Mysterious person revealed

after Ryū had done his Job for once he went over towards the mysterious person that has been watching him since he meet the Rouge Adventurers. the Mysterious female didn't know what to do as she knew that her cover was blown so she decided to reveal herself so that Ryū didn't have to drag her out from the Shadow's.

Ryū saw her body and soon her face, he was barely able to resist the urge to do things with her (naughty things) but other than that Rebecca and Hannah would be pissed off at Ryū for getting another girl so he decided to not do those things with her but also he had the Cat Girl that he had to count so they were going to pissed off at him anyway so he didn't want it to be any worse than it already was.

Ryū wanted to stay home but he couldn't because of the amount of stuff he had to do also he had to go to the Fox Clan Leader which disappointed him. the Fox Clan Leader was not that powerful but he could stand against a Commander of the Army or of the Mages in which Ryū was placed in both so he gets privileges of both factions. Ryū didn't want to waste anymore time so he said to the Elf "go to the Kingdom of Lexica and talk to Rebecca Von Silver" (yes Rebecca is a noble in the Mage faction of the Army and I won't go into the Backstories of the characters unless necessary).

Ryū after saying that ran towards the Fox Clan camp that just so happens to be not so far away. Ryū quickly arrived there and started to look for the Clan Leader and after the leader was told that Ryū was looking for him he came out from were he was to greet Ryū and said "Welcome Ryū I have heard many things about you but mostly about how you give women so much pleasure that they moan really loudly but im sorry to say that we cannot talk here" he says this as he gestures to follow him even though Ryū had no reason to follow him except for getting answers from him.

Ryū follows him into a room that looks like a Modern day conference room and the Clan Leader gestures him to sit down so they can talk. Ryū sits down and says "why did you send a Cat Girl to find information about me and why am I all of the sudden on your radar?". the Clan leader was ready for that question and said "I want you to marry my daughter which you can guess is not here right now because of what you did to her" and with that Ryū knew who the Fox Clan's Leader's daughter was (she was the Cat Girl that he fucked a few chapters ago). Ryū wasn't surprised as the previous Fox Clan leader had a Cat Girl daughter too but no one knows what happened to her some say she changed her appearance and others say that she was kidnapped and then fucked then chained up so that people can breed with her but those were just rumors that people like to spread (one of them is true and I'm gonna make it obvious in the next few chapters).

Ryū didn't know what to say except for his brain saying "GO BACK TO THE CAT GIRL YOU DUMBASS!" and Ryū only had that one thought for the next few seconds and he said "ok I will marry your daughter but I will have more than one wife as that is the customs of this world" he sounded like an idiot but it was true having more than one wife was a stance of power also it made you have more influence which Ryū didn't understand yet and the most number of women someone had was around 20 in this world but he planned on getting rid of that flaw in the system as it wasn't necessary for people to be influential and most people were stuck with one stunningly beautiful woman that didn't do whats asked of them as the husband works his ass off. Ryū planned on being the king of his own country but in order for that to happen he needed to get revenge on the person that killed him in his previous life which wasn't pleasant because a lightning bolt went right through his scales and pierced his throat which his scales are highly resistant to any magic that isn't Tier 9 and above.

Ryū had agreed to marry the Fox Clan's Leader's daughter under a condition that he will NOT be the leader of the Fox Clan so the Leader would have to produce another Heir to the throne and raise him like a common man except for the fact that he would be royalty in the eyes of many.