Chapter Fifteen: Team Avatar

Nyla stayed on the island and helped her best friend recover from the weeks prior to the attack on the Avatar. Amaruq also made his home there; he couldn't seem to part from the one person who showed kindness to him instead of chasing him down. Jinora paused the training of the young Avatar to give her time to heal from the chaotic ordeal. Asami, Bolin, and Mako had to return to their own families, but would pop in to check on things. Harmony was the only person not enjoying her current situation. She tried to bend, however she was repeatedly told to rest and ease into everything again.

Amaruq was sparring with Nyla while Harmony watched them. Rocky projectiles were thrown left and right. A sword slashed around carefully and precisely around its target. "You might want to learn hand-to-hand combat soon, Harmony. Chi blockers could stop you at any point. You've gotta be prepared for that."

Nyla pushed him to the ground, holding a boulder over his body. "Tsk, like that will ever happen. Bending is more beneficial for her to learn. She needs to master the other three elements before moving on to anything else. She can learn other unnecessary stuff later on."

"But if she can't bend, what's the point of not learning other ways to defend herself?"

"What's the point if no one will let me do anything for myself?" She stood from her seat glaring at the two. "Everyone's always telling me what to do or what not to do. I have no idea what I'm doing! I'm just.. tired."

They stared at their friend and let their gazes fall to the floor. Nyla broke the silence first. "We're sorry, Har. We all wanna keep you safe."

"Yeah. We want what's best for you." Amaruq walked over to her, taking her hand in his.

"How do you know what's best for me?" She pulled her hand away and went any direction she could go to get away from them. "I can take care of myself."

She found herself in the place where it all started; the bridge by the koi pond. She sighed heavily and heard footsteps nearing her. "What is it this time?"

"I only wanted to see how you were doing."

"I feel like crap. Oh-- Master Jinora! I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. Mind if I join you?" She stood by Harmony on the bridge. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about if you won't train me."

"We do want to train you, but we can't risk you getting hurt--"

"Hurt? I'm the Avatar. I need to master all of the elements. I'm doing nothing to help anyone by just sitting here without learning."

"Being the Avatar is more than bending the elements. You'll find your place soon enough."

"...How's Bankei doing?"

"He and his team have won plenty matches. The old firebender asked to play for them again, but he was set straight. Something about a certain Avatar wanting to take his place." She smiled.

"That's good. What about Bolin, Mako and Asami?"

"With their families. I sent them away because they weren't getting any sleep. I wanted them well rested, but they might be worrying themselves at their homes, too."

Harmony nodded and looked at the pond. "Why would they be worried? I'm fine."

"They don't want to see you hurt.." She put a hand on her shoulder.

"You know, I get that, but it doesn't feel like they.. I don't know. Care?"

"We all care about you, Harmony. You are your own person. If we lost you, we wouldn't know how to cope at all."

"Just find the next Avatar. I'm replaceable, right?" She stared at her teacher.

"Don't say that! We could never replace you." Jinora lifted her chin up and smiled. "You have no reason to think these things."

"I have plenty reason. Bolin literally called me Korra! I just want to be different. I'm not her and I'll never be her. Just forget it. " She stomped off to the dorms and into her room. She laid on her bed, sighing heavily with a pillow in her arms. A knock came to her door. "What is it now!?"

"Harmony? It's me, Bankei. Mom said you were around, so I wanted to check on you."

"Bankei, I'm so sorry. I'm just not in the best mood right now."

"She told me that too and that I shouldn't bother you."

"Well, you're one of the only people who hasn't gotten on my nerves yet today. Come in."

He chuckled, sitting on the bed next to her. "It's still early."

She smiled brightly. "Shut it. So, I heard you've been winning matches without me. And that guy is back with you guys? How's that going?"

"Great! I.. even started hanging out with Tanana more." His face lit up and flushed red.

"Alright, Mister Player. I'm glad you two are getting along." She put an arm around his shoulders. "Now all you gotta do is keep her happy and you'll be happy."

He laughed. "That's what Mom said."

"Your mom's a smart woman." She smirked and punched his arm. "Anything else new happen?"

"Not really. Just that we might go to into the championship games. No big deal." He shrugged.

"What?! That's amazing, Banks! I'm so happy for you guys."

"You were a big help. People didn't show up to our matches before, but once word spread that we had the Avatar on our team, we got some street cred."

"You're a horrible child."

"Hey, I'm not that much younger than you guys." He crossed his arms and she laughed.

"Knock knock. It's Amaruq and Nyla." A low voice cut into the conversation. "Glad to hear you laughing again, Sweet lips." Amaruq smiled and stood in front of the two.

Nyla groaned and sat on the floor. "Do you ever stop being annoying?"

"Only if you ask politely." He smirked and looked at her.

"You're an idiot."

"And you love me."

"HA! Don't be ridiculous."

"Alright guys. No need to act like children." Harmony pushed Amaruq's arm.

"Sorry, Har. Some people don't know when to stop." Nyla pointed to the guy at her side and he rolled his eyes at her.

"You both don't know when to stop." Harmony frowned at her friends bickering. "Don't you get tired of arguing all the time?"

They both shrugged and Bankei held a hand to his head. "Wow. Your friends are nothing like mine. Super weird."

"That's the life of Team Avatar!" Nyla swung her arms in the air with a bright grin on her face. Everyone stayed silent.

"What?" Harmony stared at her best friend in confusion.

"Team Avatar! We're all working together by being on your team." She smirked. "We've got Bolin." She pointed to herself. "Asami." She motioned towards Amaruq. "Tenzin or Jinora." She poked Bankei's arm. "And our Korra!" She gestured to the young woman and Harmony lowered her head. "All we need is a Mako and a Naga."

Amaruq scoffed at her. "No. I don't think so. I think I'm more of a Mako than anything.

Harmony looked down at her hands, a knot formed in her throat and her eyes felt like they were burning.

"Hey, Harmony. You ok?" He tilted his head at her. "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing! It's alright. I'm just waiting and ready to get back into training mode. I'm glad you guys are with me, though. Being alone with my thoughts isn't exactly ideal right now." She laughed nervously and scratched the back of her neck.

"Umm, ok. We're all here if you need anything. Except if it's with bending. You need to rest up, Sweet lips." He smiled brightly, taking her hand and kissing it.

Nyla rolled her eyes and grabbed her arm. "Whatever. I'm always here for you. No matter what." She stood up, pushing him to the side and pulled Harmony to her feet. She grabbed her into a tight embrace.

"Thanks, guys. You too, Banks." She sighed happily and pulled all of her friends into a hug.