Having Lunch

Daniel is now in the parking lot of his lover's campus, while Alfred and Kezia are now waiting for Daniel and Jenni to come because Daniel told them to wait at the cafe first.

"Hi," Daniel whispered when he saw his lover, who jogged towards his car.

Jenni gave Daniel a big smile.

Really he liked that smile. A smile that always made him nice and warm.

"Where's Kezia? Didn't you say you were going to eat together?" asked Jenni near the window, glancing at the back seat.

"Come in first," said Daniel quietly.

Jenni nodded her head and immediately got into Daniel's car.

Just as she sat down, Jenni quickly opened her mouth to ask Daniel the same thing.

"Gosh, you just sat down, dear. Why are you so excited to meet her?" asked Daniel, who was confused by the attitude of his lover.