09.Active Santa Claus

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

09.Active Santa Claus


After a while, the doorbell rang and Mrs. Reed came to the old Taoist's door. The old Taoist opened the door and said happily, welcome, Mrs. Reed.

Mrs. Reed said in surprise: "Oh God! Are you an "active Santa"? I've met you. You are very famous in this community.

It's my greatest honor to hear that! Said the old Taoist: Jack's acute appendicitis. I'll take him home when I see him. He's in stable condition now. You don't have to worry about it.

When Mrs. Reed came in, she saw the vertical farm of the old Taoist family. She went over and looked at Jack and knew he was OK. Jack wanted to go home soon, but the old Taoist priest was eager to show Mrs. Reed around the rest of his house.

Mrs. Reed was very interested. She asked the old Taoist why he grew vegetables at home? The old Taoist replied that he used to be a farmer, and planting vegetables was his biggest hobby.

Another point is that many of the genetically modified foods here are not labeled.

Transgenic crops not only allow pests to escape, but also harm a variety of animals. The number of butterflies has dropped to one-third, and the number of bees has dropped to half, because many bees and butterflies dare not touch the flowers of these genetically modified crops.

Therefore, the pollen of transgenic crops needs to be transmitted by wind, and the result of wind transmission is likely to pollute the weeds and make cattle and sheep eat the weeds and get sick.

This is the destruction of the entire ecosystem, so in order to refuse GM food, he chose to grow his own vegetables. If you grow more vegetables, you can give them to others.

That's why you're called "active Santa"? Said Mrs. Reed.

With a smile, the old Taoist continued to show Mrs. Reed around the indoor gymnasium, which was full of cold weapons. He hopes Jack can learn kung fu here.

Mrs. Reed didn't immediately agree. She just said that she was going to buy some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. She would take Jack home and ask for his advice when he got better.

Mrs. Reed, do you think Jack is smarter than anyone else? Said the old Taoist. Mrs. Reed looked at him questioningly.

Now is the most important stage of Jack's learning. There are too many cases of deafness caused by the side effects of drugs. Even aspirin can affect the hearing. So, it's better not to give children antibiotics. Said the old Taoist.

The old Taoist took out the mysterious coffee that had just been cooked and let Mrs. Reed taste it. He also drank it himself.

This decoction can cure Jack's appendicitis. If you want to believe me, you can let Jack stay with me and let me take care of him for a few days. If he still doesn't want to learn kung fu from me, I will give up. Said the old Taoist.

Mrs. Reed tasted the mysterious coffee. It was neither bitter nor hard to drink. It was a taste she had never tried before. Suddenly, she felt her body cool and did not know how to express it.

Are these herbs really healing? No side effects? Said Mrs. Reed.

In China, every time a child reaches puberty, parents will cook this soup for their children to drink. This soup will be with their children for life, so I've been drinking it for decades and never stopped. Said the old Taoist: If I'm right, Mrs. Reed, you have atherosclerosis! Because I saw wrinkles in your earlobe, a sign of atherosclerosis.

Mrs. Reed was a little surprised!

If you're interested, you can train with me with Jack to stop the situation from getting worse and get rid of medication, which can be done. Said the old Taoist.

The old Taoist looked at Mrs. Reed with sincere eyes. Mrs. Reed was finally moved. She said, "I can let Jack stay here until he recovers. He needs to call me every day.". If I have time, I'll come here.

You're always welcome, Mrs. Reed. Said the old Taoist.

In the picture in Jack's eyes, his aunt takes 2 kg of fresh vegetables from the old Taoist priest and says to him, "Jack, don't worry about staying here. All the police around here know Mr. Liu. You can come back when you recover. Then she went home without looking back, and he could only stay here, which was beyond his expectation.