The lost tourist

A tour guide is having a difficult day the group he has to lead is not very easy to deal with to be fair it is not the group, but a particular person. A rude tourist who everyone's experience wanted to sour, did not seem to understand that he was a tourist, not a city guide.

Luckily for our weary protagonist, the rest of the group was sensible, preferring to follow the one who knew how to get to the expected destinations rather than a person who pretended to know more than the individual whose job it was to guide. At one point the stubborn man did not want to follow the assigned guide.

Believing that he knew more about a secluded place, he arrived at what he did not find on the map, the tourist was found lost, from his cell phone he called the hotel -help the incompetent guide managed to get me lost I do not know where this place is- the receptionist was the one who reasonably answered him because that is your job -sir, the guide has already said that you have separated from the group and all the others present at that moment share your opinion.


Proverb 19: 3 man's foolishness makes him lose his way and then man blames God