
Certainly, I am old, that does not mean that I no longer exist or do not serve, I have lived in this plane for a long time and like wine, the more time passes the better I am. My father created me at the beginning of his works, before even creating this existential plane in the first seconds I was there being formed existing.

I saw how the great seas were formed, the rivers and springs gushed out, I saw the coming and going of the motes and the hills before they were established, nor the earth and its fields, or the dust from which the world was formed. They were a mystery to me because I observed each step.

I am very old and very young at the same time, don't you believe me?

When my father affirmed the celestial vault, over the great sea, I was there. And likewise, when the clouds in the sky were affirmed and the sources in the deep sea were reinforced, I saw that too. Even when the proud sea was ordered not to go out of its limits, and my father laid the foundations of the land.

There I was next to him, he always smiled when he was with me and played in his presence at all times. I played in the new world. created oh how glad I was for mankind!


Proverbs 8: 22-31