Shopping Scandal 2: Undefeated Li Jing.



"Do you think, your family would stand?"

Fang Qiuyue could not answer but only stare at Li Jing. "That's right, the result would be unfathomable. I suggest you behave and not go around hording enemies for your family. Fen Fen, let's go. I do not want to be infected by the likes of them."

Li Jing did not bother to wait for a reply and made her way past everyone as she cat walked like a pro out of the area. "Well I am not her. She may be forgiving but you crossed the wrong girl, Ms Fang. Watch out. He who has ears, let him hear, right? Listen to her advice."

Yin Lifen too, turned around and hurried off after Li Jing so that they could pay for their goods and leave.

For some seconds, Fang Qiuyue spdud not speak or fight back, she waited for them to have gone far before she raised her chin and yelled after them.