Li Jing's New Friend



The strawberry blonde hair guy smiled at her response. He was very pleased that she was okay and the trauma was gone.

"That is nice then. No need to thank me. I just did what any normal person would have done to someone in distress."

"I know, still it was quite nice all the same. The whole thing happened too fast and I just… Well there was no excuse and I should have known better."

"Nah, do not blame yourself. It can happen to anyone. I just hope the big guy did not scold you so much?"

Li Jing raised her brows at his words. 'The big guy! What big guy?' Li Jing thought to herself.


It suddenly clicked in her mind and then she understood what he was talking about and a knowing smile formed on her lips as her eyes narrowed and she looked at him.

"Yeah the big guy," the strawberry blonde haired guy chipped in again, nodding his head at her.

"Oh, Ye Cheng."

"Yes, the boss."