to think before acting

What good advice is that to think before acting

do not rush in your walk

oh dear friend did you hear this old saying

who is older than me

Wisdom that time preserved

there are important lessons in continual mistakes

performed by each individual

the difference in the results may come

from an implemented saying I can tell.

it is not only important to understand the words

you should know what actions to take

now let's get back to the main topic

Well, that's what we come to talk about

think before act

many lives can save

from mistakes we should learn

even more so if we are in a position of power

let's think about ancient times

(not that the current ones are very different)

about the wars that occurred

the mistakes that were made

the lives that were lost

the results they brought.

every time you make a decision

any decision but above all one of weight

you should remember this think act act

it can lead you to a very different path


proverbs 19:21 is good the effort without reflection the many hurries cause errors