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Li Jing spent some seconds speaking to him. Her heart clenched when she saw the deadly look in his eyes. 

No matter what happened, she did not care as long as he returned to her. Only he mattered to her at this point.

His hold on the knife tight was one thing but when he began rising to his feet slowly, Li Jing's heart flew into her mouth as she 

"Ye Cheng, please. Listen to me. I am fine."

She scanned his face in search of a sigh, proving he could hear her and wasn't far gone.

After what seemed like forever, he finally moved, his gaze flickering over her face. "Hey, love."

A soft laugh fell off her lips instantly but she still did not smile. Instead, her eyes shone with hope as she peered deeper into his.

"Ye Cheng," Li Jing called out again. "You sure you are okay?"

"Yeah. I am. I am glad you are fine."

"Then please let go of the knife. Do not murder anyone, please."