Business Partner 2



"What!" She was definitely not expecting him to say that. What vacation was he talking about? Her grandfather never made mention of such a thing before so why now was she hearing from someone else.

Judging from her expression, Kim Fan noticed that this whole trip and business was completely strange to her.

He had at least expected for her grandfather to have briefed her a bit on the topic or just made mention of it but nothing.

"I said, be prepared for a vacation."

"Yeah, I heard but what I do not understand is for what reason?"

"I know, I understood that from the look on your face. You see, the business on grand is… We are making a big hotel like a resort of some sort. So top ensure all is done. We would need feasibility of what someone else had done and from there we make plans to improve on their lapses and create a superb one for both companies."

"Okay, I think I get you, Kim Fan."