes Slowking with Rock Blast.
Avery sends out Swoobat, and Cheren switches to Lickilicky.
Swoobat use Psychic. Lickilicky responds with Hammer Arm, slowing Swoobat down. Swoobat goes for Air Slash. Lickilicky lands a hard Power Whip. Swoobat uses Future Sight. Lickilicky responds with a powerful Ice Punch, knocking out Swoobat before the Future Sight attack can hit.
Avery sends out Galarian Rapidash. Cheren switches out to Bouffalant.
Galarian Rapidash uses Dazzling Gleam, hitting Bouffalant hard. Bouffalant retaliates with Head Charge, doing massive damage to Rapidash. Galarian Rapidash tries to use Mystical Fire. Bouffalant charges up for another Head Charge, knocking out Rapidash.
Round 13:
Avery's last Pokémon, Galarian Slowking, comes out. Bouffalant is at a low health but goes for Wild Charge, dealing massive damage to Slowking.
Final Round:
Galarian Slowking uses Blizzard, but misses. Bouffalant finishes the battle with a final Head Charge, knocking out Slowking.
Cheren's Bouffalant: 5% HP
Avery's Galarian Slowking: Fainted
Cheren says "that was a solid battle, Avery. You know how to use your Pokémon's strengths well. You've got the strategy down, but you still need to refine a few things. It was a great challenge."
Avery says "you're right... I thought I had the upper hand at times, but you always seemed to turn the tables. Your team was well-prepared. I can't deny your tactical skills, Cheren. I'll need to adjust my approach for next time."
Cheren says "yeah, but that's what makes a good battle. Learning from every fight. Keep honing your skills, and you'll get even better. You're on the right track."
Avery nods. "I'll take your advice to heart. You've got a lot to teach, Cheren. Next time, I'll make sure I'm ready for whatever you throw at me."
Cheren nods confidently. "I'm looking forward to that. Keep pushing yourself, Avery. That's the way to improve. Until next time."
Avery says while smiling "Until next time, Cheren. You've got a lot to be proud of."
Bertha and Candice walk into the stadium.
Bertha says "ah, Candice, my dear. I admire your spirit, challenging someone of my experience. But do you think your ice can withstand the unshakable earth?"
Candice says "haha, Bertha! I know Ground-type Pokémon are tough, but my Ice-types have the speed and technique to carve through rock and soil alike! Let's have a chillingly good battle!"
Bertha sent out Whiscash. Candice sends out Abomasnow.
Hail activates due to Abomasnow's Snow Warning!
Abomasnow uses Wood Hammer! Whiscash fainted. Abomasnow takes recoil damage.
Bertha sends out Gliscor.
Abomasnow uses Ice Punch. Gliscor fainted.
Bertha sends out Nidoking.
Nidoking uses Sludge Bomb. Abomasnow fainted.
Candice sends out Jynx.
Jynx uses Blizzard. Nidoking takes massive damage but survives! Nidoking uses Thunderbolt. Jynx takes moderate damage but remains standing. Hail continues to fall, chipping away at Nidoking! Nidoking faints due to hail damage.
Bertha sends out Hippowdon.
Sand Stream activates! (Hail is replaced by Sandstorm)
Jynx uses Lovely Kiss. Hippowdon falls asleep.
Sandstorm chips Jynx!
Jynx uses Focus Blast. It misses.
Hippowdon is fast asleep! Sandstorm continues to chip Jynx!
Jynx uses Focus Blast. It hits. Hippowdon survives but is in low HP Hippowdon wakes up and uses Crunch. Jynx Fainted.
Candice sends out Mamoswine. Mamoswine uses Ice Shard. Hippowdon fainted.
Bertha sends out Mamoswine. (Mirror Match begins)
Bertha's Mamoswine uses Earthquake. Candice's Mamoswine takes moderate damage but remains healthy. Candice's Mamoswine uses Ice Shard. Bertha's Mamoswine takes chip damage. Candice's Mamoswine uses Stone Edge. It lands a critical hit! Bertha's Mamoswine takes heavy damage but still stands. Bertha's Mamoswine uses Icicle Spear. It hits four times! Candice's Mamoswine takes significant damage but is still in battle.
Sandstorm Ends!
Candice's Mamoswine uses Ice Shard. Bertha's Mamoswine faints!
Bertha sends out Rhyperior.
Mamoswine uses Earthquake. Rhyperior takes light damage. Rhyperior uses Rock Wrecker. Mamoswine faints.
Candice sends out Froslass.
Hail returns due to Froslass's Snow Cloak ability!
Froslass uses Shadow Ball. Rhyperior takes moderate damage but remains standing.
Rhyperior must recharge from Rock Wrecker! Hail continues to fall, chipping Rhyperior!
Froslass uses Blizzard. Rhyperior takes massive damage and faints!
Bertha is defeated.
Bertha say "ah, I see now. Even the most unshakable ground can be shaped by the flow of ice. A well-fought battle, my dear."
Candice says "that was awesome! Your Pokémon were so tough—I had to give it my all to push through. You almost had me!"
Bertha says "strength is not just in power but in adaptability. You wielded your Ice-types with grace and precision. I look forward to seeing how you continue to grow."
"Thanks, Bertha! Next time, I'll be even stronger" says Candice.
Blue (RB) Vs Brandon (Anime)
Bugsy (RB) Vs Roxanne (RB)
Gold (Manga) Vs Hau (SM/Mega)
Prof. Oak (RB) Vs Blue (Let's Go)
Iris (BW2) Vs Dawn (anime)
Cynthia (DPP) Vs Paul (Anime)
Ash (anime) Vs Red (Manga)
Red (Let's go) Vs Leon (SWSH)
Green(manga) Vs Gloria (SWSH)
Serena(anime) Vs Calem (XYZ)
Volvo (PLA) Vs AZ (XYZ)
Red (RB) Vs N(BW)
Olivia (SM) Vs Nessa (SWSH)
Korrina (XYZ) Vs Bea (SWSH)
Y (manga) VS Mai (PLA)
Penny (SV) Vs Henry (manga)
Scarlet (manga) Vs Akari (PLA)
Grusha (SV) Vs Gold (manga)
Clover (PLA) Vs Piers (SWSH)
Gordie (SWSH) Vs Clemont (Anime)
Arven (SV) Vs Caitlin (BW2)
Allister (SWSH) Vs Kieran (SV)
Hugh (BW2) Vs Drayton (SV)
Fantina (DPP) Vs Crispin (SV)
Florian (SV) Vs Brycen (BW)
Cameron (anime) Vs Flint (DPP)
Clay (BW2) Vs Kofu (SV)
Raihan (SWSH) Vs Archie (RSE)
Violet (Manga) Vs Mina (SM)
Meli (PLA) Vs Serena (XYZ)
Biance (BW) Vs Nemona (SV)
Marshal (BW2) Vs Iono (SV)
Nate (BW2) Vs Volkner (DPP)
Gaeric (PLA) Vs Selene (SM)
Chuck (GSC) Vs Black (manga)
Amarys (SV) Vs Hala (SM)
X (manga) Vs Wulfric (XYZ)
Karen (GSC) Vs Drayden (BW)
Cress (BW) Vs Lyra (HGSS)
Roark (DPP) Vs Casey (manga)
Alain (anime) Vs Opal (SWSH)
Milo (SWSH) Vs Byron (DPP)
Pearl (manga) Vs Professor Sade (SV)
Phoebe (RSE) Vs Ilima (SM)
Mela (SV) Vs Claire (GSC)
Maxie (RSE) Vs Morty (GSC)
Sidney (RSE) Vs Palmer (DPP)
Ortega (SV) Vs Falkner (GSC)
Viola (XYZ) Vs Will (GSC)
Marie (SWSH) Vs Acerola (SM)
Moon (manga) Vs Dianatha (XYZ)
Juliana (SV) Vs Dawn (DPP)
Whitley (manga) Vs Sophophocies (USUM)
Katy (SV) Vs Maylene (DPP)
Irida (PLA) Vs Brawly (RSE)
Elio (SM) Vs Peony (SWSH)
Crasher Wake (DPP) Vs Mallow (SM)
Lenora (BW) Vs Charm (PLA)
Melony (SWSH) Vs Grimsley (BW)
Bede (SWSH) Vs Lusamine (SM)
Lacey (SV) Vs Hop (SWSH)
Agatha (RB) Vs Hapu (SM)
Bruno (RB) Vs Lillie (SM)
Chairman Rose (SWSH) Vs Lorelei (RB)
Skyla (BW2) Vs Chili (BW)
Wattson (RSE) Vs Gardenia (DPP)
Flannery (RSE) Vs Victor (SWSH)
Harrison (anime) Vs Larry (SV)
Drake (RSE) Vs Atticus (SV)
Kiawe (SM) Vs Tulip (SV)
Ghetsis (BW) Vs Professor Turo (SV)
Anabel (SM) Vs Gladie (SM)
Cilian (anime) Vs Eri (SV)
Commander Kamado (PLA) Vs Hassle (SV)
Poppy (SV) Vs Cyrus (DPP)
Rhyme (SV) Vs Sabi (PLA)
Pryce (GSC) Vs Nanu (SM)
Iris (anime) Vs Wallace (RSE)
Coin (PLA) Vs Aaron (DPP
Lucian (DPP) Vs Marlon (BW2)
Lysandra (X) Vs Elanie (LPGE)
Ruby (manga) Vs Olympia (XYZ)
Drasana (XYZ) Vs Shauntel (BW)
Sun (manga) Vs Rika (SV)
Winona (RSE) Vs Molanye (USUM)
Burgh (BW2) Vs Kabu (SWSH)
Beni (PLA) Vs Glacia (RSE)
Rosa (BW2) Vs Hilda (BW)
Ramos (XYZ) Vs Crystal (manga)
Norman (RSE) Vs Siebold (XYZ)
Lian (PLA) Vs Platinum (manga)
Lana (SM) Vs Brassius (SV)
Hilbert (BW) Vs Blake (manga)
Geeta (SV) Vs Trip (anime)
Mustard (SWSH) Vs Kukui (SM)
Guzma (SM) Vs Valerie (XYZ)
Carmine (SV) Vs Tyson (anime)
Giacomo (SV) Vs Claire (SWSH)
Diamond (manga) Vs Lucas (DPP)
Grant (XYZ) Vs Ingo (PLA)
Adaman (PLA) Vs Kahili (SM)
Roxie (BW2) Vs Goh (anime)
Jasmine (GSC) Vs Larry (SV)
Clemont (XYZ) Vs White (manga)
Malva (XYZ) Vs Sawyer (anime)
Wikstrom (XYZ) Vs Elesa (BW2)
Tobias (anime)Rei (PLA)
2nd Round Match
Chase (let's go) vs Misty(anime)
Red (Mega) vs Brendan (RB)
Surge (RB) vs Gary Oak(anime)
Sabrina (RB) Vs Giovanni (RB)
Lance (Remake) Vs Blue (Manga)
Steven (RB) VS Liza (RB)
Ethan (GS) Vs Lance (Anime)
Nate (RB/BW2) VS Yellow (Manga)
Zinnia (Mega) VS Wally (Mega)
Alder (RB) VS Barry (RB)
Misty (RB) VS Emerald (manga)