Alma's house

Before getting married, Mr. Pedro built a little house to be able to move in" the married man wants a house" says a Latin saying and nothing more true for this pair of lovebirds.- Pedro- his friends said- you're whipped.- I can't help it -he answered good-naturedly win -his little eyes have me dumbfounded. Before the party started, the house was already done.

La casita de alma was read with well-lived painting, which was simple but for alma it is all that he asked for, everyone was happy for the celebration -it was about time -children and old people shouted and the story of Pedro and alma was a soap opera that he had them all awake, it is clear that they were the gossip that took place.

There wasn't a single soul that didn't talk about their story now that they are married, many lamented it was the happy ending of a movie they wouldn't see it anymore -how time flies- old people say. In front of Alma's little house, as everyone knew it, a new couple has settled in, which seemed to have a lot of money - if so, what do they do in a town like this? - they murmured among themselves.

The new neighbors tried to please, but it was a united community, it was not easy to disperse. One of the good things about living in the countryside is knowing how to recognize how fierce this couple looks, very similar to one. They began to build in front of Alma's house the work that began with simplicity, little by little an extravagant work became.

The ladies came to Alma's little house to find out the details of the work. a lot of workers too because Alma has never denied a glass of water or a coffee to the needy - and don't forget the bread - Pedro said he helped his wife when he could, his new neighbors didn't understand how this couple of villagers could feed everyone you came to pass.

Little time passed for Alma's house to be the meeting point for the construction, however, for the opulence that it seemed, it did not hide that it was desolate


proverb 21:20 in the house of the wise there are riches and perfumes for the fool spends all he has