How to lose a battle in the valleys of despair (Or anywhere indeed).

-In my youth, when this old body was in its splendor, there was a lot of talk about dragons and princesses, knights of round tables and the occasional square or rectangular table but those were not so popular, huge and fantastic kingdoms, intrepid leaders who commanded their people to victory," you know, they always told their stories?" And I, being a child, believed them all without exception.

-No one ever told me what happens with those who do not reach the top, that the people who were successful in their path simply and reluctantly constitute a third of all those who try and that to reach the long-awaited victory you must overcome several obstacles, fight many battles and even lose some in order to win the war.

-The harsh and cruel reality did not reach me until a long time later, my commander was training me to win in an unorthodox way you could say. In training ground number seven the platoon trained by Commander White nicknamed "Hope" trained in a peculiar way.

-Firstly, you should know that "Hope" was not like any other squad, since it did not have a special requirement that applied to its members in particular, such as "Serpents" a platoon specialized in manipulating information, its members must being astute people by nature or "Hunter" where everyone has a sniper's view, with feline characteristics, now you can deduce that by not obtaining special requirements everyone could request and gain entry to said squad.

-Now enduring the training that is another story and let me tell you, Commander White was ruthless, but still fair with the men and women in his charge, for that reason although his methods were unorthodox, no one could deny that they had some effectiveness after all of Commander White isn't hailed as one of the best just for being pretty (AND WOW THAT WAS PRETTY!) Our training was brutal (I still didn't know the true meaning of that word).

-I knew its true meaning at the same time that reality crashed into me like a horse carriage at full speed because our first expedition was to the valleys of despair, a place where it is easy to die even for the bravest and most talented of the Soldiers, every step I took I thought of my training, Commander White's words repeated in an endless loop, his thundering voice reminding me every step of the way what I must do.

- "Remember to count 1, 2,3 when changing position, it is important to be in constant movement, if you stop for a single moment you give the enemy the opportunity to attack, never forget that you are surrounded by allies but there are also adversaries around. I stalk pretending to be friends, waiting for the right moment to attack, do not show your vulnerable side to those who have not earned their trust "

-"Always take note of your weapons, always remember where they are, how to use them and how you would make that specific weapon your best option for this particular combat. "Never forget your weapons in this place that is the difference between life and death."

-For my part, I am lucky to have a hyperactive mind that in that moment of stress, decided by itself that this was the important information and I should treasure it, the carnage that was unleashed at that time and place showed me the true conception of the brutal word the limbs flew, people screamed for help and couldn't move it's like they didn't know they could move, that they could attack instead of being attacked.

-Reality hit me the moment a colleague's head was at my feet, another's stomach hung around my neck, my uniform quickly turned crimson, darker and more vibrant than any existing rose or wine, in In the middle of that horrifying scene, Commander White was a force of nature in itself. His words were the ones that brought me out of stupor and saved my life. The commander raised his voice of thunder in the middle of the battlefield and said.

- "Do not forget, if you forget, you will die", that simple phrase strengthened my determination, the few of us who left did so in victory, that does not change the fact that a crowd entered like the sand of the sea and a group came out easy to count, so this old man tells you how to lose a fight and even your life on a battlefield ... forget.

-Forget why you fight

-Forget you have weapons

-Forget you can use them

-Forget how to move, dodge and attack

-Do all this and you will surely lose, if you are intelligent you will do the opposite in order to live.


1 CORINTHIANS 12: 1 "I do not want brothers to be ignorant about spiritual gifts"