11.Have breakfast together

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

11.Have breakfast together


The next day, Jack woke up from his dream and saw the old Taoist sitting in his bed. He couldn't help being moved. Jack felt that his body was still hot and painful, but he was much better than yesterday. He sat up.

The old Taoist priest also woke up in meditation. He saw Jack awake. He took a cup of cold boiled water for Jack to drink. Jack drank a little, and the old Taoist indicated that he should drink all the water. Jack did it. The old Taoist nodded and went to make breakfast.

After a while, the old Taoist called Jack down for breakfast. Jack came to the restaurant. He saw milk, cold vegetables and a bowl of millet porridge that he had eaten last night.

Jack thought the milk was for him, so he picked up the milk to drink. At that time, the old Taoist stopped him. He said: "You are now having a fever, do not drink milk, eat some millet porridge!" Dogo!

A husky came in from the back garden. The old Taoist took the milk bottle and poured it into the bowl for Dogo to drink. Husky drank the milk happily.

Jack asked, "Why can't I drink milk?" The old Taoist told him that the boiled milk was polypeptides, and the patient was not easy to absorb. If he is hungry, he can have some millet porridge and vegetables. If he is not hungry, he can have some millet porridge.

After breakfast, the old Taoist put the mysterious coffee in a thermos. He told Jack to drink some if he was thirsty and drink as many times as he could.

Jack asked him why he put the medicine in the thermos bottle. The old Taoist told him that the patient should not drink cold medicine soup. Of course, the medicine soup should not be too hot. It's a bad habit for westerners to drink cold drinks!

Jack didn't like to hear that. He said, " I have been fond of drinking cold drinks since I was a child." If drinking cold drinks is harmful, people will die long ago.

The old Taoist said calmly: If a child in China is ill, we will let him drink cold boiled water and let him have diarrhea. The advantage of this is that many diseases can be cured without taking medicine. Do not drink cold drinks, can reduce the risk of hepatitis and AIDS.

Jack was more angry. He said: I often drink cold drinks, and never diarrhea. Hepatitis and AIDS are infectious diseases and have nothing to do with cold drinks.

The old Taoist replied: "You haven't awakened yet, so drinking cold drinks will not cause diarrhea." You will understand it gradually in the future. You can't drink too much hot soup now. You can do anything here. If you want to go out for a walk, remember to come back for lunch.

With that, the Taoist priest picked up the milk bottle, poured the remaining 5-10 ml of milk into his hand, and then spread the milk on his face. When the milk dries naturally, rub your face with your hands.

Jack asked the Taoist priest, "What is he doing?"

The Taoist priest told him that western girls are more likely to look old than Chinese girls because they love to make up. Milk is the best skin care product. When the milk is dried, it forms a protective film to protect the skin, but it's hard to buy fresh milk in China.

With that, the old Taoist went to his farm work.