
The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension



After breakfast, Miss Au went to work. Before going out, she took a book to Jack. It was a note of her own about anthroposcopy. petrography needs statistics as the basis, and generally requires several years of experience.

Jack is very happy. When Miss Ou went to work, he couldn't wait to read her notes.

After reading the chapter of physiognomy, Jack finally knows what a defective person is. (PS. Defective person is the pronoun of gene defect in an English movie. It's Jack who uses it for ease of understanding. There's no such word in reality.)

Dr. Jonathan Osterman is helping his master all the time, and defects are a sign. If this goes on, there will be corresponding events! As for what will happen, it depends on statistics and our experience. Defective people are people who suffer from sub-health diseases.

For example:

There are wrinkles on the forehead. When he was young, his luck was blocked and his career started hard.

The eyebrows are near the nose. The eyebrows there do not grow along the direction of the eyebrows, but some eyebrows stand up and even spiral. In serious cases, there will be straight eyebrows.

These people are prone to emotional confusion and may have two relationships at the same time. Or because there is a third party, and destroys the original feelings. Or because of personality incompatibility, and losing feelings.

Fishtail pattern, fishtail pattern more, easy to affect the relationship between husband and wife.

(news, the United States caught a long-term child molestation prisoner, his crow's feet are thick and deep.)

A little black mole on the face has different effects according to its appearance in different parts.

It appears next to the root of the nose between the eyes. His temper is eccentric, or the object he makes friends with is eccentric to him, or it is difficult to get along with the object.

(a male movie star in China...)

It appears next to the bridge of the nose and is vulnerable to disease. (an Olympic gold medalist from China...)

Appearing above the lips, under the nose, or on the lips. The surface scenery, the reality is hard up. Other people eat steak, he can only eat vegetables. When someone buys a new one, he can only use second-hand goods. (a female movie star in China...)

(People think it's what they think, it's how they feel. In fact, it is because of such a state that we have such an idea. Studies have shown that people's subconscious mind plays a role before making decisions.)

It is actually clearly recorded in physiognomy that she will fall in love with people who have no results.

These will not happen absolutely. We must make a comprehensive judgment.

Jack recalled that he also had the experience of becoming a third party. He immediately saw a paragraph of text. The repeated misfortune is an important basis for judging. Jack woke up immediately! Similar experience appears again, no wonder oneself experienced three times and also failed to rescue Nina.

There are bone spurs and heel skin cracking, and so on.

The above is the phenomenon that the meridians are not unblocked.

(We should guide our customers to understand the rules of the game and let them learn to protect themselves. There must be suffering in life. What we can do is to reduce it. We just need to provide a plan, as long as he can follow it, and after recovery, the symptoms will naturally disappear.)

Jack read Miss AU's notes, and he felt very happy. It is because we don't understand life that we feel confused. The key to this door is Chinese culture.