
"Niel, where do you actually want to take me? Is it still far? If you don't have a goal, I should just go home with Mom," said Jenni when she found Daniel, who continued to focus on staring at the road in front of him, with his heart looking happy.

"Niel," said Jenni softly returned after not getting an answer from Daniel to her question.

Hearing Jenni was calling him twice. Finally, Daniel turned his head to look at his lover.

"You take it easy. I want to show you a place where you might like it, Jen," said Daniel cheerfully.

Indeed, Daniel and Jenni have traveled a long time. If only Daniel did not invite her to go and come home with Rose, then it is inevitable that now Jenni has relaxed in her house, comforting her body.

But if the realization were this time, of course, it wouldn't!

Daniel and Jenni are still on their way, where Jenni doesn't know where Daniel will take herself.