40.You are back

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

40.You are back!


Jack goes back to miss AU's house. He has to finish the most important task.

Eye gaze, Enter into the state.

The state:

Nicola Tesla, a Serb American inventor, was able to visualize his invention in detail in his brain before he experimented with manufacturing. This is a technique now known as visual thinking.

Jack kept simulating in his brain how to save Nina, and finally he came up with a way.

One breath of amalgamation! Dr. Jonathan Osterman fulfilled my wish. I want to travel through time and space.

Back in time...

After school, Jack took part in sports activities. Later, he was tired. He went to an outdoor tap. He wanted to wash his hands and face.

At this point, Nina comes over and she wants to use the tap. Nina wants to fight for the faucet, but Jack doesn't give it to her. So two people fought for it.

They both press the faucet with their hands. Suddenly, a water column shoots out of Nina's fingers, and the water sprays all over Nina's body. Nina exclaimed and immediately released her hand.

Nina's shirt was wet through, and it stuck tightly to her upper body, and the beautiful curve of her body appeared in front of Jack's eyes.

Fortunately, there was no one near them, and no one in the distance noticed them.

Jack runs to find his backpack. He takes out his replacement clothes. He caught up with Nina, handed her the clothes.

At this time, Jack is surprised to find that Nina has a black Qi over her forehead, which is actually the sign of the arrival of the great devil. Damn the big devil, Jack insulted the big devil at last.

It was the first time in his life that he said dirty words. He cursed that the devil would be possessed by Satan and live in hell forever.

Jack told her that he would wait for her under the stone statue in the park, hoping that she would come.

Jack is waiting for Nina under the stone statue in the park. After a while, Nina is wearing Jack's clothes and walks slowly from the distance.

Nina walks up to Jack and she fiddles with her hair and says, "I'll clean your clothes and give them back to you.".

I love you, I think of you night and day. Please be my girlfriend! Said Jack.

Nina turns and steals a smile. But she said seriously: I am with you because you owe me something, not because I like you.

Jack comes up and hugs Nina from behind and kisses her. She doesn't refuse.

Jack's hand began to move slowly. His right hand moved up and his left hand moved down. He successfully found the two most important parts of women - the heart and abdomen.

Jack constantly passes his essential Qi to Nina's body through his hands.

Slowly, the black Qi on Nina's forehead disappeared and her face turned red. And he felt weaker and weaker, feeling his body hollowed out.

Nina became Jack's girlfriend.