Lost lost is the curse made by the witch of the sea-where are you going!- he shouts at her -turn back!- he shouted again. It has a course like a shipwreck on the high seas, furious is the witch of the sea.
the angry Kajuna witch finds the curse that she thought was perfect was lost in the mist, the words separated some to the north others to the south they took opposite paths by the wind they were dispersed. The men saw it and rejoiced - a loser, a loser! -the young people laughed- the curse was done and nothing was achieved- they sang together.
- Sea Witch Bah! -said a sailor .-loser has more left -before the mockery of the humans kajuna was ashamed the minutes passed the hours the days and then the years not a single effect was shown it seems that the curse was never launched.
26 2 like a lost sparrow or a swallow without a nest the curse for no reason will never reach its destination