Second teacher

In Brathior there was calm, Charlie had already passed his first teacher. He already knew some magic, but he had to learn more. Thrachar fulfilled her duty as a teacher and let Charlie walk alone toward Buidet's house. Behind Buidet's house would be his house. Charlie could come visit her whenever he wants. In the middle of the road to Buidet's house there was a beautiful lake and Charlie was struck by the fish jumping from one place to another aimlessly. And in the middle of the lake a voice sounded. Charlie's ears were cleaned and made Charlie hear the song of the sea better. Charlie scared asks:

-Charlie: Who are you?

Suddenly a woman with a fish tail comes out of the water and sits on top of a rock. Her melodic voice brought Charlie closer:

-being water magician: Hi Charlie, my name is Meryer. I am a mermaid and I will also be your second teacher.

-Charlie: Ok. Meryer, you are beautiful.

-Meryer: Thank you very much Charlie. You are very handsome too.

Charlie blushed and with a little embarrassment asks him:

-Charlie: What are your requirements? I mean, what will you teach me?

-Meryer: My requirements are:

( ) 1. Learn Charlie to breathe underwater.

( ) 2. Learn Charlie to talk to fish or other marine life.

( ) 3. Learn to Charlie to make the most of his beauty.

( ) 4. Learn to Charlie to be invisible.

( ) 5. Learn to Charlie how to make his tears healers.

-Charlie: Wow! What a desire to learn!