-There are 2 ways to receive something you can receive as a child or as an adult this does not depend on age or society there are children who receive as adults and adults who receive as children is one of the mysteries of life.
-Those who receive as adults are always dissatisfied with what they are given, they find defects (most of them non-existent), or they find hidden meanings and intentions that only they understand. It's a bit sad but the fact is that you could give them a pure gold ingot and they still wouldn't be happy as they would find something wrong with it.
-On the contrary, those who receive as children appreciate the simple gesture of surrender, accept whatever is given and appreciate it as a treasure, they do not give value to the object that is given but to the feeling and intention that it carries.
-This not only applies to physical gifts, it is also valid for life where some see heavy loads, unsatisfactory homes and insipid meals others can see honest work a roof over their heads and the ability to feed themselves, it goes without saying who It is the adult and who is the child, right?
-Nobody knows why this happens, I don't even know myself. I do know that I prefer to receive things as a child and appreciate everything that is given to me.
Luke 18:17 I assure you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will by no means enter it.