15.The Oscar trophy

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

15.The Oscar trophy


The old Taoist performed a set of tiger boxing. Suddenly, he yelled, and Jack was startled. The old Taoist then performed crane style boxing and Jeet kune do, and yelled from time to time.

The old Taoist took a rest. He and Jack had some mysterious coffee together.

The old Taoist took out a long sword. He wanted to perform the double handed sword technique. Jack can see that his sword technique is sometimes elegant like an immortal, sometimes smart like a snake. It seemed that he could cut everything off with his sword. The sword turns, as if many plum blossoms appeared in front of the body, dazzling.

When the old Taoist priest finished practicing his swordsmanship, Jack welcomed him with applause.

Jack looked around the gym and saw all kinds of cold weapons around the gym. He asked curiously: there are so many cold weapons here. Can you use them all?

The old Taoist replied: The truth of martial arts is the same, but the forms of expression are different. The more you know it, the easier it will be to attack or defend.

The old Taoist went to a strange weapon and stroked his sword gently.

Jack found the strange weapon, and he was surprised and said: what is this? Isn't this an Oscar trophy? Can this be used as a weapon?

The old Taoist nodded, and he replied: Yes, it's a weapon. It is made of copper, so we call it bronze man. Now young people like to call it a "little golden man".

Little golden man, what an interesting name! Say Jack.

In the past, Chinese people wanted their children to grow up safely and healthily. So parents give their children a name that they use only when they are young. Said the old Taoist: for example, iron eggs, hammers, iron pillars, etc. This little golden man is a symbol of love from the elder to the younger.

The old Taoist saw that Jack liked it. He picked up the little golden man and handed it to him: take this and put it on the head of your bed. It will protect you.

Really? Jack was very happy.

After dinner, the Taoist priest brought Jack a copy of the secret of Golden Flower translated by Richard Wilhelm. He said: Richard Wilhelm has translated a lot of Chinese books. If you are interested, you can go to the library to look for it.

Jack was reading the secret of Golden Flower translated by Richard Wilhelm. The old Taoist priest sat beside him with a bucket full of hot water and put his feet in the hot water.

Jack said curiously: I really can't accept why Chinese people take baths at night and only wash their feet.

There are two streams of gas in the human body. The purpose of the soaking feet is to let the clear Qi rise and the turbid gas fall. Said the old Taoist: Do you do one meaningless thing every day? Will all Chinese people do meaningless things together?

You mean there are a lot of benefits to soaking feet. Is there anything in the water? Say Jack.

There's only hot water in the bucket, and you'll love soaking feet in the future. Said the old Taoist.

At the end of the soaking feet, and he went to put Jack to sleep.

Chinese schools turn off the lights at 22:00 and curfew at 23:00. So now you're going to bed. Said the old Taoist: You are doing very well today. If you can't sleep, just think about this little golden man and have a good sleep.

Jack's body was still hot, he was really tired, and soon he fell asleep. In his sleep, he remembered the old Taoist's words, and he thought of the Oscar. He found his body hard as if it had been cast out of copper.